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Bitcoin Core: The Reference Implementation

People only accept money in exchange for their valuable goods and services if they believe that they’ll be able to spend that money later. Money that is counterfeit or unexpectedly debased may not be spendable later, so every person accepting bitcoins has a strong incentive to verify the integrity of the bitcoins they receive. The Bitcoin system was designed so that it’s possible for software running entirely on your local computer to perfectly prevent counterfeiting, debasement, and several other critical problems. Software which provides that function is called a full verification node because it verifies every confirmed Bitcoin transaction against every rule in the system. Full verification nodes, full nodes for short, may also provide tools and data for understanding how Bitcoin works and what is currently happening in the network.

In this chapter, we’ll install Bitcoin Core, the implementation that most full node operators have used since the beginning of the Bitcoin network. We’ll then inspect blocks, transactions, and other data from your node, data which is authoritative—​not because some powerful entity designated it as such but because your node independently verified it. Throughout the rest of this book, we’ll continue using Bitcoin Core to create and examine data related to the blockchain and network.

From Bitcoin to Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin is an open source project and the source code is available under an open (MIT) license, free to download and use for any purpose. More than just being open source, Bitcoin is developed by an open community of volunteers. At first, that community consisted of only Satoshi Nakamoto. By 2023, Bitcoin’s source code had more than 1,000 contributors with about a dozen developers working on the code almost full time and several dozen more on a part-time basis. Anyone can contribute to the code—including you!

When Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, the software was mostly completed before publication of the whitepaper (reproduced in [satoshi_whitepaper]). Satoshi wanted to make sure the implementation worked before publishing a paper about it. That first implementation, then simply known as "Bitcoin," has been heavily modified and improved. It has evolved into what is known as Bitcoin Core, to differentiate it from other implementations. Bitcoin Core is the reference implementation of the Bitcoin system, meaning that it provides a reference for how each part of the technology should be implemented. Bitcoin Core implements all aspects of Bitcoin, including wallets, a transaction and block validation engine, tools for block construction, and all modern parts of Bitcoin peer-to-peer communication.

Bitcoin Core architecture (Source: Eric Lombrozo). shows the architecture of Bitcoin Core.

Bitcoin Core Architecture
Figure 1. Bitcoin Core architecture (Source: Eric Lombrozo).

Although Bitcoin Core serves as a reference implementation for many major parts of the system, the Bitcoin whitepaper describes several early parts of the system. Most major parts of the system since 2011 have been documented in a set of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs). Throughout this book, we refer to BIP specifications by their number; for example, BIP9 describes a mechanism used for several major upgrades to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Development Environment

If you’re a developer, you will want to set up a development environment with all the tools, libraries, and support software for writing Bitcoin applications. In this highly technical chapter, we’ll walk through that process step by step. If the material becomes too dense (and you’re not actually setting up a development environment) feel free to skip to the next chapter, which is less technical.

Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code

Bitcoin Core’s source code can be downloaded as an archive or by cloning the source repository from GitHub. On the Bitcoin Core download page, select the most recent version and download the compressed archive of the source code. Alternatively, use the Git command line to create a local copy of the source code from the GitHub Bitcoin page.


In many of the examples in this chapter, we will be using the operating system’s command-line interface (also known as a "shell"), accessed via a "terminal" application. The shell will display a prompt, you type a command, and the shell responds with some text and a new prompt for your next command. The prompt may look different on your system, but in the following examples, it is denoted by a $ symbol. In the examples, when you see text after a $ symbol, don’t type the $ symbol but type the command immediately following it, then press Enter to execute the command. In the examples, the lines below each command are the operating system’s responses to that command. When you see the next $ prefix, you’ll know it’s a new command and you should repeat the process.

Here, we use the git command to create a local copy ("clone") of the source code:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'bitcoin'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 245912, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 245912 (delta 1), reused 2 (delta 1), pack-reused 245909
Receiving objects: 100% (245912/245912), 217.74 MiB | 13.05 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (175649/175649), done.

