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175 lines (146 loc) · 18.7 KB


We propose two algorithms to efficiently estimate the effective diameter and other distance metrics on very large graphs that are based on the neighborhood function such as the exact diameter, the (effective) radius or the average distance. We exploit the MinHash approach to derive compressed representations of large and sparse datasets that preserve similarity (signatures), thus to provide a good approximation of the size of the neighborhood of a node. The two algorithms are based on a technique named MinHash Signature Estimation (MHSE) that exploits the similarity between signatures to estimate the size of the neighborhood sets. The first algorithm, MHSE, is as effective as HyperANF, the state of art method for the estimation of the neighborhood function in a very large graph. Indeed, the p-values of both parametric (t-test) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon) statistical tests on residuals for average distance, effective diameter and number of connected pairs, show that MHSE tends to produce results that are statistically similar to the correct diameter in more tested graphs than HyperANF. The second algorithm, SE-MHSE (Space Efficient MHSE), produces the same outcomes of MHSE but with less space complexity. These two approaches could be easily extended and optimized in two different ways:

  • first, we used a different representation of data (we sign only the minhash node, without storing informations on hashes of the other nodes), reducing the amount of memory needed to store essential informations for the algorithm. This optimization lead us to the versions BMHSE (Boolean MHSE) and SEBMHSE (Boolean SE-MHSE);
  • second, we implemented a multi-thread version of the algorithms. This was possible due to the nature of the algorithm, that is completely parallelizable. This second optimization lead us to the versions BMHSEMulti (Boolean MHSE Multithread) and SEBMHSEMulti (Boolean SE-MHSE Multithread).

Table of contents

How to run the algorithm

To run one of the MinHash-based algorithms, clone this repository and run the application class MinHashMain. This is the main class for the execution of one of the MinHash-based algorithms. It will output some statistics (number of nodes, number of edges, effective diameter, average distance, lower bound diameter and so on) on a given input graph. Before executing the code, you will have to set some properties on the /etc/ file (see next sections). The application will use as input file a graph in WebGraph format (see this link for more info about this graph encoding and datasets). If you have a graph encoded in edgelist format, before running MHSE (or similar algorithms) you have to execute EdgeList2WebGraph application to have a WebGraph version of your edgelist-encoded graph.
There is also the possibility to translate a graph from WebGraph format to an edgelist format. In this case you have to execute WebGraph2EdgeList application. More informations about applications configuration can be seen in the file section.

Working example: run test on enron graph

To run tests on a graph encoded as WebGraph file you can follow the steps below (in this example we are going to run test on enron graph). We are going to assume that you have correctly cloned the MHSE repository and we are going to refer to the root of the project as mhseRoot:

  • download enron.graph and into a folder of your choice (we are going to refer to the path to this folder as enronFolder);

  • copy the content of /etc/ and overwrite it into /etc/;

  • the enronFolder will contain the 2 enron files with the same name but different extension. We are going to refer to the path to one of this files without extension as enronWebGraph

  • from mhseRoot folder execute command java -cp ./jar/mhse-1.0.jar it.unimi.dsi.webgraph.BVGraph -o -O -L enronWebGraph, where you have to change enronWebGraph with your enronWebGraph path;

  • modify the minhash.inputFilePath and minhash.outputFolderPath properties of the /etc/ file according to enronWebGraph and to a folder that will contain final results and statistics of the algorithm. We are going to refer to this output folder path as enronResultsFolder;

  • from mhseRoot folder execute MinHashMain application to execute MHSE algorithm with the command java -jar ./jar/mhse-1.0.jar.

  • you can find results of the execution of the algorithm into enronResultsFolder. The default minhash algorithm to be executed is MHSE. If you want to run the Space Efficient version of the algorithm, just modify minhash.algorithmName property of the /etc/ to the value SEMHSE before last step. Results of your execution should be the same of the first JSON block of the /results/enron file.

