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File metadata and controls

379 lines (281 loc) · 10.5 KB

PHP library/framework for building Web apps while respecting the 5 principles of RESTful design.

  • Give every "thing" an ID (aka URIs)
  • Link things together (HATEOAS)
  • Use standard methods (aka the standard interface)
  • Resources with multiple representations (aka standard document formats)
  • Communicate statelessly

See the Tonic site for more info.

How it works

Everything is a resource, and a resource is defined as a PHP class. Annotations wire a URI to the resource and HTTP methods to class methods.

 * This class defines an example resource that is wired into the URI /example
 * @uri /example
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource {
     * @method GET
    function exampleMethod() {
        return new Response(Response::OK, 'Example response');

The class method can do any logic it then requires and return a Response object, an array of status code and response body, or just a response body string.

How to get started

The best place to get started is to get the hello world example running on your system, to do this you will need a web server running PHP5.3+.

To bootstrap Tonic, include the src/Tonic/Autoloader.php file and create an instance Tonic\Request. After you have defined your resource classes, load the matching resource, execute it, and output the response.

require_once '../src/Tonic/Autoloader.php';

$app = new Tonic\Application();
$request = new Tonic\Request();

require_once 'example.php';

$resource = $app->getResource($request);
$response = $resource->exec();

Finally you need to route all incoming requests to this script. Have a look in the web directory for an example to get you going.


URI annotations

Resources are attached to their URL by their @uri annotation:

 * @uri /example
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource { }

As well as a straight forward URI string, you can also use a regular expression so that a resource is tied to a range of URIs:

 * @uri /example/([a-z]+)
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource {

     * @method GET
    function exampleMethod($parameter) {

URL template and Rails route style @uri annotations are also supported:

 * @uri /users/{username}
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource {

     * @method GET
    function exampleMethod($username) {

 * @uri /users/:username
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource {

     * @method GET
    function exampleMethod($username) {

It is also possible for multiple resource to match the same URI or to have more than one URI for the same resource:

 * @uri /example
 * @uri /example/([a-z]+)
class ExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource { }

 * @uri /example/apple
 * @priority 2
class AnotherExampleResource extends Tonic\Resource { }

By using the @priority annotation with a number, of all the matching resources, the one with the highest postfixed number will be used.

Mount points

To make resources more portable, it is possible to "mount" them into your URL-space by providing a namespace name to URL-space mapping. Every resource within that namespace will in effect have the URL-space prefixed to their @uri annotation.

$app = new Tonic\Application(array(
    'mount' => array('namespaceName' => '/some/mounted/uri')

Resource annotation cache

Parsing of resource annotations has a performance penalty. To remove this penalty and to remove the requirement to load all resource classes up front (and to allow opcode caching), a cache can be used to store the resource annotation data.

Passing a cache object into the Application object at construction will cause that cache to be used to read and store the resource annotation metadata rather than read it from the source code tokens. Tonic comes with a single cache class that stores the cache on disk.

Then rather than including your resource class files explicitly, the Application object will load them for you if you pass in the "load" option if it can't load the metadata from the cache.

$app = new Tonic\Application(array(
    'load' => '../resources/*.php', // look for resource classes in here
    'cache' => new Tonic\MetadataCache('/tmp/tonic.cache') // use the metadata cache

Method conditions

Conditions can be added to methods via custom annotations that map to another class method. The resource method will only match if all the conditions return without throwing a Tonic exception.

 * @method GET
 * @hascookie foo
function exampleMethod() {

function hasCookie($cookieName) {
    if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) throw new Tonic\ConditionException;

There are a number of built in conditions provided by the base resource class.

@priority number    Higher priority method takes precident over other matches
@accepts mimetype   Given mimetype must match request content type
@provides mimetype  Given mimetype must be in request accept array
@cache seconds      Send cache header for the given number of seconds

Response exceptions

The Request object and Resource objects can throw Tonic\Exceptions when a problem occurs that the object does not want to handle and so relinquishes control back to the dispatcher.

If you don't want to handle a problem within your Resource class, you can throw your own Tonic\Exception and handle it in the dispatcher. Look at the auth example for an example of how.


Dependency injection container

You probably want a way to handle your project dependencies. Being a lightweight HTTP framework, Tonic won't handle this for you, but does make it easy to bolt in your own dependency injection container (ie. Pimple

For example, to construct a Pimple container and make it available to the loaded resource, adjust your dispatcher.php as such:

require_once '../src/Tonic/Autoloader.php';
require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php';

// set up the container
$container = new Pimple();
$container['dsn'] = 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/my_db';
$container['database'] = function ($c) {
    return new DB($c['dsn']);
$container['dataStore'] = function ($c) {
    return new DataStore($c['database']);

$app = new Tonic\Application();
$request = new Tonic\Request();
$resource = $app->getResource($request);

// make the container available to the resource before executing it
$resource->container = $container;

$response = $resource->exec();

Input processing

Although Tonic makes available the raw input data from the HTTP request, it does not attempt to interpret this data. If, for example, you want to process all incoming JSON data into an array, you can do the following:

require_once '../src/Tonic/Autoloader.php';

$app = new Tonic\Application();
$request = new Tonic\Request();

// decode JSON data received from HTTP request
if ($request->contentType == 'application/json') {
    $request->data = json_decode($request->data);

$resource = $app->getResource($request);

$response = $resource->exec();

We can also automatically encode the response in the same way:

$response = $resource->exec();

// encode output
if ($response->contentType == 'application/json') {
    $response->body = json_encode($response->body);


RESTful modelling

REST systems are made up of individual resources and collection resources which contain individual resources. Here is an example of an implemention of an "object" collection resource and an "object" resource to store within it:

 * @uri /objects
class ObjectCollection extends Tonic\Resource {

     * @method GET
     * @provides application/json
    function list() {
        $ds = $this->container['dataStore'];
        return json_encode($ds->fetchAll());

     * @method POST
     * @accepts application/json
    function add() {
        $ds = $this->container['dataStore'];
        $data = json_decode($this->request->data);
        return new Tonic\Response(Tonic\Response::CREATED);

 * @uri /objects/:id
class Object extends Tonic\Resource {

     * @method GET
     * @provides application/json
    function display() {
        $ds = $this->container['dataStore'];
        return json_encode($ds->fetch($this->id));

     * @method PUT
     * @accepts application/json
     * @provides application/json
    function update() {
        $ds = $this->container['dataStore'];
        $data = json_decode($this->request->data);
        $ds->update($this->id, $data);
        return $this->display();

     * @method DELETE
    function remove() {
        $ds = $this->container['dataStore'];
        return new Tonic\Response(Tonic\Response::NOCONTENT);

Handling errors

When an error occurs, Tonic throws an exception that extends the Tonic\Exception class. You can amend the front controller to catch these exceptions and handle them.

$app = new Tonic\Application();
$request = new Tonic\Request();
try {
    $resource = $app->getResource($request);
} catch(Tonic\NotFoundException $e) {
    $resource = new NotFoundResource($app, $request);
try {
    $response = $resource->exec();
} catch(Tonic\Exception $e) {
    $resource = new FatalErrorResource($app, $request);
    $response = $resource->exec();

For more information, read the code. Start with the dispatcher "web/dispatch.php" and the Hello world in the "src/Tyrell" directory.