Git is the most widely used distributed version control system, an essential part of any software developer’s toolkit. You may need to install the git command, or a graphical user interface for Git, on your operating system if you do not have it already.

When the Git cloning operation has completed, you will have a complete local copy of the source code repository in the directory bitcoin. Change to this directory using the cd command:

$ cd bitcoin

Selecting a Bitcoin Core Release

By default, the local copy will be synchronized with the most recent code, which might be an unstable or beta version of Bitcoin. Before compiling the code, select a specific version by checking out a release tag. This will synchronize the local copy with a specific snapshot of the code repository identified by a keyword tag. Tags are used by the developers to mark specific releases of the code by version number. First, to find the available tags, we use the git tag command:

$ git tag

The list of tags shows all the released versions of Bitcoin. By convention, release candidates, which are intended for testing, have the suffix "rc." Stable releases that can be run on production systems have no suffix. From the preceding list, select the highest version release, which at the time of writing was v24.0.1. To synchronize the local code with this version, use the git checkout command:

$ git checkout v24.0.1
Note: switching to 'v24.0.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

HEAD is now at b3f866a8d Merge bitcoin/bitcoin#26647: 24.0.1 final changes

You can confirm you have the desired version "checked out" by issuing the command git status:

HEAD detached at v24.0.1
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Configuring the Bitcoin Core Build

The source code includes documentation, which can be found in a number of files. Review the main documentation located in in the bitcoin directory. In this chapter, we will build the Bitcoin Core daemon (server), also known as bitcoind on Linux (a Unix-like system). Review the instructions for compiling the bitcoind command-line client on your platform by reading doc/ Alternative instructions can be found in the doc directory; for example, for Windows instructions. As of this writing, instructions are available for Android, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, macOS (OSX), Unix, and Windows.

Carefully review the build prerequisites, which are in the first part of the build documentation. These are libraries that must be present on your system before you can begin to compile Bitcoin. If these prerequisites are missing, the build process will fail with an error. If this happens because you missed a prerequisite, you can install it and then resume the build process from where you left off. Assuming the prerequisites are installed, you start the build process by generating a set of build scripts using the script:

$ ./
libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, 'build-aux'.
libtoolize: copying file 'build-aux/'
libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS, 'build-aux/m4'.
 ... installing 'build-aux/missing'
src/ installing 'build-aux/depcomp'
parallel-tests: installing 'build-aux/test-driver'

The script creates a set of automatic configuration scripts that will interrogate your system to discover the correct settings and ensure you have all the necessary libraries to compile the code. The most important of these is the configure script that offers a number of different options to customize the build process. Use the --help flag to see the various options:

$ ./configure --help
`configure' configures Bitcoin Core 24.0.1 to adapt to many kinds of systems.

Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...

Optional Features:
  --disable-option-checking  ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
  --disable-FEATURE       do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
  --enable-FEATURE[=ARG]  include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
  --enable-silent-rules   less verbose build output (undo: "make V=1")
  --disable-silent-rules  verbose build output (undo: "make V=0")

The configure script allows you to enable or disable certain features of bitcoind through the use of the --enable-FEATURE and --disable-FEATURE flags, where FEATURE is replaced by the feature name, as listed in the help output. In this chapter, we will build the bitcoind client with all the default features. We won’t be using the configuration flags, but you should review them to understand what optional features are part of the client. If you are in an academic setting, computer lab restrictions may require you to install applications in your home directory (e.g., using --prefix=$HOME).

Here are some useful options that override the default behavior of the configure script:


This overrides the default installation location (which is /usr/local/) for the resulting executable. Use $HOME to put everything in your home directory, or a different path.


This is used to disable the reference wallet implementation.


If you are building a wallet, allow the use of an incompatible version of the Berkeley DB library.


Don't build the graphical user interface, which requires the Qt library. This builds server and command-line Bitcoin Core only.

