diff --git a/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/b2b/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/b2b/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf12db090 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/b2b/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +#### Class changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-class} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::cleanAndWarmDefaultScopeData | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::loadDefaultScopeData | [private] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config::\_construct | [protected] Added optional parameter(s). | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\CustomerSegment\Model\Customer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\CustomerSegment\Model\Customer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\DataExporter\Model\Indexer\FeedIndexer | Class was added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Country::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | Method visibility has been changed to higher lever from [private] to [public] | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | [public] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\ConfigOptionsListConstants::STORE\_KEY\_ENCODED\_RANDOM\_STRING\_PREFIX | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cache | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cacheId | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_reader | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DataObject::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\DirectoryList::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Read::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException::getExtensions | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\Base::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Math\Random::getRandomBytes | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Exception::HTTP\_TOO\_MANY\_REQUESTS | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\GraphQlServer\Model\UrlProvider | Class was added. | +| Magento\ImportExport\Model\Export\Entity\AbstractEntity::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Block\Adminhtml\Quote\Create\Form | Class was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Block\Adminhtml\Quote\Create\Store\Select | Class was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Block\Quote\Item\Actions\Note | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Child | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Payment | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsButton | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsRedirect | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Cart\ValidationMessages | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Customer\CardRenderer | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Info | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Message | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsCart | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsProduct | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review\Details | Class was added. | +| Magento\QuickCheckoutAdminPanel\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\Payment\Form | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\ConfigureCallbackUrl | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Custom | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Head | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\ValidateCredentials | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Sdk | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address::setBaseDiscountAmount | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\ResyncManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Rule::getSimpleAction | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ServicesIdLayout\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\Shipping\Model\Carrier\AbstractCarrier::$\_result | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\TargetRule\Block\Catalog\Product\ProductList\Related::getExcludeProductIds | [public] Method has been removed. | +| Magento\TargetRule\Block\Catalog\Product\ProductList\Upsell::getExcludeProductIds | [public] Method has been removed. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Interface changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-interface} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\CommerceBackendUix\Api\Data\MassActionInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\CommerceBackendUix\Api\MassActionRepositoryInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ResetAfterRequestInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ImportJsonApi\Api\Data\SourceDataInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ImportJsonApi\Api\StartImportInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\ItemNoteInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\ItemNoteSearchResultsInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteInterface::STATUS\_DRAFT\_BY\_ADMIN | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteItemInterface::NEGOTIATED\_PRICE\_TYPE | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteItemInterface::NEGOTIATED\_PRICE\_TYPE\_AMOUNT\_DISCOUNT | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteItemInterface::NEGOTIATED\_PRICE\_TYPE\_PERCENTAGE\_DISCOUNT | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteItemInterface::NEGOTIATED\_PRICE\_TYPE\_PROPOSED\_TOTAL | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\Data\NegotiableQuoteItemInterface::NEGOTIATED\_PRICE\_VALUE | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\ItemNoteRepositoryInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Api\NegotiableQuoteDraftManagementInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\NegotiableQuote\Model\Restriction\RestrictionInterface::ACTION\_VIEW | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\AccountRepositoryInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\AccountInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\AddressInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\PaymentMethodInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\StorefrontAccountRepositoryInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\Http\ConverterInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesClientInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesConfigInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\SharedCatalog\Api\AssignTierPriceInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\SharedCatalog\Api\ResetTierPriceInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::WEBSITE\_ID | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::getWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::setWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Database changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-database} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| admin\_ui\_sdk\_mass\_actions | Table was added | +| data\_exporter\_uuid | Table was added | +| negotiable\_quote\_item/negotiated\_price\_type | Column was added | +| negotiable\_quote\_item/negotiated\_price\_value | Column was added | +| negotiable\_quote\_item\_note | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_order\_statuses | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_orders | Table was added | +| stores\_data\_exporter | Table was added | +| vault\_payment\_token/website\_id | Column was added | + +#### Di changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-di} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\Model\Client\ElasticsearchFactory | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Setup\InstallConfig | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Gateway\Http\BoltServiceClient | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Gateway\Request\AuthorizationAndCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Model\AddressValidator\Billing | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Model\AddressValidator\Shipping | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationAndCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizeAndCaptureCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizeCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCommandPool | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfig | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfigGuard | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfigValueHandler | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutFacade | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutLogger | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutValueHandlerPool | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5CategoryPermissionsCompositeFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5CategoryPermissionsDynamicFieldsProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5DynamicFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDateTimeResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeFloatResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5StaticFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| type | Virtual Type was changed | + +#### Layout changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-layout} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| bolt.embed.js | Block was removed | +| quickCheckoutTracking | Block was removed | +| quickcheckoutadminpanel.index | Block was removed | + +#### System changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-system} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| admin\_ui\_sdk | A section-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/general\_config | A group-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/general\_config/enable\_admin\_ui\_sdk | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing | A group-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/base\_url | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/enable\_local\_service | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/ims\_org\_id | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/ims\_token | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/api\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/dropoff | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/key | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/meter\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/password | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/pickup\_type | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/secret\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/access\_license\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/gateway\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_url | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/type | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_enable\_auth | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_index\_prefix | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_minimum\_should\_match | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_password | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_hostname | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_port | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_timeout | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_test\_connect\_wizard | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_username | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/options/enable\_guest\_checkout\_login | A field-node was added | +| checkout/quick\_checkout | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/api\_key | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/configure\_callback\_url | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/publishable\_key | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/signing\_secret | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/validate\_credentials | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general/active | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general/method | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/auto\_login\_network | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/checkout\_tracking | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/debug | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/enable\_auto\_login | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/next\_stage\_after\_login | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/payment\_action | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/title | A field-node was removed | +| payment | A section-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_color | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height\_use\_default | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_label | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_layout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_shape | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_tagline | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/method | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/production\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/sandbox\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/soft\_descriptor | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/display\_on\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/three\_ds | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active\_admin | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/legacy\_admin\_enabled | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_paylater\_message | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_card | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_paypal\_credit | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_venmo | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/title | A field-node was added | +| sales | A section-node was added | +| sales/backpressure | A group-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/guest\_limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/period | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation | A group-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/reasons | A field-node was added | +| sales\_email/quote/new\_quote\_by\_seller\_template | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector | A section-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding/initiate\_onboarding | A field-node was added | +| system/full\_page\_cache/handles\_size | A field-node was added | + +#### Xsd changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-xsd} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| app/code/module-data-exporter/etc/et\_schema.xsd | A schema declaration was added | +| app/code/module-query-xml/etc/query.xsd | A schema declaration was added | + +#### EtSchema changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-etSchema} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| CreditMemo | Added a new declaration for record CreditMemo. | +| Export | Added a new declaration for record Export. | +| Invoice | Added a new declaration for record Invoice. | +| Order | Added a new declaration for record Order. | +| OrderItem | Added a new declaration for record OrderItem. | +| OrderStatus | Added a new declaration for record OrderStatus. | +| Transaction | Added a new declaration for record Transaction. | + +#### Class API membership changes {#b2b-246-247-beta2-class-api-membership} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Catalog\Block\Adminhtml\Category\Tab\Product | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Api\AbstractSimpleObjectBuilder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Cache\Frontend\Decorator\Bare | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Structure | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Response | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Locale\Resolver | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ObjectManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Url | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Validator | Class was added. | diff --git a/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/commerce/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/commerce/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef8749435 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/commerce/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +#### Class changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-class} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::cleanAndWarmDefaultScopeData | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::loadDefaultScopeData | [private] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config::\_construct | [protected] Added optional parameter(s). | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\CustomerSegment\Model\Customer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\CustomerSegment\Model\Customer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\DataExporter\Model\Indexer\FeedIndexer | Class was added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Country::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | Method visibility has been changed to higher lever from [private] to [public] | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | [public] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\ConfigOptionsListConstants::STORE\_KEY\_ENCODED\_RANDOM\_STRING\_PREFIX | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cache | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cacheId | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_reader | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DataObject::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\DirectoryList::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Read::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException::getExtensions | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\Base::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Math\Random::getRandomBytes | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Exception::HTTP\_TOO\_MANY\_REQUESTS | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\GraphQlServer\Model\UrlProvider | Class was added. | +| Magento\ImportExport\Model\Export\Entity\AbstractEntity::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Child | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Payment | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsButton | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsRedirect | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Cart\ValidationMessages | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Customer\CardRenderer | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Info | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Message | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsCart | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsProduct | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review\Details | Class was added. | +| Magento\QuickCheckoutAdminPanel\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\Payment\Form | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\ConfigureCallbackUrl | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Custom | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Head | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\ValidateCredentials | Class was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Block\Sdk | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address::setBaseDiscountAmount | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\ResyncManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Rule::getSimpleAction | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ServicesIdLayout\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\Shipping\Model\Carrier\AbstractCarrier::$\_result | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\TargetRule\Block\Catalog\Product\ProductList\Related::getExcludeProductIds | [public] Method has been removed. | +| Magento\TargetRule\Block\Catalog\Product\ProductList\Upsell::getExcludeProductIds | [public] Method has been removed. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Interface changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-interface} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\CommerceBackendUix\Api\Data\MassActionInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\CommerceBackendUix\Api\MassActionRepositoryInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ResetAfterRequestInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ImportJsonApi\Api\Data\SourceDataInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ImportJsonApi\Api\StartImportInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\AccountRepositoryInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\AccountInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\AddressInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\Data\PaymentMethodInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Api\StorefrontAccountRepositoryInterface | Interface was removed. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\Http\ConverterInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesClientInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesConfigInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::WEBSITE\_ID | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::getWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::setWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Database changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-database} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| admin\_ui\_sdk\_mass\_actions | Table was added | +| data\_exporter\_uuid | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_order\_statuses | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_orders | Table was added | +| stores\_data\_exporter | Table was added | +| vault\_payment\_token/website\_id | Column was added | + +#### Di changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-di} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\Model\Client\ElasticsearchFactory | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Setup\InstallConfig | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Gateway\Http\BoltServiceClient | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Gateway\Request\AuthorizationAndCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Model\AddressValidator\Billing | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\QuickCheckout\Model\AddressValidator\Shipping | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationAndCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizationResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizeAndCaptureCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutAuthorizeCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCaptureResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutCommandPool | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfig | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfigGuard | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutConfigValueHandler | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutFacade | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutLogger | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutRefundResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutValueHandlerPool | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidCommand | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidRequest | Virtual Type was removed | +| QuickCheckoutVoidResponseHandlerComposite | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5CategoryPermissionsCompositeFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5CategoryPermissionsDynamicFieldsProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5DynamicFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDateTimeResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeFloatResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5StaticFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| type | Virtual Type was changed | + +#### Layout changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-layout} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| bolt.embed.js | Block was removed | +| quickCheckoutTracking | Block was removed | +| quickcheckoutadminpanel.index | Block was removed | + +#### System changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-system} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| admin\_ui\_sdk | A section-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/general\_config | A group-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/general\_config/enable\_admin\_ui\_sdk | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing | A group-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/base\_url | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/enable\_local\_service | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/ims\_org\_id | A field-node was added | +| admin\_ui\_sdk/local\_testing/ims\_token | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/api\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/dropoff | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/key | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/meter\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/password | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/pickup\_type | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/secret\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/access\_license\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/gateway\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_url | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/type | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_enable\_auth | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_index\_prefix | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_minimum\_should\_match | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_password | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_hostname | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_port | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_timeout | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_test\_connect\_wizard | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_username | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/options/enable\_guest\_checkout\_login | A field-node was added | +| checkout/quick\_checkout | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/api\_key | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/configure\_callback\_url | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/publishable\_key | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/signing\_secret | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/credentials/validate\_credentials | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general/active | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/general/method | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings | A group-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/auto\_login\_network | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/checkout\_tracking | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/debug | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/enable\_auto\_login | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/next\_stage\_after\_login | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/payment\_action | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/quick\_checkout/settings/title | A field-node was removed | +| payment | A section-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_color | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height\_use\_default | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_label | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_layout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_shape | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_tagline | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/method | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/production\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/sandbox\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/soft\_descriptor | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/display\_on\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/three\_ds | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active\_admin | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/legacy\_admin\_enabled | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_paylater\_message | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_card | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_paypal\_credit | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_venmo | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/title | A field-node was added | +| sales | A section-node was added | +| sales/backpressure | A group-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/guest\_limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/period | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation | A group-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/reasons | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector | A section-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding/initiate\_onboarding | A field-node was added | +| system/full\_page\_cache/handles\_size | A field-node was added | + +#### Xsd changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-xsd} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| app/code/module-data-exporter/etc/et\_schema.xsd | A schema declaration was added | +| app/code/module-query-xml/etc/query.xsd | A schema declaration was added | + +#### EtSchema changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-etSchema} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| CreditMemo | Added a new declaration for record CreditMemo. | +| Export | Added a new declaration for record Export. | +| Invoice | Added a new declaration for record Invoice. | +| Order | Added a new declaration for record Order. | +| OrderItem | Added a new declaration for record OrderItem. | +| OrderStatus | Added a new declaration for record OrderStatus. | +| Transaction | Added a new declaration for record Transaction. | + +#### Class API membership changes {#ee-246-247-beta2-class-api-membership} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Catalog\Block\Adminhtml\Category\Tab\Product | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Api\AbstractSimpleObjectBuilder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Cache\Frontend\Decorator\Bare | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Structure | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Response | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Locale\Resolver | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ObjectManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Url | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Validator | Class was added. | diff --git a/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/open-source/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/open-source/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7409b4c32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/open-source/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +#### Class changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-class} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Authorization\Model\CompositeUserContext::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\CatalogImportExport\Model\Export\Product::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Helper\Product\Flat\Indexer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Indexer\Category\Product\AbstractAction::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Resolver::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Media\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option\Type\DefaultType::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Type\Price::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::cleanAndWarmDefaultScopeData | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Config\App\Config\Type\System::loadDefaultScopeData | [private] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Config\Model\ResourceModel\Config::\_construct | [protected] Added optional parameter(s). | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\Type\Configurable::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Model\Product\VariationHandler::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Helper\Address::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Address\AbstractAddress::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\Customer::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Customer\Model\CustomerRegistry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\DataExporter\Model\Indexer\FeedIndexer | Class was added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Country::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Directory\Model\ResourceModel\Currency::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::$\_storeManager | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | Method visibility has been changed to higher lever from [private] to [public] | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Config::getWebsiteId | [public] Removed last method parameter(s). | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\AbstractEntity::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\AbstractAttribute::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Source\Table::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\ElasticAdapter\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\SearchAdapter\Query\Builder | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Mapper | Class was removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Acl\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ActionFlag::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\AreaList::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\DeploymentConfig::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Http\Context::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\ConfigOptionsListConstants::STORE\_KEY\_ENCODED\_RANDOM\_STRING\_PREFIX | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cache | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_cacheId | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\Config\Data\Scoped::$\_reader | [protected] Property has been removed. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\DataObject::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\DirectoryList::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Filesystem\Directory\Read::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlNoSuchEntityException::getExtensions | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\BatchResponse::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\Base::\_\_debugInfo | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Math\Random::getRandomBytes | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Pricing\Price\Collection::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Registry::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Search\Request\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Validator\AbstractValidator::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Minification::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\View\Asset\Repository::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Exception::HTTP\_TOO\_MANY\_REQUESTS | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\GraphQlServer\Model\UrlProvider | Class was added. | +| Magento\ImportExport\Model\Export\Entity\AbstractEntity::$\_storeIdToCode | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Child | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesBase\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Fieldset\Payment | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsButton | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesDashboard\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\MagentoPaymentsRedirect | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Cart\ValidationMessages | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Customer\CardRenderer | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Info | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\Message | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsCart | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtonsProduct | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review | Class was added. | +| Magento\PaymentServicesPaypal\Block\SmartButtons\Review\Details | Class was added. | +| Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address::setBaseDiscountAmount | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\ResyncManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Rule::getSimpleAction | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\SalesSequence\Model\Builder::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\ServicesIdLayout\Block\Adminhtml\Index | Class was added. | +| Magento\Shipping\Model\Carrier\AbstractCarrier::$\_result | [protected] Property has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\App\Emulation::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Store\Model\Store::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data | Interface has been added. | +| Magento\Weee\Helper\Data::\_resetState | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Interface changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-interface} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ResetAfterRequestInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\SaaSCommon\Model\Http\ConverterInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesClientInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\ServicesId\Model\ServicesConfigInterface | Interface was added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::WEBSITE\_ID | Constant has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::getWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | +| Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterface::setWebsiteId | [public] Method has been added. | + +#### Database changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-database} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| data\_exporter\_uuid | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_order\_status\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_production\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| payment\_services\_store\_data\_sandbox\_submitted\_hash | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_order\_statuses | Table was added | +| sales\_data\_exporter\_orders | Table was added | +| stores\_data\_exporter | Table was added | +| vault\_payment\_token/website\_id | Column was added | + +#### Di changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-di} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Elasticsearch5\Model\Client\ElasticsearchFactory | Virtual Type was removed | +| Magento\Elasticsearch\Setup\InstallConfig | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5DynamicFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldNameResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDateTimeResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeDefaultResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5FieldTypeFloatResolver | Virtual Type was removed | +| elasticsearch5StaticFieldProvider | Virtual Type was removed | +| type | Virtual Type was changed | + +#### System changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-system} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| carriers/fedex/api\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/dropoff | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/key | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/meter\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/password | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/fedex/pickup\_type | A field-node was added | +| carriers/fedex/secret\_key | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/access\_license\_number | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/gateway\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_url | A field-node was added | +| carriers/ups/tracking\_xml\_url | A field-node was removed | +| carriers/ups/type | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_enable\_auth | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_index\_prefix | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_minimum\_should\_match | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_password | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_hostname | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_port | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_server\_timeout | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_test\_connect\_wizard | A field-node was removed | +| catalog/search/elasticsearch5\_username | A field-node was removed | +| checkout/options/enable\_guest\_checkout\_login | A field-node was added | +| payment | A section-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/apple\_pay/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_color | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_height\_use\_default | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_label | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_layout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_shape | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/button\_style/style\_tagline | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/method | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/production\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/sandbox\_merchant\_id | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/general\_configuration/soft\_descriptor | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/display\_on\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/three\_ds | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/title | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/hosted\_fields/vault\_active\_admin | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/legacy\_admin\_enabled | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons | A group-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/debug | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_cart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_checkout | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_minicart | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_buttons\_product\_detail | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/display\_paylater\_message | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_card | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_paypal\_credit | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/funding\_venmo | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/magento\_payments\_button | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/payment\_action | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/sort\_order | A field-node was added | +| payment/recommended\_solutions/magento\_payments\_legacy/smart\_buttons/title | A field-node