This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
- Contacted the maintainers of affected package(s) >= 2 weeks ago.
0 errors | 0 warnings | 3 note
- checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [29s] NOTE
Maintainer: 'Yishan Mai <>'
New maintainer:
Yishan Mai <>
Old maintainer(s):
Joses W. Ho <>
CRAN repository db overrides:
License_is_FOSS: yes
Changing of maintainer.
- checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:
As noted in R-hub issue #560, this seems to be an Rhub issue and so can likely be ignored.
- checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:
As noted in R-hub issue #503, this could be due to a bug/crash in MiKTeX and can likely be ignored.
We checked 1 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
- We saw 0 new problems
- We failed to check 1 packages
Issues with CRAN packages are summarised below.
- permubiome (NA)
Maintainers of affected package(s) above have been informed for >= 2 weeks ago. No further changes to be made.