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Machine Learning for software effort Estimation

How Machine Learning can be used in software estimation

COCOMO Dataset

Software development effort multipliers

Variable Description
RELY Reliability
DATA Database size
CPLX Application complexity
TIME Restriction of time
STOR Restriction of main store
VIRT Volatility of virtual machine
TURN Time of machine performance
ACAP Analyst capability
AEXP Experience with application
PCAP Programmer capability
VEXP Experience with virtual machine
LEXP Experience with programming language
MODP Use programming modern practice
TOOL Use software tools
SCHED Schedule for development
LOC Lines of Code
ACTUAL Software size

It is a set of 63 project instances, which has 17 feature columns, out of which 15 are categorical variables, and two are continuous variables. Of which Lines of code(LOC) is an independent variable and Effort is the actual target.