In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, sexual identity and orientation, political beliefs and opinions, and subculture.
Note 1: unnecessarily bringing up any of the things mentioned above is likewise frowned upon. This GitHub repository is not the place to discuss personal matters such as those mentioned, and other people are not in any way obligated to agree with you, so if you're very sensitive about anything (and in case someone else may be very sensitive as well), it's best for everyone involved to avoid bringing up such a thing in the first place.
Note 2: fair criticism is not considered harassment for the purpose of this rule. Fair criticism focuses on actions that should be taken, rather than the person responsible for those actions. It should be given in a constructive, respectful and non-threatening way. In comparison, unfair criticism makes use of generalizations and broad terms, and is delivered in a harsh tone. This mostly applies to other community resources; such discussions shouldn't happen on this GitHub repository in the first place.
- Assume other participants are posting in good faith, even if you disagree with what they say.
- Make an effort to treat other participants with respect.
- Do not take a harsh tone towards other participants, and especially don't make personal attacks against them.
- Recognize that criticism of your statements is not a personal attack on you.
- Avoid statements about the presumed typical desires, capabilities or actions of some demographic group.
- Be especially kind to other contributors when saying they made a mistake.
- Don't argue unceasingly for your preferred course of action when a decision for some other course has already been made. Exception is made for arguments that weren't already brought up at some point in the past.
- If other participants complain about the way you express your ideas, please make an effort to cater to them.
- Don't raise unrelated political issues.
- If you feel these standards are being violated, please alert the project lead Atomic Fox on Discord.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at and the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines.