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Amit Shukla edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 1 revision

Contact Tracing, Visitor Management, Mobile Assets/Employee Attendance App

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An Electronic Visitor register App for storing Host & Guest Records, Picture Attendance with GPS Locations using user's mobile phone

Privacy is key

The idea of contact tracing prompts some concerns regarding medical privacy, and public health officials take those concerns seriously. They are ethically and, in most states, legally bound to protect the information and use it only for public health purposes.

This repository is updated to Angular 10


front-end: Angular 10
back-end: Google Firestore / Firebase
Pro Version: AI, Machine Learning Algorithm supported Advance features

send an email to for Pro version enquiries.


  1. Paperless Records for Visitors, Contact Tree and Host
  2. Save Visits with Pictures and GPS Locations
  3. Online and/or Offline App
  4. One App for multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Desktop, Cloud etc.)
  5. Instant access to ALL guest/host historical records at guest check-in.
  6. No Thumb expressions or card punching to verify identify.
  7. Auto Face Recognition (Pro version only).
  8. Live Contact instant Notifications (Pro version)
  9. Social Authentication
  10. Online and/or Offline (delayed capture) App
  11. One App for multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Desktop, Cloud etc.)
  12. Store and Access millions of records instantly
  13. Paperless and Mobile on-premise/private cloud App deployement
  14. Instant access to millions of current & historical records at anytime
  15. iOS/Android app (notification enabled) / Advance Custom features (Pro version only)
  16. Unlimited Storage (only limited to server/database hosting)

Let's get started :-

// Before we start, Please make sure you have latest version of node js installed.
// head out to and grab latest nodejs.
// Once you have nodejs installed, open command prompt/terminal window.

$ node -v // make sure, this command comes back with a node version
$ npm -v // make sure, this command comes back with a npm version

// How to Install NodeJS on Windows, Mac, Linux & ChromeOS
// First run
$ sudo apt-get update
// and then if needed
$ sudo apt-get install curl gnupg -y
// for nodejs version 14
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

// Install Angular CLI
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ ng -v // make sure, this command comes back with a npm version
$ mkdir app
$ cd app
$ mkdir client
$ cd client
$ ng new SMS
$ cd SMS
$ ng serve

Setup Google Firestore / Firebase Database & Role / Rules

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
// CTA App Rules START
  // CTA App Rules END