Working example: run test on worldSeriesRetweets graph

To run tests on a custom graph encoded as edgelist file you can follow the steps below (in this example we are going to run test on worldSeriesRetweets graph). We are going to assume that you have correctly cloned the MHSE repository and we are going to refer to the root of the project as mhseRoot:

  • download worldSeriesRetweets zip file into a folder of your choice (we are going to refer to the path to this folder as worldSeriesRetweetsFolder);

  • extract worldSeriesRetweets graph (we are going to refer to the path to this file as worldSeriesRetweetsGraph) from the zip file previously downloaded with the command unzip (if you don't have unzip command installed, please install it with sudo apt-get install unzip);

  • copy the content of /etc/ and overwrite it into /etc/;

  • modify the edgeList2WebGraph.inputEdgelistFilePath and edgeList2WebGraph.outputFolderPath properties of the /etc/ file according to worldSeriesRetweetsGraph and worldSeriesRetweetsFolder;

  • from mhseRoot folder execute EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion into WebGraph format with the command java -cp ./jar/mhse-1.0.jar it.bigdatalab.applications.EdgeList2WebGraph. The output of this command will be the creation of the worldSeriesRetweetsFolder containing 3 files with the same name but different extension. We are going to refer to the path to one of this files without extension as worldSeriesRetweetsWebGraph;

  • modify the minhash.inputFilePath and minhash.outputFolderPath properties of the /etc/ file according to worldSeriesRetweetsWebGraph and to a folder that will contain final results and statistics of the algorithm. We are going to refer to this output folder path as worldSeriesResultsFolder;

  • from mhseRoot folder execute MinHashMain application to execute MHSE algorithm with the command java -jar ./jar/mhse-1.0.jar.

  • you can find results of the execution of the algorithm into worldSeriesResultsFolder. The default minhash algorithm to be executed is MHSE. If you want to run the Space Efficient version of the algorithm, just modify minhash.algorithmName property of the /etc/ to the value SEMHSE before last step. Results of your execution should be the same of the first JSON block of the /results/worldSeriesRetweets file.

The /etc/ file contains properties for all the applications of the project and it is divided in sections, one for each application. Here the explanation of sections and properties.

MinHash section

Right now, MHSE, BMHSE (with a multithread version), SEMHSE, SEBMHSE (with a multithread version) algorithms are developed. List of the properties for all the MinHash-based applications.

  • minhash.suggestedNumberOfThreads handles the parallelization of the algorithm. This property has to be an integer that indicates the number of parallel threads that have to be run
  • minhash.persistCollisionTable persist the collision table on the output file
  • minhash.inputFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in a WebGraph format. If your input graph has an edgelist format, see EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion.
  • minhash.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder path, that will contain results of the execution of the algorithm
  • minhash.reorder is a boolean value. if True reorder the input graph by degree. Deprecated
  • minhash.transpose is a boolean value. if True, the input graph is the transpose version
  • minhash.isolatedVertices is a boolean value. Keep the isolated nodes if True is set, else it will be removed from input graph
  • minhash.isSeedsRandom is a boolean value. If it is True, the list of seeds used in the hash functions will be random, else it will be loaded from minhash.inputFilePathSeedNode property
  • minhash.algorithmName string name of the MinHash algorithm to be executed. A list of acceptable name values is available in the following class: it.bigdatalab.algorithm.AlgorithmEnum.
  • minhash.threshold float value that is the threshold used for the effective diameter. Usually it is set to 0.9 (90% of total reachable couples of nodes)
  • minhash.direction direction of the MinHash messages. Acceptable values are in or out. If you set in, the MinHash is propagated from the destination node to the source node. If you set out, from the source to the destination node. This choice doesn't affect computation of all metrics (effective diameter, average distance and so on) but it could make a difference in convergence time.
  • minhash.numSeeds number of seeds used for MinHash algorithm. If isSeedsRandom is False, you can set numSeeds to 0 to compute GroundTruth (Important: you must set nodeIDRange)
  • minhash.nodeIDRange graph nodes to compute Ground Truth (pattern to follow: "0,n-1" with n as number of nodes)
  • minhash.inputFilePathSeedNode string path of the external json file containing seeds list and nodes list
  • minhash.inMemory is a boolean value. If True is set, load the entire graph in memory.
  • minhash.computeCentrality This property will be used in a future development In this section, we list properties to run multiple tests of the same algorithm:
  • minhash.numTests integer value representing the number of tests to be done. We need to run algorithm multiple times to get significance test e.g. mean and variance of all tests. All output results will be written in JSON format (see Results section).

EdgeList2WebGraph section

In this section, we list properties used to translate a graph encoded in edgelist format into a WebGraph encoded file.

  • edgeList2WebGraph.inputEdgelistFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in an edgelist format
  • edgeList2WebGraph.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder where the application will persist the graph encoded in WebGraph format
  • edgeList2WebGraph.fromJanusGraph is a boolean value. If True, normalize nodes IDs (JanusGraph encode node IDs as multiple of 4. This property divide IDs to have sequential IDs in the output)

WebGraph2EdgeList section

In this section, we list properties used to translate a graph encoded in WebGraph format into an edgelist encoded file.

  • webGraph2EdgeList.inputFilePath string path of the input file, representing a graph in an WebGraph format
  • webGraph2EdgeList.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder where the application will persist the graph encoded in an edgelist format

Hyperball section

In this section, we list properties to run Hyperball algorithm.

  • hyperball.suggestedNumberOfThreads handles the parallelization of the algorithm. This property has to be an integer that indicates the number of parallel threads that have to be run
  • hyperball.inputFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in a WebGraph format. If your input graph has an edgelist format, see EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion.
  • hyperball.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder path, that will contain results of the execution of the algorithm
  • hyperball.log2m number of seeds used for Hyperball algorithm
  • hyperball.isolatedVertices is a boolean value. Keep the isolated nodes if True is set, else it will be removed from input graph
  • hyperball.threshold float value that is the threshold used for the effective diameter. Usually it is set to 0.9 (90% of total reachable couples of nodes)
  • hyperball.numTests integer value representing the number of tests to be done. We need to run algorithm multiple times to get significance test e.g. mean and variance of all tests. All output results will be written in JSON format (see Results section).
  • hyperball.direction direction of the messages. Acceptable values are in or out. If you set in, the message is propagated from the destination node to the source node. If you set out, from the source to the destination node. This choice doesn't affect computation of all metrics (effective diameter, average distance and so on) but it could make a difference in convergence time.
  • hyperball.inMemory is a boolean value. If True is set, load the entire graph in memory.

GroundTruth section

In this section, we list properties to run GroundTruth implementation developed by WebGraph.

  • groundTruth.threadNumber handles the parallelization of the algorithm. This property has to be an integer that indicates the number of parallel threads that have to be run
  • groundTruth.inputFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in a WebGraph format. If your input graph has an edgelist format, see EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion.
  • groundTruth.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder path, that will contain results of the execution of the algorithm
  • groundTruth.isolatedVertices is a boolean value. Keep the isolated nodes if True is set, else it will be removed from input graph
  • groundTruth.inMemory is a boolean value. If True is set, load the entire graph in memory

Seed generation section

In this section, we list properties to generate the seeds lists for a graph

  • seed.inputFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in a WebGraph format. If your input graph has an edgelist format, see EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion.
  • seed.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder path, that will contain results of the execution of the algorithm (results in json format)
  • seed.numSeeds an integer value representing the number of seeds to generate
  • seed.isolatedVertices is a boolean value. Keep the isolated nodes if True is set, else it will be removed from input graph
  • seed.numTest integer value representing the number of seeds lists to generate
  • seed.inMemory is a boolean value. If True is set, load the entire graph in memory.

InOut degree section

In this section, we list properties to compute in and out degree of each node of an input graph

  • inoutdegree.inputFilePath string path of the input file representing a graph in a WebGraph format. If your input graph has an edgelist format, see EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion.
  • inoutdegree.outputFolderPath string path of the output folder path, that will contain results of the execution of the algorithm (results in json format)
  • inoutdegree.isolatedVertices is a boolean value. Keep the isolated nodes if True is set, else it will be removed from input graph
  • inoutdegree.inMemory is a boolean value. If True is set, load the entire graph in memory.


You can find the results of MHSE (JSON format) in the results folder. For each graph, we have run the algorithm twenty times with different seed lists (you can find the seed lists in the properties file in etc folder)

Verify results of MHSE/SE-MHSE tests

If you want to test MHSE and verify our results, download the Java code from the repository and modify the properties file in etc folder according to the graph (and results) you are interested into. For example, if you are interested in the replication of tests stored in /results/amazon-2008 modify /etc/ according to the corresponding json object in /results/amazon-2008 and then execute the MinHashMain application. For test replication purposes, you have to know that there are 2 types of graph. The replication of tests differs according to the type of the input graph:

  • WebGraph graphs: amazon-2008, cnr-2000, com-dblp, dblp-2010, email-EuAll, enron, uk-2007-05@100000, web-NotreDame. For these graphs you can download data from this link, modify MinHash section of the /etc/ file and execute MinHashMain application directly.
  • Custom graphs in edgelist format: blackFridayRetweets, worldSeriesRetweets (from this repository), and com-youtube, soc-Slashdot, web-BerkStan, web-Google (from this link), modify EdgeList2WebGraph section of the /etc/ file and execute EdgeList2WebGraph application to make a conversion into WebGraph format. After that you have to modify MinHash section of the /etc/ file and execute MinHashMain application. For further information about these graphs see the corresponding README