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Grand Theft Wumpus

This is a revamp of Hunt the Wumpus… Lets see what we can learn from this section of the book.

First things first

This game will make use of the Graphviz code we wrote to visualize the text adventure world… So, you will need to tangle the code (That’s C-c C-v t in org-mode) from the Graphviz utils. After you have done that, you can load it by evaluating the following block:

(load "graph-util")

The globals

Now, we are going to be using very similar concepts for Grand Theft Wumpus that we used for the text adventure before…

The nodes variable:

(defparameter *congestion-city-nodes* nil)

Of course, the edges too!

(defparameter *congestion-city-edges* nil)

Now, we break new ground; a list of visited nodes:

(defparameter *visited-nodes* nil)

The number of nodes to generate:

(defparameter *node-num* 30)

The number of edges to generate:

(defparameter *edge-num* 45)

The number of Gruesome Glowworm Gang teams to generate:

(defparameter *worm-num* 3)

The odds of running into cops:

(defparameter *cop-odds* 15)

And finally, the location of the player:

(defparameter *player-pos* nil)

This one wasn’t in the book, but it looks like we will use it later.

Quite a bit of state to worry about! Yeek.

Generating the world!

Okay, so we will be generating a random world, so the first step of this is being able to generate random edges:

Random edges

We need to be able to travel to all of the eventual nodes, so we will need to generate a random list of edges to connect all of the nodes.

So, to break this problem down a little, first of all we need to reference an individual random node, we can do that with the following:

(defun random-node ()
  (1+ (random *node-num*)))

Then, we need to pair two endpoints for paths between the nodes, and make sure we aren’t selecting the same node twice:

(defun edge-pair (a b)
  (unless (eql a b)
    (list (cons a b) (cons b a))))

Then we can just loop with pairs of random nodes appending to a list:

(defun make-edge-list ()
  (apply #'append (loop repeat *edge-num*
                     collect (edge-pair (random-node) (random-node)))))

This function uses a macro called loop… Which is one of the most powerful built-in Lisp macros that we can use. We are using loop’s collect which can be used to add an element to a list for every iteration of the loop… So:

(loop repeat 10
     collect 1)

We can also define ranges and act on them:

(loop for n from 1 to 10
     collect n)

In our case, we are collecting the evaluation of creating random pairs of nodes an *edge-number* of times, generating a list of random edges.

Now with this in mind, lets generate some random edges!


This will generate a big list of dotted-pair edges we can work with. I disabled evaluation here because the result is kind of large.

Preventing islands

Now that we have a random list of nodes, one thing we need to worry about with a list like this is that we don’t accidentally create any islands in our generated city, or else the game could be unwinnable. We wouldn’t want that now, would we?

To do that, we need a function that can traverse the existing nodes to see if specific nodes are unreachable… But to do this, we first we need to make a function that returns a list of nodes that are connected to the current one, which is a simple remove-if-not on the edge-list.

(defun direct-edges (node edge-list)
  (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
                   (eql (car x) node))

This function takes a node, and then returns a list of edges that start with that node, effectively allowing you to see the edges that are connected to any individual node.

So, for the sake of example, the following will show the nodes connected to the “3” node:

(direct-edges 3 (make-edge-list))

Now we can traverse the node list to look for items that are not accessible from any specific node; in this case the entry point.

So we’ll now write a function to traverse the node list, and add each node it sees to the list of visited nodes, this is the backbone of our reachability checking:

(defun get-connected (node edge-list)
  (let ((visited nil))
    (labels ((traverse (node)
               (unless (member node visited)
                 (push node visited)
                 (mapc (lambda (edge)
                         (traverse (cdr edge)))
                       (direct-edges node edge-list)))))
      (traverse node))

The idea behind this function is that we have a visited list that will always be accessible from the labels function, traverse.

The traverse function accepts a node, and if it hasn’t been visited before, it adds itself to the list of visited, and calls itself with each of the edges connected to it, keeping in mind that the visited list is always visible without passing in this recursion.

After the recursion terminates because there are no unvisited nodes, the visited list is returned to tell us all of the nodes that are connected to this one.

Now let’s utilize this function in a way that returns a list of islands!

(defun find-islands (nodes edge-list)
  (let ((islands nil))
    (labels ((find-island (nodes)
               (let* ((connected (get-connected (car nodes) edge-list))
                      (unconnected (set-difference nodes connected)))
                 (push connected islands)
                 (when unconnected
                   (find-island unconnected)))))
      (find-island nodes))

find-islands uses a very similar concept to the above function in that it uses let to create state that is accessible in a recursive labels function.

In find-island, let* is used in place of let because we want to use the first variable in the definition of the second, which is the exact opposite of the first. This is done with set-difference, which returns the nodes that are in the first that aren’t in the second.

When we have that information, we push all of the accessible nodes from the starting node in a list; the first island.

If there are any nodes that exist in unconnected, separate locations inaccessible from the starting point, we call find-island again attempting this process again from the first node of the unconnected nodes. This would create a second island if it exists, and loop again with the unconnected from both the first and second islands if that exists, and continue until there are no more unfound islands.

Finally, this list of islands is returned.

Now that we have this, we need to write a function that connects passed in islands with bridges:

(defun connect-with-bridges (islands)
  (when (cdr islands)
    (append (edge-pair (caar islands) (caadr islands))
            (connect-with-bridges (cdr islands)))))

This is a list-eater like “tweak-text” from our text adventure.

It recursively calls itself when there is a cdr, connecting the caar to the caadr of each passed in islands list on each iteration.

Remember that car and cdr variants act as if they are parsed in order backwards, so the caadr is like cdr -> car -> car.

The above just connects the inner, inner nodes of the first and second islands before recursing. This function will just return the edges we need, but not actually modify anything.

Now we need a function to wrap all the above together:

(defun connect-all-islands (nodes edge-list)
  (append (connect-with-bridges (find-islands nodes edge-list)) edge-list))

This just appends the new island edges that we make above to the existing edge-list and returns it. Nothing too complicated here.

Finalizing edges

Now that we can guarantee that there will be no islands, we can build a final edge list, this time an alist!

And while we are at it, we can add police roadblocks to some of these edges.

First of all though, lets write a function that converts some edges to an alist.

(defun edges-to-alist (edge-list)
  (mapcar (lambda (node1)
            (cons node1
                  (mapcar (lambda (edge)
                            (list (cdr edge)))
                          (remove-duplicates (direct-edges node1 edge-list)
                                             :test #'equal))))
          (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'car edge-list))))

This function first gets a unique list of each of the starting points for the edges using remove-duplicates on the car of each item in the passed in edge-list. These will be the first node of each of the alist entires.

It then uses cons to create a list with each of the starting nodes being the unique elements, and puts the cdr of each adjacent edge (Removing duplicate edges so we don’t have two of the same connection.) as the value it connects to… (Remember edge is a dotted pair, so this means the cdr is the second value of the edge.)

The :test keyword argument is used to denote that we want to just test that the lists are equal from the perspective of the values they contain, and aren’t simply the same list in memory.

mapcar returns a list, so we won’t get a dotted pair, but rather just the returned list with the first node prepended to it. The list in the mapcar is so that we have a list with just the node the edge points to in a list if we decide to add more information to the node later. (Spoiler alert: We will)

The return value should be an alist of each unique edge that references a list of places it attaches to.

So, for example, any time you evaluate this, you will get a new random alist of nodes (Though no guarantee of being island-free):

(let ((*edge-num* 5))
  (edges-to-alist (make-edge-list)))

Now that we have an easy-to-work-with list format, lets make a function that does something neat with it: lets add some cops!

(defun add-cops (edge-alist edges-with-cops)
  (mapcar (lambda (x)
            (let ((node1 (car x))
                  (node1-edges (cdr x)))
              (cons node1
                    (mapcar (lambda (edge)
                              (let ((node2 (car edge)))
                                (if (intersection (edge-pair node1 node2)
                                                  :test #'equal)
                                    (list node2 'cops)

This function is more complicated than any of our previous functions, lets dissect it a bit!

