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Puzzle Editor Tutorial

Charles Tian edited this page Feb 7, 2024 · 1 revision

The puzzle editor allows for the creation of new puzzles or editing previously created puzzles.

Common Definitions

  • Grid: A coordinate plane where each coordinate consists of a single cell.
  • Cell: An element in a grid (usually in the form of a square).
    • A cell is unknown if its content is unknown.
  • Content: The content or data inside a single cell.

Available Puzzles

Creating a new Puzzle

After running the Legup.jar file,


click Create Puzzle. The popup window will differ based on whether the puzzle accepts text input or grid size to initialize the board. The two images below show the input for a Nurikabe puzzle and a Short Truth Table puzzle.

image image

Some puzzles may have restrictions on the size of the board created. For example, when creating nurikabe puzzles, the number of rows and columns must both be greater than 1. Check the rules of the type of puzzle you want to create.

Once valid dimensions are given, an empty board is created. In the image below, a Nurikabe puzzle with 3 rows and 4 columns is created.

Puzzle Editor with Empty Nurikabe Board

To start adding rules, skip ahead to the Adding Rules section.

Editing an existing Puzzle

Click Edit Puzzle and select the premade puzzle file to edit. There are several pre-created puzzles in the LEGUP directory. Unless the local path was changed, they can be found in C:\Users\your_username\Documents\GitHub\LEGUP\puzzles files. Or, you can continue to edit a puzzle that you have recently created.


Adding Rules

In the Rules section of the window, there are two types of elements that can be added to a puzzle: Placeable elements and Non-placeable elements. Placeable elements are elements that the puzzle solver can edit. In our case, the player can toggle cells between white, black, and unknown. Non-placeable elements are tiles that the player cannot edit. The clue tiles are immutable by the player when they are solving the puzzle. Hovering over any tiles gives the name of the tile, along with a short description.

Click on an element, then click on a corresponding cell in the grid to set the content of the cell to the selected element. For a nurikabe clue tile, clicking on the tile advances the value by one, while right-clicking decreases the value by one.


Saving the puzzle

Go to File > Save As in the context menu. In the file navigation popup window, select a location to save your new puzzle. To leave the puzzle editor, go to File > Exit.

Context Menu with the File dropdown selected

Now all that's left to do is prove whether or not the puzzle is solvable! To solve the puzzle, click on Solve Puzzle, open your newly created puzzle, and follow the Proof Editor Tutorial to create a solution.

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