was added | +| sales | A section-node was added | +| sales/backpressure | A group-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/guest\_limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/limit | A field-node was added | +| sales/backpressure/period | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation | A group-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/enabled | A field-node was added | +| sales/cancellation/reasons | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector | A section-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/production\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_api\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_connector\_integration/sandbox\_private\_key | A field-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding | A group-node was added | +| services\_connector/services\_id\_onboarding/initiate\_onboarding | A field-node was added | +| system/full\_page\_cache/handles\_size | A field-node was added | + +#### Xsd changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-xsd} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| app/code/module-data-exporter/etc/et\_schema.xsd | A schema declaration was added | +| app/code/module-query-xml/etc/query.xsd | A schema declaration was added | + +#### EtSchema changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-etSchema} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| CreditMemo | Added a new declaration for record CreditMemo. | +| Export | Added a new declaration for record Export. | +| Invoice | Added a new declaration for record Invoice. | +| Order | Added a new declaration for record Order. | +| OrderItem | Added a new declaration for record OrderItem. | +| OrderStatus | Added a new declaration for record OrderStatus. | +| Transaction | Added a new declaration for record Transaction. | + +#### Class API membership changes {#ce-246-247-beta2-class-api-membership} + +| What changed | How it changed | +| --- | --- | +| Magento\Framework\Api\AbstractSimpleObjectBuilder | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Cache\Frontend\Decorator\Bare | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Data\Structure | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\Response | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Locale\Resolver | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\ObjectManager\ObjectManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Url | Class was added. | +| Magento\Framework\Webapi\Request | Class was added. | +| Magento\SalesRule\Model\Validator | Class was added. | diff --git a/src/data/navigation/sections/module_reference_beta.js b/src/data/navigation/sections/module_reference_beta.js index c3dffefd9..a2891c9b5 100644 --- a/src/data/navigation/sections/module_reference_beta.js +++ b/src/data/navigation/sections/module_reference_beta.js @@ -154,6 +154,11 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-application-server/" }, + { + title: "ApplicationServerNewRelic", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-application-server-new-relic/" + }, + { title: "AsyncConfig", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-async-config/" @@ -519,6 +524,11 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-cms-url-rewrite-graph-ql/" }, + { + title: "CommerceBackendUix", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-commerce-backend-uix/" + }, + { title: "Company", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-company/" @@ -689,6 +699,11 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-customer-segment/" }, + { + title: "CustomerSegmentGraphQl", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-customer-segment-graph-ql/" + }, + { title: "DataExporter", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-data-exporter/" @@ -929,6 +944,11 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-cache/" }, + { + title: "GraphQlResolverCache", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-resolver-cache/" + }, + { title: "GraphQlServer", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-server/" @@ -984,6 +1004,16 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-import-export/" }, + { + title: "ImportJson", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-import-json/" + }, + + { + title: "ImportJsonApi", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-import-json-api/" + }, + { title: "Indexer", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-indexer/" @@ -1689,6 +1719,16 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-open-search/" }, + { + title: "OrderCancellation", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation/" + }, + + { + title: "OrderCancellationGraphQl", + path: "/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation-graph-ql/" + }, + { title: "OrderHistorySearch", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-order-history-search/" @@ -1839,16 +1879,6 @@ module.exports = [ path: "/module-reference-beta/module-query-xml/" }, - { - title: "QuickCheckout", - path: "/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout/" - }, - - { - title: "QuickCheckoutAdminPanel", - path: "/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout-admin-panel/" - }, - { title: "QuickOrder", path: "/module-reference-beta/module-quick-order/" diff --git a/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/highlights.md b/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/highlights.md index 1cf82d63d..a5623d0d4 100644 --- a/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/highlights.md +++ b/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/highlights.md @@ -9,6 +9,81 @@ keywords: This page highlights backward-incompatible changes between Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases that have a major impact and require detailed explanation and special instructions to ensure third-party modules continue working. High-level reference information for all backward-incompatible changes in each release are documented in [Backward incompatible changes reference](reference.md). +## 2.4.7-beta2 + +The following major backward-incompatible changes were introduced in the 2.4.7-beta2 Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases: + +* Commerce FedEx SOAP API integration +* Commerce UPS SOAP API integration +* Elasticsearch 7 deprecation +* New method for encryption key generation +* New SKU validation in inventory source items API +* New full-page caching system configuration + +### Commerce FedEx SOAP API integration + +The Commerce FedEx SOAP API integration has been migrated to the new FedEx REST API. The FedEx Web Services for Tracking API was retired on May 15, 2024. All previous FedEx SOAP APIs have been removed from the Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.4.7 code base. + +This change affects custom code and extensions that use the SOAP APIs. You must update your code to use the REST APIs. + +You must generate REST credentials (Account Number, API Key, and Secret Key) from the FedEx developer portal and add those credentials to the Admin by going to **Stores** > **Configuration** > **Sales** > **Shipping/Delivery Methods** > **FedEx**. + +The following module is affected by this change: + +* [Magento_Fedex](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-fedex/) + +### Commerce UPS SOAP API integration + +The Commerce UPS SOAP API integration has been migrated to the new UPS REST API to support updates that UPS is making to their [API security model](https://developer.ups.com/oauth-developer-guide). UPS is implementing an OAuth 2.0 security model (bearer tokens) for all APIs. All previous Commerce UPS SOAP APIs have been removed from the Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.4.7 code base. + +You must generate REST credentials (Account Number, API Key, and Secret Key) from the UPS developer portal and update those credentials to the Admin by going to **Stores** > **Configuration** > **Sales** > **Shipping/Delivery Methods** > **UPS**. + +The following module is affected by this change: + +* [Magento_Ups](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-ups/) + +### Elasticsearch 7 deprecation + +This change removes the `Magento_Elasticsearch` module (for Elasticsearch 5) and adds support for Elasticsearch 8. The `Magento_Elasticsearch7` module is being deprecated because Elasticsearch 7 reached end-of-life in August 2023. However, it is still the default option for 2.4.7-beta2. + +The `Magento_Elasticsearch8` module is not currently supported because of backward-incompatible changes in ES7 and ES8. It is available as a Composer metapackage only in 2.4.7-beta2 until the `Magento_Elasticsearch7` module is removed from the codebase. + +You can use