LazyLounger; your comfort, our cuisine!
This project started from following this tutorial and adjusted/changed and hacked into a the version you're now looking at.
- Fix layout issues on android
- Fix Storybook and add toggle behind profile icon
- Update @storybook/react-native & tailwindcss when possible
- Replace gap styling and hardcoded hex colors when NativeWind V4 releases: nativewind/nativewind#464 (E.g.: Categories & Restaurants (handle padding from outside))
- Replace Header preferences with data from global state manager
- Move hardcoded text to translations
- Decide on how to tackle 'Functional components cannot be given refs'
- Remove unused dependencies
- Replace deprecated ParallaxScrollView
- Split pages up in more reusable components
- Fetch data from mock api
- Fix categories in horizontal ScrollView