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- A web app memory game that keeps track of the user's selected images and updates their scores accordingly.
- Every time an image is clicked, the images rendered to the page shuffle themselves in a random order.
- The user's score gets incremented when clicking on an image for the first time.
- The user's score gets reset to 0 if they click on the same image for the second time.
- Once the user's score has reset after an incorrect guess, the game restarts.
- Images are NOT pulled over from a file or database, but they are dynamic data fetched from
- Languages, libraries, and frameworks:
- Dependencies:
- API:
- Package Manager:
- Version control:
- Editor:
Visual Studio Code
- Operating System:
Mac OS
- See the application up and running via GitHub Pages directly from its depository
- Here see a short demo of this application on my YouTube channel!
In order to run the application on your device, follow the instructions given below:
- Clone down the application to your local device
- Click on the green button above "Clone or download"
- ...
- Install the packages specified in
$ npm i
$ yarn start
- ...