Next, run the configure script to automatically discover all the necessary libraries and create a customized build script for your system:

$ ./configure
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
[many pages of configuration tests follow]

If all went well, the configure command will end by creating the customized build scripts that will allow us to compile bitcoind. If there are any missing libraries or errors, the configure command will terminate with an error instead of creating the build scripts. If an error occurs, it is most likely because of a missing or incompatible library. Review the build documentation again and make sure you install the missing prerequisites. Then run configure again and see if that fixes the error.

Building the Bitcoin Core Executables

Next, you will compile the source code, a process that can take up to an hour to complete, depending on the speed of your CPU and available memory. If an error occurs, or the compilation process is interrupted, it can be resumed any time by typing make again. Type make to start compiling the executable application:

$ make
Making all in src
  CXX      bitcoind-bitcoind.o
  CXX      libbitcoin_node_a-addrdb.o
  CXX      libbitcoin_node_a-addrman.o
  CXX      libbitcoin_node_a-banman.o
  CXX      libbitcoin_node_a-blockencodings.o
  CXX      libbitcoin_node_a-blockfilter.o
[... many more compilation messages follow ...]

On a fast system with more than one CPU, you might want to set the number of parallel compile jobs. For instance, make -j 2 will use two cores if they are available. If all goes well, Bitcoin Core is now compiled. You should run the unit test suite with make check to ensure the linked libraries are not broken in obvious ways. The final step is to install the various executables on your system using the make install command. You may be prompted for your user password because this step requires administrative privileges:

$ make check && sudo make install
Making install in src
 ../build-aux/install-sh -c -d '/usr/local/lib'
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c bitcoind /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c bitcoin-cli /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli
libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c bitcoin-tx /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-tx

The default installation of bitcoind puts it in /usr/local/bin. You can confirm that Bitcoin Core is correctly installed by asking the system for the path of the executables, as follows:

$ which bitcoind

$ which bitcoin-cli

Running a Bitcoin Core Node

Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer network is composed of network "nodes," run mostly by individuals and some of the businesses that provide Bitcoin services. Those running Bitcoin nodes have a direct and authoritative view of the Bitcoin blockchain, with a local copy of all the spendable bitcoins independently validated by their own system. By running a node, you don’t have to rely on any third party to validate a transaction. Additionally, by using a Bitcoin node to fully validate the transactions you receive to your wallet, you contribute to the Bitcoin network and help make it more robust.

Running a node, however, requires downloading and processing over 500 GB of data initially and about 400 MB of Bitcoin transactions per day. These figures are for 2023 and will likely increase over time. If you shut down your node or get disconnected from the internet for several days, your node will need to download the data that it missed. For example, if you close Bitcoin Core for 10 days, you will need to download approximately 4 GB the next time you start it.

Depending on whether you choose to index all transactions and keep a full copy of the blockchain, you may also need a lot of disk space—​at least 1 TB if you plan to run Bitcoin Core for several years. By default, Bitcoin nodes also transmit transactions and blocks to other nodes (called "peers"), consuming upload internet bandwidth. If your internet connection is limited, has a low data cap, or is metered (charged by the gigabit), you should probably not run a Bitcoin node on it, or run it in a way that constrains its bandwidth (see Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node). You may connect your node instead to an alternative network, such as a free satellite data provider like Blockstream Satellite.


Bitcoin Core keeps a full copy of the blockchain by default, with nearly every transaction that has ever been confirmed on the Bitcoin network since its inception in 2009. This dataset is hundreds of gigabytes in size and is downloaded incrementally over several hours or days, depending on the speed of your CPU and internet connection. Bitcoin Core will not be able to process transactions or update account balances until the full blockchain dataset is downloaded. Make sure you have enough disk space, bandwidth, and time to complete the initial synchronization. You can configure Bitcoin Core to reduce the size of the blockchain by discarding old blocks, but it will still download the entire dataset.

Despite these resource requirements, thousands of people run Bitcoin nodes. Some are running on systems as simple as a Raspberry Pi (a $35 USD computer the size of a pack of cards).

Why would you want to run a node? Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • You do not want to rely on any third party to validate the transactions you receive.

  • You do not want to disclose to third parties which transactions belong to your wallet.