the `Magento_Elasticsearch7` module or install the Magento_Elasticsearch8 module in 2.4.7-beta2. + +The following modules are affected by this change: + +* [Magento_Elasticsearch](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-elasticsearch/) +* [Magento_ElasticsearchCatalogPermissions](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-elasticsearch-catalog-permissions/) +* [Magento_Elasticsearch7](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-elasticsearch-7/) +* [Magento_OpenSearch](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-open-search/) + +### New method for encyption key generation + +This change improves the security of encrypted user data. You must [reset the encryption key](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-admin/systems/security/encryption-key.html) and set the **Auto-generate** option to `Yes`. After resetting the encryption key, all credit card data and cache files are re-encrypted with the new key. + +The following files are affected by this change: + +* [`lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Config/ConfigOptionsListConstants.php`](https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.4-develop/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Config/ConfigOptionsListConstants.php)—A new method was added to increase the entropy of encryption keys generated by the framework for stored credit card and cache data. +* [`lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Math/Random.php`](https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.4-develop/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Math/Random.php)—A new constant was added to prefix base64-encoded encryption keys for use in `env.php` files. + +### New SKU validation in inventory source items API + +Payload containing SKU will now be validated for leading and trailing spaces in the `rest/V1/inventory/source-items` API. + +### New full-page caching system configuration + +This change improves the security and performance of how the framework resolves [Varnish Edge Side Includes (ESI)](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cache/use-varnish-esi.html) for [full-page caching](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/configuration-guide/cache/configure-varnish-commerce.html). + +The `{BASE-URL}/page_cache/block/esi HTTP` endpoint supports unrestricted, dynamically loaded content fragments from Commerce layout handles and block structures. + +The new **Handles params size** system configuration setting limits the `handles` parameter for the endpoint to `100` by default. You can change the default in the Admin by going to **Stores** > _Settings_ > **Configuration** > **Advanced** > **System** > **Full Page Cache**. + +No action is necessary unless you need to modify the default value for the endpoint. + +The following module is affected by this change: + +* [Magento_PageCache](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/module-reference/module-page-cache/) + ## 2.4.7-beta1 The following major backward-incompatible changes were introduced in the 2.4.7-beta1 Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source releases: diff --git a/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/reference.md b/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/reference.md index 175a7c485..21a9677ad 100644 --- a/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/reference.md +++ b/src/pages/development/backward-incompatible-changes/reference.md @@ -27,6 +27,26 @@ To view changes in functional tests, refer to [Backward incompatible changes in Patch releases are primarily focused on delivering security and quality enhancements on a regular basis to help you keep your sites performing at their peak. On an exceptional basis, breaking changes or additional patches or hotfixes may be released to address security or compliance issues and high-impact quality issues. On the module level, these are mostly PATCH-level changes; sometimes MINOR-level changes. See [Release policy](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/release/policy.html). +## 2.4.6 - 2.4.7-beta2 + +### Adobe Commerce + +import Ac247b2 from '/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/commerce/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md' + + + +### B2B for Adobe Commerce + +import B2b247b2 from '/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/b2b/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md' + + + +### Magento Open Source + +import Os247b2 from '/src/_includes/backward-incompatible-changes/open-source/2.4.6-2.4.7-beta2.md' + + + ## 2.4.6 - 2.4.7-beta1 ### Adobe Commerce diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-admin-adobe-ims.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-admin-adobe-ims.md index 9eeff1197..dfdb08569 100644 --- a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-admin-adobe-ims.md +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-admin-adobe-ims.md @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ it means that with default values is not possible to use tokens that older than ### IMS access token verification. -To verify token a public key is required. For more info https://wiki.corp.adobe.com/display/ims/IMS+public+key+retrieval +To verify token a public key is required. In Admin Adobe Ims module was defined path where certificate has to be downloaded from. By default, in config.xml, these value for production. For testing reasons, developers can override this value, for example in env.php file like this: diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-application-server-new-relic.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-application-server-new-relic.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b27fd5097 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-application-server-new-relic.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +title: ApplicationServerNewRelic +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# ApplicationServerNewRelic + +The _ApplicationServerNewRelic_ module enables reporting for performance and reliability data of the Application Server using the New Relic service. + +## Prerequisites + +To take advantage of this module, you must have a New Relic account and install the New Relic extension on your environment. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-commerce-backend-uix.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-commerce-backend-uix.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ed8279ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-commerce-backend-uix.md @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +--- +title: CommerceBackendUix +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# Adobe CommerceBackendUix module + +When the `Magento_CommerceBackendUix` php module is installed on Adobe Commerce it allows out of process extensions to customize the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel. + +## Installation + +This is a regular in-process PHP commerce in Adobe Commerce. It can be installed using composer, by adding the dependency to the needed version. + +To enable the extension in your Adobe Commerce, you can run `bin/magento module:enable Magento_CommerceBackendUix` + +## Local development + +Sync the repository to start your development. The project is already built and will work directly if you install the extension locally. + +### Changes to the PHP code + +Any change to the PHP code should be added to the local Adobe Commerce instance and compiled using the following command: + +```bash +bin/magento setup:di:compile +``` + +Make sure to clear the cache if your change affect a static file such as an XML file. You can use the following command: + +```bash +bin/magento cache:flush +``` + +## Local testing + +After adding this package to Adobe Commerce, you can enable a local server in the admin panel (navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Adobe Services > Backoffice SDK > Local testing): + +- Enable the local server. +- Set the `Base URL` that points to your localhost. +- Set the `IMS Token`. You can use `dummyToken` for example as a token and set it in your `server.js` file. +- Set the `IMS Org Id`. You can use `imsOrg` for example as a token and set it in your `server.js` file. + +Make sure that the configuration matches your local server input. If this is enabled, all calls will be automatically redirected to the local server instead of connecting to Adobe's App Registry. + +### Example of a `server.js` implementation + +```javascript +const http = require('https'); +const fs = require('fs'); +const url = require('url'); + +const options = { + key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'), + cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem') + }; + +console.log('Server will listen at : https://localhost '); +http.createServer(options, function (req, res) { + res.writeHead(200, { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', + 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*' + }); + let json_response; + + console.log(url.parse(req.url,true).pathname); + if (url.parse(req.url,true).pathname == "/config") { + json_response = { + baseUrl: "https://localhost:9090/", + apiKey: "apiKey", + auth: { + schema: "Bearer", + imsToken: "dummyToken" + }, + imsOrg: "imsOrg", + version: 1, + service: "aem" + } + } else { + json_response = [{ + "name": "", + "title": "Test extension", + "description": "No", + "icon": "no", + "publisher": "aQQ6300000008LEGAY", + "endpoints": { + "aem/commerce-admin.page-content.add/1": { + "view": [{ + "href": "https://localhost:9080/index.html" + }] + } + }, + "xrInfo": { + "supportEmail": "test@adobe.com", + "appId": "4a4c7cf8-bd64-4649-b8ed-662cd0d9c918" + }, + "status": "PUBLISHED" }] + } + + res.end( JSON.stringify(json_response) ); +}).listen(9090); +``` diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-customer-segment-graph-ql.