This function takes an alist, like that of the one spit out by edges-to-alist, and for each of the items of the alist, it takes the items they are associated to, and determines if any of the edges in the alist match with the edges in the passed in edges-with-cops values.

The alist isn’t in the same format as the passed in list… edges-with-cops was created using a list of items returned from edge-pair, so we reconstruct each pair in the same format we would see in the list by storing the alist first node as node1, and the node we are currently looking at as node2, then creating the edge pair with those two nodes using intersection (Which returns a list of list items that appear in both lists). Since we are simply recreating the list for this operation, intersection will fail to recognize that the two lists are equal, even if they have the same values without the :test keyword parameter like above because the two lists won’t be in the same memory.

I intersection returns anything, the list we are looking at is in the passed in edges-with-cops, and we return a list from the lambda with the list’s location and a symbol ”cops”, or else we just return the original list and nothing is modified.

The complete mapcar for that operation on the list associated with that individual alist entry is passed to the second argument of cons with the first being the node to make the original list structure. This means that if there are no modifications, the return from mapcar will simply return the same thing that would be needed to reconstruct the original list, but if there are any modifications lower down, this will recreate the list with the modifications.

With that in mind, here is the function to tie it all together:

(defun make-city-edges ()
  (let* ((nodes (loop for i from 1 to *node-num* collect i))
         (edge-list (connect-all-islands nodes (make-edge-list)))
         (cops (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (zerop (random *cop-odds*)))
    (add-cops (edges-to-alist edge-list) cops)))

So, evaluating it should give us a random workable node list; a nested alist in alist tree that represents our city:

(let ((*node-num* 5)
      (*edge-num* 7))
5(2)(1 COPS)
1(5 COPS)(2)

Generating the world’s nodes

Okay, now that we have all of the edges generated, we need to generate the nodes for the world!

But first, we will want to write a few functions to grab nearby nodes. This is because most of the clues in the game are based on nearby nodes.

This is easy because we have an alist to work with!

(defun neighbors (node edge-alist)
  (mapcar #'car (cdr (assoc node edge-alist))))

Now, for two functions, one to check if we are within one node of a target, and one to check if we are within two. (The bloodstain clues for the Wumpus can be seen from two nodes away.)

(defun within-one (a b edge-alist)
  (member b (neighbors a edge-alist)))
(defun within-two (a b edge-alist)
  (or (within-one a b edge-alist)
      (some (lambda (x)
              (within-one x b edge-alist))
            (neighbors a edge-alist))))

some is new here. It returns the first item in the passed in list (Or lists, as it allows for multiple lists) that returns a non-nil value when passed to it’s first argument, a predicate function.

This will pretty much just return true if any of the passed in neighbors pass the ”within-one” test that the current node failed.

Now that we have these utility functions, lets go ahead and write a function to build our map!

(defun make-city-nodes (edge-alist)
  (let ((wumpus (random-node))
        (glow-worms (loop repeat *worm-num* collect (random-node))))
    (loop for n from 1 to *node-num*
       collect (append (list n)
                       (cond ((eql n wumpus)
                             ((within-two n wumpus edge-alist)
                       (cond ((member n glow-worms)
                             ((some (lambda (worm)
                                      (within-one n worm edge-alist))
                       (when (some #'cdr (cdr (assoc n edge-alist)))

This function uses loop a bunch more than we’ve seen before. We use it to collect random nodes, and we use it to iterate through the nodes and add various details to them if they fulfill various conditions.

Exciting! Let’s see what kind of nodes we can expect from this function.

(let ((*node-num* 10)
      (*edge-num* 13))
  (make-city-nodes (make-city-edges)))

That’s an awful lot of action, but then again, we are packing all of the items that would show up on a much larger map into 10 nodes.

Now it’s time to play with our little world a bit!

Initializing a new game

Now that we have generated a world we can work with, we can start writing code that will initialize and start the game… Since we are going to need to start the player in an empty node, lets first write a function that finds a nice empty place to start the game out in:

(defun find-empty-node ()
  (let ((x (random-node)))
    (if (cdr (assoc x *congestion-city-nodes*))

The suggested function is above. It does have a pitfall: If there are no empty nodes, (Not possible currently) the function would run forever. Maybe I’ll fix it up a bit later.

Now, with that out of the way… Lets write a function that initializes a new game of Grand Theft Wumpus!

(defun new-game ()
  (setf *congestion-city-edges* (make-city-edges))
  (setf *congestion-city-nodes* (make-city-nodes *congestion-city-edges*))
  (setf *player-pos* (find-empty-node))
  (setf *visited-nodes* (list *player-pos*))

We can’t call this function just yet though, (draw-city) is not a part of our Lisp image… (Or rather, it shouldn’t be yet.)

Drawing the city

Now, we can write a function to draw a map of our city to a PNG. Our edges and nodes are the exact same as they were for the text adventure, so it literally only takes two lines of code to implement:

(defun draw-city ()
  (ugraph->png "city" *congestion-city-nodes* *congestion-city-edges*))


So, now to get the city map and initialize the game, we can run:


This outputs a PNG, a map of our entire city, including where everything is located. That would make the hunt slightly less of a hunt than it really should be, so, lets write a function that can tell us about the nodes we know…

(defun known-city-nodes ()
  (mapcar (lambda (node)
            (if (member node *visited-nodes*)
                (let ((n (assoc node *congestion-city-nodes*)))
                  (if (eql node *player-pos*)
                      (append n '(*))
                (list node '?)))
           (append *visited-nodes*
                   (mapcan (lambda (node)
                             (mapcar #'car
                                     (cdr (assoc node

The above code will return a list of nodes we visited, and a single node surrounding them. For the nodes we visited explicitly, we will have all of the information about the node, whereas for one that we merely know the presence of, there will only be a question mark in place of the information. The node where the player is at is marked with an asterisk.

Understanding this piece of code will require us to look at what almost looks like a typo for mapcar: mapcan!

(defun known-city-edges ()
  (mapcar (lambda (node)
            (cons node (mapcar (lambda (x)
                                 (if (member (car x) *visited-nodes*)
                                     (list (car x))))
                               (cdr (assoc node *congestion-city-edges*)))))

What exactly is mapcan though?

Pretty much, it’s just a variant of mapcar that allows us to pass in any numbers of arrays, and assumes that the resulting list’s inner lists should be appended together.


(mapcan (lambda (item) item) '((1 2 3 4) (I declare a thumb war)))

Because this would return two lists as each call to the mapcan lambda would return a list, and mapcan would append them together.

Anywho, since this we now have a function that returns a node list of only the known city and a function that only returns the known edges, we can put that altogether int a function that plugs that into our Graphviz library and draws only the known map thus far:

(defun draw-known-city ()
  (ugraph->png "known-city" (known-city-nodes) (known-city-edges)))

So now the code:


Outputs this nifty little file with only the known city.

Now that we have that, lets rewrite out new-game initialization with only the limited map in mind:

(defun new-game ()
  (setf *congestion-city-edges* (make-city-edges))
  (setf *congestion-city-nodes* (make-city-nodes *congestion-city-edges*))
  (setf *player-pos* (random-node))
  (setf *visited-nodes* (list *player-pos*))

Cool. Now, it’s time to worry about our walking code!

Walking around congestion city

Our walking-around code will be quite similar to the walking code we used for our text-adventure, with some modification. Moving around will consist of two possible commands, simple walking, and charging.

Walking will be used for simple moving around… Charging on the other hand, will only be used if we think we have found the Wumpus.

Assuming we have a handle-direction function (Not implemented yet) that takes a direction, and whether or not we are charging, we can write two very lightly abstracted functions for walking and charging in a particular direction that our game REPL can call:

(defun walk (pos)
    (handle-direction pos nil))

And of course:

(defun charge (pos)
  (handle-direction pos t))

Now, handle-direction will need to determine if the move is legal, and if it is, to update the player position, and perform any actions that this new location is supposed to (Though those will be in a separate function for the sake of terse and readable code.):

(defun handle-direction (pos charging)
  (let ((edge (assoc pos (cdr (assoc *player-pos* *congestion-city-edges*)))))
    (if edge
        (handle-new-place edge pos charging)
        (princ "That location does not exist!"))))