  • You are developing Bitcoin software and need to rely on a Bitcoin node for programmable (API) access to the network and blockchain.

  • You are building applications that must validate transactions according to Bitcoin’s consensus rules. Typically, Bitcoin software companies run several nodes.

  • You want to support Bitcoin. Running a node that you use to validate the transactions you receive to your wallet makes the network more robust.

If you’re reading this book and interested in strong security, superior privacy, or developing Bitcoin software, you should be running your own node.

Configuring the Bitcoin Core Node

Bitcoin Core will look for a configuration file in its data directory on every start. In this section we will examine the various configuration options and set up a configuration file. To locate the configuration file, run bitcoind -printtoconsole in your terminal and look for the first couple of lines:

$ bitcoind -printtoconsole
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Bitcoin Core version v24.0.1
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Using the 'x86_shani(1way,2way)' SHA256 implementation
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Using RdSeed as an additional entropy source
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Default data directory /home/harding/.bitcoin
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Using data directory /home/harding/.bitcoin
2023-01-28T03:21:42Z Config file: /home/harding/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
[a lot more debug output]

You can hit Ctrl-C to shut down the node once you determine the location of the config file. Usually the configuration file is inside the .bitcoin data directory under your user’s home directory. Open the configuration file in your preferred editor.

Bitcoin Core offers more than 100 configuration options that modify the behavior of the network node, the storage of the blockchain, and many other aspects of its operation. To see a listing of these options, run bitcoind --help:

$ bitcoind --help
Bitcoin Core version v24.0.1

Usage:  bitcoind [options]                     Start Bitcoin Core


       Print this help message and exit

       Execute command when an alert is raised (%s in cmd is replaced by
[many more options]

Here are some of the most important options that you can set in the configuration file, or as command-line parameters to bitcoind:


Run a specified command or script to send emergency alerts to the owner of this node.


An alternative location for the configuration file. This only makes sense as a command-line parameter to bitcoind, as it can’t be inside the configuration file it refers to.


Select the directory and filesystem in which to put all the blockchain data. By default this is the .bitcoin subdirectory of your home directory. Depending on your configuration, this can use from about 10 GB to almost 1 TB as of this writing, with the maximum size expected to increase by several hundred gigabytes per year.


Reduce the blockchain disk space requirements to this many megabytes by deleting old blocks. Use this on a resource-constrained node that can’t fit the full blockchain. Other parts of the system will use other disk space that can’t currently be pruned, so you will still need at least the minimum amount of space mentioned in the datadir option.


Maintain an index of all transactions. This allows you to programmatically retrieve any transaction by its ID provided that the block containing that transaction hasn’t been pruned.


The size of the UTXO cache. The default is 450 mebibytes (MiB). Increase this size on high-end hardware to read and write from your disk less often, or reduce the size on low-end hardware to save memory at the expense of using your disk more frequently.


Minimize your bandwidth usage by only accepting blocks of confirmed transactions from your peers instead of relaying unconfirmed transactions.


Limit the transaction memory pool to this many megabytes. Use it to reduce memory use on memory-constrained nodes.

Transaction Database Index and txindex Option

By default, Bitcoin Core builds a database containing only the transactions related to the user’s wallet. If you want to be able to access any transaction with commands like getrawtransaction (see Exploring and Decoding Transactions), you need to configure Bitcoin Core to build a complete transaction index, which can be achieved with the txindex option. Set txindex=1 in the Bitcoin Core configuration file. If you don’t set this option at first and later set it to full indexing, you need to wait for it to rebuild the index.

Sample configuration of a full-index node shows how you might combine the preceding options with a fully indexed node, running as an API backend for a bitcoin application.

Example 1. Sample configuration of a full-index node "Alert: %s"

Sample configuration of a resource-constrained system shows a resource-constrained node running on a smaller server.

