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ROS driver and menu system for Crystalfontz CFA-635 display with onboard keypad

Package installation

  • Clone the package into your catkin workspace
  • Compile the package with
  • Enter the directory of the ros-crystalfontz package and execute
sudo ./bash/

The last step creates a udev rule that assigns a predefined name (namely, "crystalfontz") to the CFA-635 every time it is connected to the machine. Precisely, the script creates a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/99-crystalfontz.rules containing

SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="fc0d", SYMLINK+="crystalfontz", MODE="0666"

Package contents

ros-crystalfontz is a software package for ROS ( developed by the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab of Politecnico di Milano university (

The key components of the ros-crystalfontz package are the following ROS nodes:

crystalfontz-driver Provides an interface between ROS-based software and a Crystalfontz display based on the use of ROS topics. It enables the programmer to use all the functionalities of the CFA-635 by publishing and reading messages on topics, removing the need to know and use the communication protocols.

crystalfontz-logic Provides a menu system to run scripts using the keypad of the Crystalfontz display. An arbitrarily complex tree of submenus can be easily defined.

The package includes launchfiles for these nodes (files "driver.launch" and "logic.launch" in subdirectory "launch"). For instance, node crystalfontz_driver can be run with

roslaunch crystalfontz driver.launch

Running crystalfontz_driver is always necessary to interface the display with a ROS system. Running crystalfontz_logic is only needed if the programmer needs the menu system. crystalfontz_logic requires that crystalfontz_driver is running to operate.

The crystalfontz_driver ROS node does the following:

  1. subscribes to ROS topics /crystalfontz/line_1, /crystalfontz/line_2, /crystalfontz/line_3, /crystalfontz/line_4 and displays their contents on lines 1...4 (respectively) of the display
  2. subscribes to ROS topics /crystalfontz/led_1, /crystalfontz/led_2, /crystalfontz/led_3 and /crystalfontz/led_4 and applies the required color values to the LEDs on the left of the display
  3. subscribes to ROS topic /crystalfontz/contrast and sets the contrast of the display to the specified value
  4. subscribes to ROS topic /crystalfontz/backlight_power and sets the required backlight intensity
  5. publishes state changes of the onboard keys on ROS topic /crystalfontz/key_activity

The crystalfontz_logic ROS node does the following:

  1. publishes menu-related messages on ROS topic /crystalfontz/line_4
  2. reads button state changes from ROS topic /crystalfontz/key_activity
  3. manages an onscreen menu system that the user can interact with using the onboard keypad: through this system the user can run and terminate bash scripts (scripts accessible can in turn be used to run any other command)

The crystalfontz ROS package also includes a test node (crystalfontz_logic_test) useful to test the capabilities of the package. The node shows test texts on the four lines of the display and applies random intensity values to the LEDs. It can be run with

rosrun crystalfontz test

Device management

The CFA-635 display includes:

  • 4 Lines of 20 characters each (called Line 1 -top- to Line 4 -bottom- in the following)
  • 4 RG LEDS (where the intensity of the Red and Green components can be adjusted separately)
  • a 6-key keypad (a 4-way keypad plus ENTER and EXIT keys) The crystalfontz_driver ROS node provides full control over all these elements via ROS topics. See section "Topics" for a description of the syntax and semantics of the messages published on the topics.

A special case occurs when the crystalfontz_logic ROS node is running as well. This node, in fact, uses some of the hardware resources of the CFA-635 display: therefore such resources should not be used by other ROS nodes to avoid conflicts. The resources used by crystalfontz_logic ROS node are:

  • Line 4 of the display, which is used to show messages to the user
  • the 6-key keypad, which is used to get input from the user

Lines 1, 2 and 3 of the CFA-635 display (and also Line 4 if crystalfontz_logic is not running) are free for usage by any ROS node. The programmer is responsible for avoiding conflicts among messages generated by different ROS nodes. It is possible for multiple nodes to share a Line without having to synchronize message publication, provided that each node uses a different subset of 20 characters composing the Line: see section "Topics" for additional explanations.

Package configuration

The crystalfontz package contains two configuration files:

  • config/driver_default.yaml, for node crystalfontz_driver
  • config/logic_default.yaml, for node crystalfontz_logic

The first specifies the initial configuration of the CFA-635 when the crystalfontz_driver node is launched. Precisely, it includes the following parameters:

  • contrast: contrast value applied to the display (0 to 254)
  • backlight_power: backlight intensity applied to the display (0 to 100)
  • init_line_1...4: string displayed on lines 1...4
  • red_led_1...4: intensity of the red component for each of four onboard LEDS (0.0 to 1.0)
  • green_led_1...4: intensity of the green component for each of the four onboard LEDS (0.0 to 1.0)

The second defines the menu for the crystalfontz_logic node. Precisely, it includes the following parameter:

  • menu_folder: path of the menu folder which defines menu structure and contains the executable scripts (see section "Menu structure" below)


The payload of messages published on each of ROS topics /crystalfontz/line_1...4 is a string; messages use ROS message type std_msgs::String. Each character of the payload strings is displayed on the display, in the same position it appears in the string, on the display line (Line 1, ..., Line 4) corresponding to the topic name. Display lines of the CFA-635 are 20 character long. Message strings can be longer than 20 characters, but characters after the 20th are ignored. If the string is shorter than 20 characters, subsequent characters (up to the 20th) are filled with spaces.

An important exception is character '\t'. If a '\t' character is present in position X in the message string, it means that the character currently displayed in position X of the display line should be left unchanged. In this way, multiple nodes can use different portions of the same Line, publishing their messages asynchronously, without interfering.