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-customer-segment-graph-ql.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..068c74eac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-customer-segment-graph-ql.md @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +--- +title: CustomerSegmentGraphQl +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +The Magento_CustomerSegmentGraphQl module provides input information to filter custom attributes for customer and customer address. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-elasticsearch.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-elasticsearch.md index 6a451c4d1..97a57896e 100644 --- a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-elasticsearch.md +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-elasticsearch.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: README.md contents of the module from the source code Magento_Elasticsearch module allows using the Elasticsearch engine for the product searching capabilities. This module provides logic used by other modules implementing newer versions of Elasticsearch, this module by itself only adds -support for Elasticsearch v5. +support for Elasticsearch v7 and v8. The module implements Magento_Search library interfaces. @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see [Enable or disable ## Structure -`Elasticsearch5/` - the directory that contains solutions for providing ElasticSearch 5.x version. +`ElasticAdapter/` - the directory that contains the core files for providing support to ElasticSearch 7.x and 8.x +version. `SearchAdapter/` - the directory that contains solutions for adapting ElasticSearch query searching. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-resolver-cache.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-resolver-cache.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2cf09041c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-graph-ql-resolver-cache.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +title: GraphQlResolverCache +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# Magento_GraphQlResolverCache module + +This module provides the ability to granular cache GraphQL resolver results on resolver level. + +## Installation + +Before installing this module, note that the Magento_GraphQlResolverCache module is dependent on the following modules: + +- `Magento_GraphQl` + +For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see [Enable or disable modules](https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/commerce-operations/installation-guide/tutorials/manage-modules.html). + +## Extensibility + +Extension developers can interact with the Magento_GraphQlResolverCache module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see [Magento plugins](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/development/components/plugins/). + +[The Magento dependency injection mechanism](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/development/components/dependency-injection/) enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_GraphQlCache module. + +## Additional information + +- [Learn more about GraphQl In Magento 2](https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/webapi/graphql/). diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json-api.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json-api.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87b3e877b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json-api.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +title: ImportJsonApi +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# ImportJsonApi module + +The `ImportJsonApi` module provides service contracts interfaces for uploading JSON sources + +**API Endpoint**: {domain}/rest/default/V1/import/json diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c90eb4496 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-import-json.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--- +title: ImportJson +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# ImportJson module + +The `ImportJson` module provides possibility to upload JSON files as source type diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation-graph-ql.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation-graph-ql.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c1ec5e56 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation-graph-ql.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +title: OrderCancellationGraphQl +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# Magento_OrderCancellationGraphQl module + +The **OrderCancellationGraphQl** module provides a GraphQl endpoint +to cancel an order and specify the order cancellation reason. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c78ec7ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-order-cancellation.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +title: OrderCancellation +description: README.md contents of the module from the source code +--- + +# Magento_OrderCancellation module + +This module allows to cancel an order and specify the order cancellation reason. Only orders in `RECEIVED`, `PENDING` or `PROCESSING` statuses can be cancelled and if the customer has paid for the order a refund is processed. + +This functionality is enabled / disabled by a feature flag that is set at storeView level. + +After the cancellation, the customer receive an email confirming it and this cancellation is reflected in the customer's order history. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout-admin-panel.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout-admin-panel.md deleted file mode 100644 index 72dcfa181..000000000 --- a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout-admin-panel.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: QuickCheckoutAdminPanel -description: README.md contents of the module from the source code ---- - -The Magento_QuickCheckoutAdminPanel module. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout.md b/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout.md deleted file mode 100644 index d7dacaf71..000000000 --- a/src/pages/module-reference-beta/module-quick-checkout.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: QuickCheckout -description: README.md contents of the module from the source code ---- - -The Magento_QuickCheckout module allows to simplify checkout experience and as a result, increases the conversion rate for merchants. Customers can save their information in the Bolt network and on the next checkout on any store that is in the Bolt network, they will not have to enter it again. diff --git a/src/pages/module-reference/module-admin-adobe-ims.md b/src/pages/module-reference/module-admin-adobe-ims.md index 9eeff1197..dfdb08569 100644 --- a/src/pages/module-reference/module-admin-adobe-ims.md +++ b/src/pages/module-reference/module-admin-adobe-ims.md @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ it means that with default values is not possible to use tokens that older than ### IMS access token verification. -To verify token a public key is required. For more info https://wiki.corp.adobe.com/display/ims/IMS+public+key+retrieval +To verify token a public key is required. In Admin Adobe Ims module was defined path where certificate has to be downloaded from. By default, in config.xml, these value for production. For testing reasons, developers can override this value, for example in env.php file like this: