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var desc
String of length $n$ String to rearrange

A palindrome is a word which reads the same forwards and backwards, e. g. "RACECAR".

As an input we get a String which we have to rearrange to a palindrome. If it is not possible the output should be NO SOLUTION.

Even occurrences of characters

If we observe the palindrome "AABBCC" we can rearrange it to read "ABCCBA". This is because the occurrence of each character is even. So in this case:

char occurrences
A 2
B 2
C 2

Uneven occurrences of characters

If we take for example "AABBC". This string can be rearranged to a palindrome like this: "ABCBA".

char occurrences
A 2
B 2
C 1

The same goes for "AABBCCC". The palindrome would be "ABCCCBA".

So if we have a character which has uneven occurrences in the string we can still create a palindrome by putting the uneven character(s) in the middle of the string.

If we had more characters with uneven occurrences in the string like "AABBBC" it would be impossible to create a palindrome.

char occurrences
A 2
B 3
C 1

This is because we can only put one type of character with uneven occurrences in the middle.

Mapping occurrences of characters

The first step is to create a HashMap which has key, value entries. The key should be the character and the value should be its occurrence. If we again take the first example "AABBC", then the map will hold these entries:

    "A": 2,
    "B": 2,
    "C": 1

Check if more than one character has uneven occurrences

We have concluded that there can at most be one type of character with uneven occurrences in the string. So we have to check that there are not more than one single entry in the HashMap with an uneven number as value.

Creating the palindrome

First we create two variables, even and odd, both of type String. Then we traverse over the HashMap we have created. First, we need to check if the entry holds a value which is uneven. If it does, we know that the character(s) must be placed in the middle of the palindrome. So we have to append to the odd string the character (key of HashMap) $n$ times where $n$ is the number of occurrences in the input string (value of HashMap).

If the entry holds an even value we append to even. But this time we only append half the number of occurrences. Meaning the value of HashMap divided by 2. This is because a palindrome is symmetrical. So we have to only do one half and for the second half we just mirror what we have in the first half.

For example, let's say we have a palindrome "AABBBCCCC". We get this HashMap:

    "A": 2,
    "B": 3,
    "C": 4

1. Iteration:

Entry: { "A": 2 }

We append to even "A". Because $2 \div 2 = 1$. So even holds "A".

2. Iteration:

Entry: { "B": 1 }

We append to odd "B". Because the value is odd we don't need to divide by 2. So odd hols "B".

3. Iteration:

Entry: { "C": 4 }

We append to even "CC". Because $4 \div 2 = 2$. So even holds "ACC".

Then we have to join the strings.

So even holds "ACC" and odd holds "B". When we join these two string together we get "ACCB". We have the first part! Now all we need to do is to take even, reverse it, and then append it to the string. So even reversed would be "CCA". When we join it with the string we get "ACCBCCA". A palindrome!


In Rust 🦀 code:

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let inp = std::io::read_to_string(std::io::stdin()).unwrap();

    let map = inp.trim().chars().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut map, c| {
            .and_modify(|n| *n += 1)

    if map.values().filter(|&e| *e % 2 != 0).count() > 1 {
        println!("NO SOLUTION");

    let (mut even, mut odd) = (String::new(), String::new());

    for (ch, cnt) in map {
        if cnt % 2 != 0 { odd.push_str(&ch.repeat(cnt)); }
        else { even.push_str(&ch.repeat(cnt / 2)); }
    println!("{}{}{}", even, odd, even.chars().rev().collect::<String>());