Messages published on ROS topics /crystalfontz/led_1...4 use ROS message type std_msgs::ColorRGBA. These messages define the intensity of the Red and Green subLEDs of the four (bicolor) onboard LED featured by the CFA-635 display. Blue and Alpha values are ignored.

Messages published on ROS topic /crystalfontz/contrast use ROS message type std_msgs::int32. These messages define the contrast of the LCD panel of the CFA-635 display.

Messages published on ROS topic /crystalfontz/backlight_power use ROS message type std_msgs::int32. These messages define the backlight intensity of the CFA-635 display.

Messages published on ROS topic /crystalfontz/key_activity is an 8-bit integer; messages use ROS message type std_msgs::Int8. Payload values correspond to PRESSED and RELEASED events as described in the technical documentation of the Crystalfontz CFA-635 device. Possible values for message content are listed in the following table:

Key activity Value

Menu structure

As already explained, the crystalfontz_logic ROS node provides the user with a hierarchical structure to classify, select and execute bash scripts: the menu system. The menu system can have an arbitrarily complex structure (submenus, sub-submenus, and so on). Such structure is defined by the menu folder: i.e., the directory tree where the scripts are stored. The location in the filesystem of the menu folder is on of the parameters of the package (see section "Configuration" for details).

The scripts executable via the menu system of the crystalfontz-logic node are all the executable bash scripts whose name ends in ".sh" which are contained into one of the subdirectories of the menu folder.

The user can navigate through the menu system using the onboard keypad of the CFA-635. While navigating, at each instant one (and only one) item is shown on the display. The currently shown item always belongs to one of these categories:

  • the name of a submenu of the current menu
  • the name of an executable script Submenu names are shown verbatim; script names are displayed without the ".sh" extension.

This package includes an example menu folder, called "example script folder" (spaces included). The example menu folder includes two subdirectories (which, as explained, define two submenus) called "example scripts" and "no scripts". The first contains a file which is not a bash script with ".sh" extension, and therefore is ignored by the menu system. The second subdirectory contains two example scripts showing different termination behaviour (see section "Running and terminating scripts via the menu system").

NOTE: blank spaces in directory and script names. Linux allows blank spaces in file and directory names, though they are usually avoided because they often make command line usage of such files awkward. If you can endure the awkwardness, using spaces in script and directory names in the menu folder ensures that such spaces also appear in the menu items displayed by the CFA-635, which makes them more easily understandable. Unfortunately, the CFA-635 display shows "_" (underscore) characters as "§". Therefore, the most common workaround to put something looking like a space into a file or directory name without actually using blank spaces is not a viable solution.

Menu usage

The menu system managed by the crystalfontz-logic ROS node has two possible states: active and inactive. In both states, the menu system uses the CFA-635 display to show information to the user. All the output of the menu system is displayed on Line 4 of the display.

The fact that Line 4 of the CFA-635 display is used by the menu system means that other ROS nodes using the display should avoid using Line 4.

When the menu system is inactive, Line 4 shows "press ENTER for menu": in this condition, the only active key is the ENTER key. When the menu system is active, Line 4 shows the current menu item; this, as already explained, can be the name of a submenu or the name of a script.

When the menu system is active, the right part of Line 4 shows icons corresponding to the active keypad keys, i.e. what keys have an effect if pressed in the current situation. Active keys depend on the item shown onscreen: for instance, if the item is a script the "ENTER" key runs it, while this key is not active if the item is a submenu. On the contrary, when the item shown onscreen is a submenu the "RIGHT" key is active and, when pressed, makes it the current menu (i.e., enters the submenu); the "RIGHT" key is not active, instead, when the onscreen item is a script. Whatever the item shown onscreen, the "LEFT" key goes up one level in the submenu hierarchy of the menu system; however, if the current menu level is the uppermost, the "LEFT" key is not active.

The effect of each key (when active) is described by the following table:

Key Action
ENTER when the menu system is not active, activates it; if a the item currently onscreen is a script name, runs the script
EXIT when the menu system is active, deactivates it; when the menu system is running a script, terminates the script
UP, DOWN Scroll through menu items available at current level
RIGHT when a submenu name is onscreen, enters the submenu and makes it the current menu
LEFT when a submenu name is onscreen, goes to the upper level submenu (if available)

Running and terminating scripts via the menu system

As already explained, scripts can be run via the menu system by pressing the "ENTER" key of the onboard keypad of CFA-635 when the script name is shown on Line 4 of the display.

While the script is running:

  1. the menu system shows "Running name_of_script..." on Line 4
  2. the menu system does not update Line 4 any more until the script terminates
  3. the only active key is "EXIT": if the user presses it, the script gets terminated by the menu system and the menu returns to the last displayed entry

Scripts that have been run via the menu system can also be terminated via the menu system: this is done by pressing the EXIT key on the onboard keypad. When EXIT is pressed by the user, a SIGTERM signal is sent to the process executing the script. What happens when this signal is received depends on the script itself.

As examples of scripts behaving differently upon receipt of the SIGTERM signal, the ros-crystalfontz package includes two example scripts called "" and "". Such scripts are part of the example menu folder already mentioned in section "Menu structure".

"" is an example of script that, when it receives the SIGTERM signal, before terminating also propagates the SIGTERM signal to its child processes, requiring them to terminate as well.

"" is an example of script that, when it receives the SIGTERM signal, terminates leaving its own child processes running.