Web application based on Spring Boot Web Flux for searching for vacancies from popular sites:
To search, you must set one or more sites, set the last days period and enter keywords. If necessary, some results can be excluded for some words. Just put the ** "-" ** in front of them. For example, to exclude junior positions for vacancies for "java developer", keywords line will be "java developer -junior".
- Framework: Spring boot 3
- Build: Maven
- Containers: Docker, Docker-compose
- Swagger: springdoc-openapi
- Utils: Actuator
Run Spring boot project.
Open Swagger with url:http://localhost:8080/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html
Open Api-Docs wit url: http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
- JDK 17
- Maven
From project root:
docker build -f findvacancies-web-flux\Dockerfile -t fv-web-flux .
Release 2.3