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CS2040S Notes


Assumes worst case unless otherwise state:

Data Structure Access Search Insert Delete
Array $1$ $n$ $n$ $n$
Stack (LIFO) $n$ $n$ $1$ $1$
Queue (FIFO) $n$ $n$ $1$ $1$
Singly-Linked List $n$ $n$ $1$ $1$
Doubly-Linked List $n$ $n$ $1$ $1$
Hash Table NA $n$ $n$ $n$
Heap $n$ $n$ $\log n$ $\log n$
BST (Worst) $n$ $n$ $n$ $n$
AVL Tree $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$
Red-Black Tree $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$
B-Tree $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$ $\log n$
Algorithm In-Place Stable Best Average Worst Space (Worst)
Quicksort 1 0 $n\log n$ $n\log n$ $n^2$ $\log n$ (call stack)
Mergesort 0 1 $n\log n$ $n\log n$ $n\log n$ $n$ (auxiliary array)
Heapsort 1 0 $n\log n$ $n\log n$ $n\log n$ $1$
Bubble Sort 1 1 $n$ $n^2$ $n^2$ $1$
Insertion Sort 1 1 $n$ $n^2$ $n^2$ $1$
Selection Sort 1 0 $n^2$ $n^2$ $n^2$ $1$
Graph Problem Algorithm Time Space
No negative cycles
Bellman Ford $VE$ $V$
No negative weight edge
Dijkstra's $(V+E)\log V$ $V$
Unweighted/Equal weight edge
BFS (not DFS) $V+E$ $V$
Directed acyclic (DAG)
Topological Sort $V+E$ $V$
Path with fewest edges BFS $V+E$ $V$
APSP Floyd-Warshall $V^3$ $V^2$
SCC Kosaraju's $E+V$ $V$
MST Kruskal's $E\log E$ $E+V$
MST Prim's $E\log V$ $V$

Master Theorem

$$ T(n) = aT(\frac{n}{b}) + cn^k \\ T(1) = c $$

Condition Upper Bound
$a \lt b^k$ $O(n^k)$
$a = b^k$ $O(n^k\log n)$
$a \gt b^k$ $O(n^{\log_b a})$

Binary Search

Can only be used on a sorted list Sorting = $n\log n$ Search = $\log n$

# Given sorted array A, want to find index of value V
L = 0
R = A.length() - 1
while L <= R
    m = floor((L + R) / 2)
    if A[m] < V
        L = m + 1
    elif A[m] > V
        R = m - 1
        return m
return notFound

Bubble Sort

Continually swap current element with element at index + 1 if it is larger.

for i = A.length() to 0
    for j = 0 to i - 1
        if A[j] > A[j + 1]
            swap(A[j], A[j + 1])
  • In-place
  • Stable (line 3, only swaps if >, not >=)

Best case: $O(n)$ (already sorted list, if no swaps occur at all, stop algorithm)

Insertion Sort

Assume first element is sorted. Iterate through the unsorted section, constantly inserting each element at the correct position in the sorted section.

# mark A[0] as sorted
for i = 1 to A.length()
    j = i
    while j > 0 && A[j] < A[j - 1]
        swap(A[j], A[j - 1])
  • In-place
  • Stable

Best case: $O(n)$ (already sorted list, no swaps needed)

Selection Sort

Continually select the smallest element from unsorted section and swap that element with the starting element of the unsorted section (thereby creating a sorted section element by element).

for i = 0 to A.length() - 1
    minIndex = i
    for j = i + 1 to A.length()
        if A[j] < A[minIndex]
            minIndex = j

    swap(A[i], A[minIndex])
  • In-place
  • Non-stable: for example, given [2a, 2b, 1], 1 and 2a will swap to become [1, 2b, 2a] after first iteration.

Best case: $O(n^2)$ (still have to find smallest element for the unsorted section)



  1. Heapify the array: $O(n)$
  2. Poll the heap for min/max key: $O(\log n)$
  3. Repeat step 3 till heap is empty: $n$ times

Time: $O(n \log n)$

  • Useful to find $k$ largest element in sorted order (where $k &lt; n$). Time: $O(n + k \log n)$
  • In-place
  • Non-stable


function merge(int low, int mid, int high)
    for i = low to high
        buffer[i] = A[i]
    i = low
    j = mid + 1
    k = low
    while i <= middle and j <= high
        if buffer[i] <= buffer[j]
            A[k] = buffer[i]
            A[k] = buffer[j]
    while i <= middle
        A[k] = buffer[i]

Time complexity for merge is $O(n)$. Line 7 while loop will constantly be checked in the worst case.

Time complexity for merge sort is $O(n \log (n))$

function mergeSort(A, low, high)
    if low < high
        mid = (high + low) / 2
        mergeSort(A, low, mid)
        mergeSort(A, mid + 1, high)
        merge(low, mid, high)

If mergeSort takes $T(n)$ time,
line 2 = $c_1$
line 3 = $c_2$
line 4 = $T(\frac{n}{2})$
line 5 = $T(\frac{n}{2})$
line 6 = $c_3n$

$T(n) = 2T(\frac{n}{2}) + cn$

  • Not in-place (requires auxiliary buffer array)
  • Stable


function quicksort(A, low, high)
    if low < high
        p = partition(A, low, high)
        quicksort(A, low, p - 1)
        quicksort(A, p + 1, high)

# Lumoto's Algorithm
function partition(A, low, high)
    pivot = A[low]
    m = low
    i = low
    for i = (low + 1) to high
        if A[i] < pivot
            swap(A[i], A[m])
    swap(A[m], A[low])
    return m

# Hoare's Algorithm
function partition(A, low, high)
    pivot = A[low]
    i = low + 1  # Initialize left index
    j = high     # Initialize right index

    while i < j
        while (A[i] < pivot) and (i <= high)
        while (A[j] > pivot) and (j >= low)
        if (i < j)
            swap(A[i], A[j])

    swap(A[j], A[low])
    return i
  • In-place
  • Non-stable

Binary Heap

  • Represented by a contiguous array where root starts at index $1$. For given node with index $x$,
    • Left child has index $2x$
    • Right child has index $2x + 1$
  • Sink/Swim: choose larger/smaller of child to swap corresponding to max/min heap to keep heap property
  • Assuming Max Heap, parent key will always be $\geq$ 2 direct child key


  1. Add to node at the end (first available leaf)
  2. Swim it up
  3. requires $O(\log n)$ time


  1. Remove root
  2. Exchange last element with root
  3. Sink it down
  4. requires $O(\log n)$ time


  1. Make node infinitely large
  2. Swim it up to root
  3. Run ExtractMax


function create(A)
    for i from A.length/2 to 1

Given an unsorted array A of elements, heapify requires
Time: $O(n)$
Space: $O(1)$

Binary Search Tree (BST)


  1. Left subtree only contains nodes with keys strictly less than node's key
  2. Right subtree only contains nodes with keys strictly more than node's key
  3. No duplicate keys

For BST with $n$ nodes, worst case height is $O(n)$ (BST with only a right subtree/flat linked list)


  • Next key immediately larger
  • Go right child once and go left all the way (furthest left child of the right child)


  • Next key immediately smaller
  • Go left child once and go right all the way (furthest right child of the left child)


function search(Key k)
    if k < m_key
        # search left subtree
    else if k > m_key
        # search right subtree
    return this

Time complexity of $O(h)$ where $h$ is the height of the BST


Same algorithm as search
Time complexity of $O(h)$ where $h$ is the height of the BST


  1. Node not found: do nothing
  2. Node is at a leaf: just remove
  3. Node is an internal node with 1 child: remove node and connect child to parent
  4. Node is an internal node with 2 children: swap node with its successor, and recursively call delete on that node

Time complexity of $O(h)$ where $h$ is the height of the BST

AVL Trees


  1. Height balanced
    • Difference in height of left and right subtree differs by at most 1
    • For $n$ nodes, height, $h &lt; 2\log n$. Thus, $h = O(\log n)$
  2. Balance Factor, $b(o) = h(o.left) - h(o.right)$
    • By convention, $h(\text{empty tree}) = -1$

Balancing Algorithm

  1. After inserting a new node, $n_{new}$, recurse up from $n_{new}$ and find the first node, $n_0$, with $|b(0)| &gt; 1$
  2. If $n_0$ is imbalanced without an "elbow" shape,
    1. If $n_0$ is right heavy, perform left rotation
    2. Else, perform right rotation
  3. If $n_0$ is imbalanced with an "elbow" shape,
    1. if $n_0$ is right heavy, do right rotation on right subtree of $n_0$, then left rotation on $n_0$
    2. if $n_0$ is left heavy, do left rotation on left subtree of $n_0$, then right rotation on $n_0$

Walk up the tree to the root from inserted/deleted node and update balance factors

if tree is right heavy
    if trees right subtree is left heavy
        right rotate, left rotate
        left rotate
else if tree is left heavy
    if trees left subtree is right heavy
        left rotate, right rotate
        right rotate
  • Insertion: requires $O(1)$ rotations
  • Deletion: requires $O(\log n)$ rotations

Red-Black Trees


  1. BST property is maintained for all nodes
  2. The root and leaves are always black (leaves meaning the sentinel leaves)
  3. Nodes are either red or black
  4. Parent of a red node must be black
  5. For every node, number of black node on the path from it to any of its leaves must remain the same (red nodes are ignored). This is called black height


  1. If uncle is red, then recolour parents and uncle to black
  2. If node is left child and uncle is black, then right rotate on grandparent, and colour parent black and grandparent red
  3. If node is right child and uncle is black, then left rotate on parent (to get the same tree as case 2) and perform step 2


The B-tree is a generalisation of a BST in that a node can have more than two children


  1. BST property is maintained for all nodes in the B-Tree
  2. All leaf nodes are of same depth
  3. All non-root nodes have between $b - 1$ to $2b - 1$ keys inclusive, where $b$ is the branching factor
  4. The root has at most $2b - 1$ keys (no minimum)
  5. An internal node with $k$ keys must have $k + 1$ subtrees/children


Load Factor

$\alpha = \frac{n}{m}$, where $n$ = number of items in the table $m$ = size of table

Simple Uniform Hashing

Under SUHA, in a hash table where collisions are resolved by chaining, searching takes on average $\Theta(1 + \alpha)$. If $n = O(m)$, $\alpha = O(1)$ and searching becomes $O(1)$.

Hash Functions

  • Fast to compute, preferably $O(1)$
  • Uniform, probability of hitting a bucket is same for all buckets
  • Deterministic, hash of the same key should always give same answer

Division Method

  • $h(k) = k \mod m$, given a key $k$ and $m$ slots to map to
  • $m$ should not be a power of $2$
    • If $m = 2^p$, then $h(k)$ is just the $p$ LSB of $k$
    • Unless we know all the $p$ LSB of $k$ follows a normal distribution, using another $m$ is better
  • $m$ should be prime not near any power of $2$
  • $k$ and $m$ should be relatively prime

Multiplication Method

  • $h(k) = \lfloor m(kA \mod 1) \rfloor$, given a key $k$, $m$ slots to map to, and $0 &lt; A &lt; 1$
  • $kA \mod 1 = kA - \lfloor kA \rfloor$, where $kA$ is a float
  • $m$ is typically a power of $2$
  • Knuth recommends $A \approx \frac{\sqrt{5} - 1}{2}$

Linear Probing

  • index $i = (h(k) + step \times 1) \mod m$
  • Suffers from primary clustering
  • Initial probe determines the entire sequence, and so only $m$ distinct probe sequences are used

Quadratic Probing

  • If 2 keys have the same initial probe position, then their probe sequences are the same
  • Suffers from secondary clustering
  • Initial probe determines the entire sequence, and so only $m$ distinct probe sequences are used

Double Hashing

  • $\Theta(m^2)$ probe sequences are used


  • Different keys with the same hashes are stored in a linked list
  • Java's implementation

Amortized Analysis

Operation has amortized cost $T(n)$ if for every integer $k$, the cost of $k$ operations is $\leq kT(n)$

Note: every operation must satisfy the above


Graph $G = \langle V, E \rangle$ ("A tuple of 2 sets")
$V$ is a set of nodes/vertices
$E$ is a set of edges/links


  1. Diameter - maximum distance between any two nodes
  2. Distance - shortest path between two nodes
  3. Degree - number of edges incident upon it (self loops are counted twice)
  4. Connected - $\exists$ path between any two nodes
  5. Component - a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths
  6. Simple Path - a sequence of edges that do not contain cycles

Simple Graph (No Self Loops)

  1. $e = (v,w)$ for $v \ne w$

Clique (Complete Graph)

All nodes are connected to one another
Diameter = $1$


One central node. All edges connect center to the other nodes
Diameter = $2$


Diameter = $n - 1$
Max Degree = $2$


Diameter = $\frac{n}{2}$
Max Degree = $2$

Space Complexity

  1. Adjacency Matrix: $O(V^2)$
    • Array of size $V \times V$
  2. Adjacency List: $O(V)$
    • Array of size $V$
    • Linked list of size $E = 2$
  • Generally: If graph is dense $[E = \Theta(V^2)]$, use adjacency matrix. Else, use adjacency list.