Example 2. Sample configuration of a resource-constrained system "Alert: %s"

After you’ve edited the configuration file and set the options that best represent your needs, you can test bitcoind with this configuration. Run Bitcoin Core with the option printtoconsole to run in the foreground with output to the console:

$ bitcoind -printtoconsole
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Bitcoin Core version v24.0.1
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using the 'x86_shani(1way,2way)' SHA256 implementation
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using RdSeed as an additional entropy source
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using RdRand as an additional entropy source
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Default data directory /home/harding/.bitcoin
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using data directory /lotsofspace/bitcoin
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Config file: /home/harding/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Config file arg: [main] blockfilterindex="1"
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Config file arg: [main] maxuploadtarget="1000"
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Config file arg: [main] txindex="1"
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Setting file arg: wallet = ["msig0"]
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Command-line arg: printtoconsole=""
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using at most 125 automatic connections
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using 16 MiB out of 16 MiB requested for signature cache
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using 16 MiB out of 16 MiB requested for script execution
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Script verification uses 3 additional threads
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z scheduler thread start
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z [http] creating work queue of depth 16
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using random cookie authentication.
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Generated RPC cookie /lotsofspace/bitcoin/.cookie
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z [http] starting 4 worker threads
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using wallet directory /lotsofspace/bitcoin/wallets
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z init message: Verifying wallet(s)…
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using /16 prefix for IP bucketing
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z init message: Loading P2P addresses…
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Loaded 63866 addresses from peers.dat  114ms
[... more startup messages ...]

You can hit Ctrl-C to interrupt the process once you are satisfied that it is loading the correct settings and running as you expect.

To run Bitcoin Core in the background as a process, start it with the daemon option, as bitcoind -daemon.

To monitor the progress and runtime status of your Bitcoin node, start it in daemon mode and then use the command bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo:

$ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
  "chain": "main",
  "blocks": 0,
  "headers": 83999,
  "bestblockhash": "[...]19d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f",
  "difficulty": 1,
  "time": 1673379796,
  "mediantime": 1231006505,
  "verificationprogress": 3.783041623201835e-09,
  "initialblockdownload": true,
  "chainwork": "[...]000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100010001",
  "size_on_disk": 89087,
  "pruned": false,
  "warnings": ""

This shows a node with a blockchain height of 0 blocks and 83,999 headers. The node first fetches the block headers from its peers in order to find the blockchain with the most proof of work and afterward continues to download the full blocks, validating them as it goes.

Once you are happy with the configuration options you have selected, you should add Bitcoin Core to the startup scripts in your operating system, so that it runs continuously and restarts when the operating system restarts. You will find a number of example startup scripts for various operating systems in Bitcoin Core’s source directory under contrib/init and a file showing which system uses which script.

Bitcoin Core API

Bitcoin Core implements a JSON-RPC interface that can also be accessed using the command-line helper bitcoin-cli. The command line allows us to experiment interactively with the capabilities that are also available programmatically via the API. To start, invoke the help command to see a list of the available Bitcoin Core RPC commands:

$ bitcoin-cli help
+== Blockchain ==
getblock "blockhash" ( verbosity )
walletpassphrase "passphrase" timeout
walletpassphrasechange "oldpassphrase" "newpassphrase"
walletprocesspsbt "psbt" ( sign "sighashtype" bip32derivs finalize )

Each of these commands may take a number of parameters. To get additional help, a detailed description, and information on the parameters, add the command name after help. For example, to see help on the getblockhash RPC command:

$ bitcoin-cli help getblockhash
getblockhash height

Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.

1. height    (numeric, required) The height index

"hex"    (string) The block hash

> bitcoin-cli getblockhash 1000
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest",
  "method": "getblockhash",
  "params": [1000]}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

At the end of the help information you will see two examples of the RPC command, using the bitcoin-cli helper or the HTTP client curl. These examples demonstrate how you might call the command. Copy the first example and see the result:

$ bitcoin-cli getblockhash 1000

The result is a block hash, which is described in more detail in the following chapters. But for now, this command should return the same result on your system, demonstrating that your Bitcoin Core node is running, is accepting commands, and has information about block 1,000 to return to you.

In the next sections we will demonstrate some very useful RPC commands and their expected output.