This function will first use a let to see if there is a position adjacent to the player that matches what was passed into the function. If so, it passed its state to a handler function which contains the logic for going to that new location. If not, it just outputs a message saying the location doesn’t exist, and just returns.

Now, for the handler function: handle-new-place

(defun handle-new-place (edge pos charging)
  (let* ((node (assoc pos *congestion-city-nodes*))
         (has-worm (and (member 'glow-worm node)
                        (not (member node *visited-nodes*)))))
    (pushnew pos *visited-nodes*)
    (setf *player-pos* pos)
    (cond ((member 'cops edge)
           (princ "You ran into the cops. Game Over."))
          ((member 'wumpus node)
           (if charging
               (princ "You found the Wumpus!")
               (princ "You ran into the Wumpus")))
           (princ "You wasted your last bullet. Game over."))
          (has-worm (let ((new-pos (random-node)))
                      (princ "You ran into a Glow Worm Gang! You're now at ")
                      (princ new-pos)
                      (setf *player-pos* new-pos)
                      (handle-new-place nil new-pos nil))))))

Playing the game.

Look at that! The basic Lispy version of the game is complete. It is playable by running:


Then open the known city image in an image viewer that refreshes on image update. (Or in something you can easily refresh)

Then play by using (walk <node>) replacing ”<node>” with the node you wish to walk to, and to use (charge <node>) when you think you found the Wumpus.

You when you see lights or hear sirens, the Glow Worm Gang or the police are only a single step away. And when you see blood, you are within two nodes of the Wumpus.

Use the information about the places you have explored to pinpoint the places you shouldn’t drop by, and to determine where the Wumpus is hiding.

If you walk (as opposed to charge) into the Wumpus, you die. If you run into a police roadblock, you die. If you run into a Glow Worm Gang, you are moved to a random new location on the map, including potentially dangerous places.

Good luck!

Optimizing the game

The following won’t be exported into the game if you tangle this file, but here is a good example of how one could optimize something like Grand Theft Wumpus in a meaningful way.

The fetching of connected nodes to any specific one that we used for our island prevention is terribly inefficient. If we had a lot of nodes, it would start slowing down way faster than it should.

We can fix this by replacing the edge list with a hash table. This will allow get-connected to work as fast with 1000 node connections as it would with 10.

We will make another one for the visited nodes too for the same reason; something where the game will handle it like a champ if we pump some ridiculous numbers into the game variables.

Here is a function that will create a hash table for our edges:

(defun hash-edges (edge-list)
  (let ((tab (make-hash-table)))
    (mapc (lambda (x)
            (let ((node (car x)))
              (push (cdr x) (gethash node tab))))

This function does something neat with pushpush works very much like setf does; showing off Lisp’s support for a “generic setters”.

The rest of the function is pretty straight forward… Just append to the end of each hash table entry, the edges for each node until we have a hash table with the keys being nodes and the values being lists of edges.

Now, we can write a variant of get-connected that will work multitudes faster than the original version:

(defun get-connected-hash (node edge-tab)
  (let ((visited (make-hash-table)))
    (labels ((traverse (node)
               (unless (gethash node visited)
                 (setf (gethash node visited) t)
                 (mapc (lambda (edge)
                         (traverse edge))
                       (gethash node edge-tab)))))
      (traverse node))

Now, lets do a quick (Maybe) comparison:

(let ((*trace-output* *standard-output*)
      (*edge-num* 1000)
      (*node-num* 1000))
  (time (dotimes (i 100)
          (get-connected 1 (make-edge-list)))))
Real time: 38.056175 sec.
Run time: 37.892643 sec.
Space: 36555584 Bytes
GC: 17, GC time: 0.0624004 sec.
(let ((*trace-output* *standard-output*)
      (*edge-num* 1000)
      (*node-num* 1000))
  (time (dotimes (i 100)
          (get-connected-hash 1 (hash-edges (make-edge-list))))))
Real time: 0.8010458 sec.
Run time: 0.8112052 sec.
Space: 32886064 Bytes
GC: 15, GC time: 0.0624004 sec.