Time Complexity

Query Adjacency Matrix Adjacency List Edge List
Check if $v$ and $w$ are neighbours $O(1)$ $O(V)$ $O(E)$
Find any neighbour $O(V)$ $O(1)$ $O(E)$
Enumerate all neigbours $O(V)$ Possible $O(1)$ $O(E)$
Find $V$ with max $E$ $O(V^2)$ $O(V + E)$ $O(E)$
Given $V$, find $E &gt; N$ $O(V)$ $O(V)$ $O(E)$
  • Convert adjacency list to planar graph: $O(V)$

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

BFS(G, s, f)
    Queue.add(s) # FIFO
    while not Queue.empty()
        curr = Queue.dequeue()
        if curr == f
            return curr
            for each neighbor u of curr
                if u is not visited
    return null
  1. See if current node is correct element
  2. If not, add all neighbours (if not visited yet) to a queue
  3. Recursively do this algorithm for each element in the queue

Can fail for graphs with $&gt; 1$ components

Each $V$ must be visited once: $O(V)$
For every $V$, each $E$ must be examined once: $O(E)$

Time: $O(V + E)$

Depth-First Search (DFS)

BFS(G, s, f)
    Stack.add(s) # LIFO
    while not Stack.empty()
        curr = Stack.dequeue()
        if curr == f
            return curr
            for each neighbor u of curr
                if u is not visited
                    # store path:
                    edgeTo[u] = curr
    return null

Time: $O(V + E)$


  • To find shortest path, unweighted edges: only BFS works
  • To find shortest path, weighted edges: none works
  • Both visits every node and every edge, but not every path

Topological Sort

Topological Ordering:

  1. Sequential total ordering of all nodes
  2. Edges only point forward
  3. Only possible $\iff$ Graph is a DAG

Kahn's Algorithm

  1. Start at node $v$ with no incoming edges, and add $v$ to a list
  2. Remove all outgoing edges from $v$, and go back to step 1
L = list()
S = list()
add all nodes with no incoming edge to S
while S is not empty:
    remove node v from S
    add v to tail of L
    for each of vs neighbors u
        remove edge e where source is v
        if u has no other incoming edges
            add u to S

Time: $O(V + E)$

Topological ordering are not unique

Shortest Path for DAG, $O(V+E)$ time:

  1. Let $d$ be an array of the same length as $V$; this will hold the shortest-path distances from $s$. Set $d[s] = 0$, all other $d[u] = \infty$
  2. Let $p$ be an array of the same length as $V$, with all elements initialised to null. Each $p[u]$ will hold the predecessor of $u$ in the shortest path from $s$ to $u$
  3. Loop over the vertices $u$ as ordered in $V$, starting from $s$:
    1. For each vertex $v$ directly following $u$ (ie. there exists an edge from $u$ to $v$):
      1. Let $w$ be the weight of the edge from $u$ to $v$
      2. Relax the edge: if $d[v] &gt; d[u] + w$, set
        1. $d[v] = d[u] + w$,
        2. $p[v] = u$

Relaxation Property

Let $\delta[u,v]$ denote the shortest distance from $u$ to $v$, $d[u,v]$ denote the distance estimate from $u$ to $v$, and $w[u,v]$ be the edge weight between $u$ and $v$:

  1. If $G + (V,E)$ contains only positive weights, then the shortest path $p$ from source vertex $s$ to a vertex $v$ must be a simple path
  2. If $G + (V,E)$ contains no negative weight cycles, then the shortest path $p$ from source vertex $s$ to a vertex $v$ must be a simple path
  3. $\delta[s,v] \leq \delta[s,u] + w[u,v]$
    • shortest path from $s$ to $v$ must be $\leq$ sum of (shortest path from $s$ to $u$) $+$ (going from $u$ to $v$)
  4. $\forall v \in V$, $d[s,v] \geq \delta [s,v]$
    • once $d[s,v] = \delta [s,v]$, it never changes
  5. If $\exists \delta[s,u]$, then relaxing edge $[u,v]$ will yield $\delta[s,v]$
    • holds true regardless of any other relaxation steps that occur before relaxing edge $[u,v]$ (due to the if part in the relaxation code)
  6. Once $d[s,v] = \delta[s,v], \forall v \in V$, the predecessor subgraph is a shortest-path tree rooted at $s$

A shortest path is a tree with at most $|V| - 1$ edges Thus, to get shortest path, relax all $|E|$ edges, $|V| - 1$ times

relax(int u, int v)
    if (dist[v] > dist[u] + weight(u, v))
        dist[v] = dist[u] + weight(u, v)
        prev[v] = u # store predecessor node