Getting Information on Bitcoin Core’s Status

Bitcoin Core provides status reports on different modules through the JSON-RPC interface. The most important commands include getblockchaininfo, getmempoo&#x2060;l&#x200b;info, getnetworkinfo, and getwalletinfo.

Bitcoin’s getblockchaininfo RPC command was introduced earlier. The getnetwor&#x2060;k&#x200b;info command displays basic information about the status of the Bitcoin network node. Use bitcoin-cli to run it:

$ bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
  "version": 240001,
  "subversion": "/Satoshi:24.0.1/",
  "protocolversion": 70016,
  "localservices": "0000000000000409",
  "localservicesnames": [
  "localrelay": true,
  "timeoffset": -1,
  "networkactive": true,
  "connections": 10,
  "connections_in": 0,
  "connections_out": 10,
  "networks": [
    "...detailed information about all networks..."
  "relayfee": 0.00001000,
  "incrementalfee": 0.00001000,
  "localaddresses": [
  "warnings": ""

The data is returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a format that can easily be "consumed" by all programming languages but is also quite human-readable. Among this data we see the version numbers for the Bitcoin Core software and Bitcoin protocol. We see the current number of connections and various information about the Bitcoin network and the settings related to this node.


It will take some time, perhaps more than a day, for bitcoind to catch up to the current blockchain height as it downloads blocks from other Bitcoin nodes and validates every transaction in those blocks—​almost a billion transactions as of this writing. You can check its progress using getblockchaininfo to see the number of known blocks. The examples in the rest of this chapter assume you’re at least at block 775,072. Because the security of Bitcoin transactions depends on blocks, some of the information in the following examples will change slightly depending on how many blocks your node has.

Exploring and Decoding Transactions

In [spending_bitcoin], Alice made a purchase from Bob’s store. Her transaction was recorded on the blockchain. Let’s use the API to retrieve and examine that transaction by passing the transaction ID (txid) as a parameter:

Alice’s serialized transaction
$ bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction 466200308696215bbc949d5141a49a41\


A transaction ID (txid) is not authoritative. Absence of a txid in the blockchain does not mean the transaction was not processed. This is known as "transaction malleability," because transactions can be modified prior to confirmation in a block, changing their txids. After a transaction is included in a block, its txid cannot change unless there is a blockchain reorganization where that block is removed from the best blockchain. Reorganizations are rare after a transaction has several confirmations.

The command getrawtransaction returns a serialized transaction in hexadecimal notation. To decode that, we use the decoderawtransaction command, passing the hex data as a parameter. You can copy the hex returned by getrawtransaction and paste it as a parameter to decoderawtransaction:

$ bitcoin-cli decoderawtransaction 01000000000101eb3ae38f27191aa5f3850dc9cad0\
  "txid": "466200308696215bbc949d5141a49a4138ecdfdfaa2a8029c1f9bcecd1f96177",
  "hash": "f7cdbc7cf8b910d35cc69962e791138624e4eae7901010a6da4c02e7d238cdac",
  "version": 1,
  "size": 194,
  "vsize": 143,
  "weight": 569,
  "locktime": 0,
  "vin": [
      "txid": "4ac541802679866935a19d4f40728bb89204d0cac90d85f3a51a19...aeb",
      "vout": 1,
      "scriptSig": {
        "asm": "",
        "hex": ""
      "txinwitness": [
      "sequence": 4294967295
  "vout": [
      "value": 0.00020000,
      "n": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "1 3b41daba4c9ace578369740f15e5ec880c28279ee7f51b07dca...068",
        "desc": "rawtr(3b41daba4c9ace578369740f15e5ec880c28279ee7f51b...6ev",
        "hex": "51203b41daba4c9ace578369740f15e5ec880c28279ee7f51b07d...068",
        "address": "bc1p8dqa4wjvnt890qmfws83te0v3qxzsfu7ul63kp7u56w8q...5qn",
        "type": "witness_v1_taproot"
      "value": 0.00075000,
      "n": 1,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "0 7752c165ea7be772b2c0acb7f4d6047ae6f4768e",
        "desc": "addr(bc1qwafvze0200nh9vkq4jmlf4sy0tn0ga5w0zpkpg)#qq404gts",
        "hex": "00147752c165ea7be772b2c0acb7f4d6047ae6f4768e",
        "address": "bc1qwafvze0200nh9vkq4jmlf4sy0tn0ga5w0zpkpg",
        "type": "witness_v0_keyhash"

The transaction decode shows all the components of this transaction, including the transaction inputs and outputs. In this case we see that the transaction used one input and generated two outputs. The input to this transaction was the output from a previously confirmed transaction (shown as the input txid). The two outputs correspond to the payment to Bob and the change back to Alice.

We can further explore the blockchain by examining the previous transaction referenced by its txid in this transaction using the same commands (e.g., getrawtransaction). Jumping from transaction to transaction, we can follow a chain of transactions back as the coins are transmitted from one owner to the next.

Exploring Blocks

Exploring blocks is similar to exploring transactions. However, blocks can be referenced either by the block height or by the block hash. First, let’s find a block by its height. We use the getblockhash command, which takes the block height as the parameter and returns the block header hash for that block:

$ bitcoin-cli getblockhash 123456

Now that we know the header hash for our chosen block, we can query that block. We use the getblock command with the block hash as the parameter:

$ bitcoin-cli getblock 0000000000002917ed80650c6174aac8dfc46f5fe36480aaef682f\
  "hash": "0000000000002917ed80650c6174aac8dfc46f5fe36480aaef682ff6cd83c3ca",
  "confirmations": 651742,
  "height": 123456,
  "version": 1,
  "versionHex": "00000001",
  "merkleroot": "0e60651a9934e8f0decd1c[...]48fca0cd1c84a21ddfde95033762d86c",
  "time": 1305200806,
  "mediantime": 1305197900,
  "nonce": 2436437219,
  "bits": "1a6a93b3",
  "difficulty": 157416.4018436489,
  "chainwork": "[...]00000000000000000000000000000000000000541788211ac227bc",
  "nTx": 13,
  "previousblockhash": "[...]60bc96a44724fd72daf9b92cf8ad00510b5224c6253ac40095",
  "nextblockhash": "[...]00129f5f02be247070bf7334d3753e4ddee502780c2acaecec6d66",
  "strippedsize": 4179,
  "size": 4179,
  "weight": 16716,
  "tx": [

The confirmations entry tells us the depth of this block—​how many blocks have been built on top of it, indicating the difficulty of changing any of the transactions in this block. The height tells us how many blocks preceeded this block. We see the block’s version, the time it was created (according to its miner), the median time of the 11 blocks that precede this block (a time measurement that’s harder for miners to manipulate), and the size of the block in three different measurements (its legacy stripped size, its full size, and its size in weight units). We also see some fields used for security and proof of work (merkle root, nonce, bits, difficulty, and chainwork); we’ll examine those in detail in [mining].

Using Bitcoin Core’s Programmatic Interface

The bitcoin-cli helper is very useful for exploring the Bitcoin Core API and testing functions. But the whole point of an API is to access functions programmatically. In this section we will demonstrate accessing Bitcoin Core from another program.

Bitcoin Core’s API is a JSON-RPC interface. JSON is a very convenient way to present data that both humans and programs can easily read. RPC stands for remote procedure call, which means that we are calling procedures (functions) that are remote (on the Bitcoin Core node) via a network protocol. In this case, the network protocol is HTTP.

When we used the bitcoin-cli command to get help on a command, it showed us an example of using curl, the versatile command-line HTTP client to construct one of these JSON-RPC calls:

$ curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest",
  "method": "getblockchaininfo",
  "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

This command shows that curl submits an HTTP request to the local host (, connecting to the default Bitcoin RPC port (8332), and submitting a jsonrpc request for the getblockchaininfo method using text/plain encoding.

