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File metadata and controls

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Onboarding New Dev Team

Now that the management cluster is up and running, the next step is to onboard a new development team. This involves creating new workload cluster(s) and necessary infrastructure for the team to deploy their applications.

Setup a new Team infrastructure using ArgoCD

There is example code to create new AKS clusters using CAPZ and Crossplane in the /gitops/clusters/ folder, but these clusters are not being created yet since there is no ArgoCD application added on the management cluster to sync to this directory.

We will add the application to sync and create the clusters below, but first modify the values for this code before doing the commit to git to create the team clusters:

For crossplane only - update these files:

  • cluster-claim.yaml in base - - change line 31 adminGroupObjectIds value as the objectId of the user/group to be designated as the admin for the clusters.
  • cluster-claim.yaml in dev - change line 13 adminUser value as the objectId of the user to be designated as the admin user for the cluster.
  • cluster-claim.yaml in stage - change line 13 adminUser value as the objectId of the user to be designated as the admin user for the cluster.

Optional for CAPZ only:

  • In order to access the workload cluster with a personal SSH key when using the CAPZ control plane option, create an SSH key with the following command. For more information on creating and using SSH keys, follow this link.
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096

Update the sshPublicKey value in the gitops/clusters/capz/aks-appset.yaml file.

After these changes, commit the changes to the git repo on your fork.

Next, create an ArgoCD application to sync the new team clusters by running this command against the management cluster:

kubectl apply -f ../gitops/clusters/clusters-argo-applicationset.yaml

The application will show up in the ArgoCD console and start provisioning the infrastructure in the gitops/clusters/<capz/crossplane> folder. The metadata in that file is already present on the ArgoCD cluster from the initial terraform apply and can be seen in the management ArgoCD UI - under Settings - Clusters - gitops-aks cluster. The team cluster creation will take a few minutes.

Connect to existing deployed workload cluster

To connect to the existing AKS clusters which have been deployed above do the following:

With Crossplane:

az aks get-credentials -n my-app-cluster-dev -g my-app-cluster-dev
kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli

With CAPZ:

az aks get-credentials -n aks0 -g aks0

Dev team deploy application using ArgoCD

The existing clusters already installed ArgoCD and the required platform engineering requirements from the ArgoCD application which again utilized the app of apps pattern to install everything in the gitops/apps/infra folder.

The new dev team would like to install their application so they will create a new ArgoCD application which synchronizes to the folder in their own repository which contains the Kubernetes deployment manifests. The repoURL could be any git repository, but assume this public sample app repository is the developer team's repo to make things easier for demo purposes. Execute a kubectl apply -f with the following code while connected to the team cluster:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Application
  name: aks-store-demo
  namespace: argocd
  project: default
      targetRevision: HEAD
      path: kustomize/overlays/dev             
      automated: {}
      namespace: argocd
      server: https://kubernetes.default.svc

The AKS store demo application was installed into the pets namespace and webpage can be visited by following instructions here. Be sure to visit the IP address using http and not https.

The development team can also view the status of the applications in the ArgoCD console installed on the team cluster.

# Get the initial admin password and the IP address of the ArgoCD web interface.
kubectl get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd --template="{{index .data.password | base64decode}}"
kubectl get svc -n argocd argo-cd-argocd-server