Bellman-Ford Algorithm (SSSP, Negative Edges)

BellmanFord(V, E)
    n = V.length
    for i = 1 to n - 1
        for Edge e in E
  • Outer for loop runs $V-1$ times
  • Can be terminated early if an entire sequence of $|E|$ relax operations have no effect
  • To find out if $\exists$ negative cycles, run one more time of relaxation
  • To find out exactly which nodes are affected by a negative cycle, run $V-1$ more times of relxation

Time: $O(VE)$

Dijkstra's Algorithm (SSSP, Non-Negative Edges)

Only works for graphs with non-negative weight edges

  1. Begin with empty shortest-path-tree
  2. Repeat
    1. Consider vertex with minimum estimate
    2. Add vertex to shortest-path-tree
    3. Relax all outgoing edges

Step 2.1 (insert/deleteMin): done $V$ times $\rightarrow$ each node is added to the PQ once Step 2.3 (relax/decreaseKey): done $E$ times $\rightarrow$ each edge is relaxed once Each PQ operation is $O(\log V)$

Time: $O((V + E)\log V)$

Condition Algorithm Time Complexity
No negative weight cycles Bellman-Ford $O(VE)$
Unweighted/equal weight graphs BFS $O(V + E)$
No negative edge weights Dijkstra's $O((V+E)\log V)$
On Tree BFS/DFS $O(V)$
On DAG Topological Sort $O(V + E)$

Floyd Warshall's Algorithm (APSP)

  • Subpaths of shortest paths are themselves shortest paths
  • Only gives correct answer if graph does not have negative cycles
  • To detect negative cycles, check if diagonals of result has negative value (ie. travelling from a node back to the same node is negative)
Function FloydWarshall(G)
    # memoization table S has |V| rows and |V| columns
    S = Array of size |V|x|V|

    # Initialize every pair of nodes
    for v = 0 to |V|-1
        for w = 0 to |V|-1
            S[v,w] = E[v,w]

    # For sets P0, P1, P2, P3, ..., for every pair (v,w)
    for k = 0 to |V|-1
        for v = 0 to |V|-1
            for w = 0 to |V|-1
                S[v,w] = min(S[v,w], S[v,k]+S[k,w])
    return S

Time: $O(V^3)$

Minimum Spanning Tree


  1. Spanning Tree: an acyclic subset of the edges that connects all nodes
  2. MST: A spanning tree with minimum weight
  3. Cut: a partition of the vertices into 2 disjoint subsets


  • Edge weights are distinct
  • Graph is connected

Properties of MSTs:

  1. No cycles
  2. If you cut an MST, the two pieces are both MSTs
  3. $\forall$ cycle, the maximum edge is not in the MST
  4. $\forall$ partition of nodes, the minimum weight edge across the cut is in the MST
  5. $E = V-1$


  • MSTs cannot be used to find the shortest path
  • $\forall$ cycle, the minimum weight edge may or may not be in the MST
  • $\forall$ vertex, the minimum incident/outgoing edge is always part of the MST
  • $\forall$ vertex, the maximum incident/outgoing edge may or may not be part of the MST
  • Kruskal's and Prim's only work on undirected graphs

Prim's Algorithm

Utilises Cut Property


  1. Maintain set of visited nodes
  2. Greedily grow the set by adding node connected via the lightest edges
  3. Use min heap to order nodes by edge weight

Each vertex is added/removed once from heap: $O(V \log V)$
Each edge can incur one decreaseKey: $O(E \log V)$
Time: $O(E \log V)$

Can only work on undirected graphs

Disjoint Set (Union-Find)

Any sequence of $m$ union/find operations on $n$ objects takes $O(n + m \alpha (m, n))$ time, where $\alpha$ is the inverse Ackermann function (always $\leq$ 5)

Kruskal's Algorithm

Basic idea: recursively choose the minimum weight edge to connect 2 disconnected trees

// Sort edges and initialize
Edge[] sortedEdges = sort(G.E());
ArrayList<Edge> mstEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();
UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(G.V());

// Iterate through all the edges, in order
for (int i = 0; i < sortedEdges.length; i++) {
    Edge e = sortedEdges[i]; // get edge
    Node v =; // get node endpoints
    Node w = e.two();
    if (!uf.find(v, w)) { // in the same tree?
        mstEdges.add(e);  // save edge
        uf.union(v, w);   // combine trees

Sorting (line 2): $O(E \log E)$
Union (line 11-13): $O(E\alpha)$
Time: $O(E \log E)$

Can only work on undirected graphs