You might notice that curl will ask for credentials to be sent along with the request. Bitcoin Core will create a random password on each start and place it in the data directory under the name .cookie. The bitcoin-cli helper can read this password file given the data directory. Similarly, you can copy the password and pass it to curl (or any higher-level Bitcoin Core RPC wrappers), as seen in Using cookie-based authentication with Bitcoin Core.

Alternatively, you can create a static password with the helper script provided in ./share/rpcauth/ in Bitcoin Core’s source directory.

If you’re implementing a JSON-RPC call in your own program, you can use a generic HTTP library to construct the call, similar to what is shown in the preceding curl example.

However, there are libraries in most popular programming languages that "wrap" the Bitcoin Core API in a way that makes this a lot simpler. We will use the python-bitcoinlib library to simplify API access. This library is not part of the Bitcoin Core project and needs to be installed the usual way you install Python libraries. Remember, this requires you to have a running Bitcoin Core instance, which will be used to make JSON-RPC calls.

The Python script in Running getblockchaininfo via Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API makes a simple getblockchaininfo call and prints the block parameter from the data returned by Bitcoin Core.

Example 4. Running getblockchaininfo via Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API

Running it gives us the following result:

$ python

It tells us how many blocks our local Bitcoin Core node has in its blockchain. Not a spectacular result, but it demonstrates the basic use of the library as a simplified interface to Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API.

Next, let’s use the getrawtransaction and decodetransaction calls to retrieve the details of Alice’s payment to Bob. In Retrieving a transaction and iterating its outputs, we retrieve Alice’s transaction and list the transaction’s outputs. For each output, we show the recipient address and value. As a reminder, Alice’s transaction had one output paying Bob and one output for change back to Alice.

Example 5. Retrieving a transaction and iterating its outputs

Running this code, we get:

$ python
bc1p8dqa4wjvnt890qmfws83te0v3qxzsfu7ul63kp7u56w8qc0qwp5qv995qn 0.00020000
bc1qwafvze0200nh9vkq4jmlf4sy0tn0ga5w0zpkpg 0.00075000

Both of the preceding examples are rather simple. You don’t really need a program to run them; you could just as easily use the bitcoin-cli helper. The next example, however, requires several hundred RPC calls and more clearly demonstrates the use of a programmatic interface.

In Retrieving a block and adding all the transaction outputs, we first retrieve a block, then retrieve each of the transactions within it by reference to each transaction ID. Next, we iterate through each of the transaction’s outputs and add up the value.

Example 6. Retrieving a block and adding all the transaction outputs

Running this code, we get:

$ python

Total value in block:  10322.07722534

Our example code calculates that the total value transacted in this block is 10,322.07722534 BTC (including 25 BTC reward and 0.0909 BTC in fees). Compare that to the amount reported by a block explorer site by searching for the block hash or height. Some block explorers report the total value excluding the reward and excluding the fees. See if you can spot the difference.

Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits

There are many alternative clients, libraries, toolkits, and even full-node implementations in the Bitcoin ecosystem. These are implemented in a variety of programming languages, offering programmers native interfaces in their preferred language.

The following sections list some of the best libraries, clients, and toolkits, organized by programming languages.


Bitcoin Core

The reference implementation of Bitcoin



A modular and scalable full-node implementation with API


Full node, API, and library by Bitpay


A pure JavaScript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers



A Java full-node client library



A Python bitcoin library, consensus library, and node by Peter Todd


A Python bitcoin library by Richard Kiss



A Go language, full-node Bitcoin client



Rust bitcoin library for serialization, parsing, and API calls



A Bitcoin implementation in Scala



Comprehensive bitcoin library for the .NET framework

Many more libraries exist in a variety of other programming languages, and more are created all the time.

If you followed the instructions in this chapter, you now have Bitcoin Core running and have begun exploring the network and blockchain using your own full node. From now on you can independently use software you control—on a computer you control—to verify that any bitcoins you receive follow every rule in the Bitcoin system without having to trust any outside authority. In the coming chapters, we’ll learn more about the rules of the system and how your node and your wallet use them to secure your money, protect your privacy, and make spending and receiving convenient.