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Vanilla Policy Gradient (VPG)

Vanilla Policy Gradient implemented using Actor-Critic method to reduce the variance.

This algorithm implements an Actor Critic Model (ACM) which separates the policy from the value approximation process by parameterizing the policy separately.


1. Initialize policy (e.g. NNs) parameter $\theta$ and baseline $b$
2. For iteration=1,2,... do
    2.1 Collect a set of trajectories by executing the current policy obtaining $\mathbf{s}_{0:H},\mathbf{a}_{0:H},r_{0:H}$
    2.2 At each timestep in each trajectory, compute
        2.2.1 the return $R_t = \sum_{t'=t}^{T-1} \gamma^{t'-t}r_{t'}$ and
        2.2.2 the advantage estimate $\hat{A_t} = R_t - b(s_t)$.
    2.3 Re-fit the baseline (recomputing the value function) by minimizing
        $|| b(s_t) - R_t||^2$, summed over all trajectories and timesteps.

          $b=\frac{\left\langle \left(  \sum\nolimits_{h=0}^{H} \mathbf{\nabla}_{\theta_{k}}\log\pi_{\mathbf{\theta}}\left(  \mathbf{a}_{h}\left\vert \mathbf{s}_{h}\right.  \right)  \right)  ^{2}\sum\nolimits_{l=0}^{H} \gamma r_{l}\right\rangle }{\left\langle \left(
          }\left(  \mathbf{a}_{h}\left\vert \mathbf{x}_{h}\right.  \right)  \right)
          ^{2}\right\rangle }$

    2.4 Update the policy, using a policy gradient estimate $\hat{g}$,
        which is a sum of terms $\nabla_\theta log\pi(a_t | s_t,\theta)\hat(A_t)$.
        In other words:

          $g_{k}=\left\langle \left(  \sum\nolimits_{h=0}^{H}\mathbf{\nabla
          }_{\theta_{k}}\log\pi_{\mathbf{\theta}}\left(  \mathbf{a}_{h}\left\vert
          \mathbf{s}_{h}\right.  \right)  \right)  \left(  \sum\nolimits_{l=0}^{H}
          \gamma r_{l}-b\right)  \right\rangle$
3. **end for**


  • Include the pseudocode within the code
  • Parameterize critic and actor networks
    • Try different network architectures
  • Add more examples (besides MountainCarContinuous)