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React Native FlyBuy Core SDK wrapper Example

Getting Started

Step 1: Start the Metro Server

First, you will need to start Metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native.

To start Metro, run the following command from the root of your React Native project:

# using npm
npm start

# OR using Yarn
yarn start

Step 2: Update environment variable

cp .env.example .env

Then update the values based on your configuration

Step 3: Start your Application

Let Metro Bundler run in its own terminal. Open a new terminal from the root of your React Native project. Run the following command to start your Android or iOS app:

For Android

# using npm
npm run android

# OR using Yarn
yarn android

For iOS

# using npm
npm run ios

# OR using Yarn
yarn ios

Step 4: Wrapper wrapper and sync

The package on the example app is not symlinked to the monorepo package, so when we modify the development pods in XCode, we need to automatically sync the files.

Modify the path in scripts/ to match your local path and make sure to change the path according to the package that you want to modify and sync.