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Easter Eggs

During the contest, we also held an Easter Egg contest for teams who liked poking around at our site. We decided that the eggs would contribute to the actual rankings to motivate people to find them. Here's how it worked:

  • 200 bonus points to the team that had the most eggs
  • 100 bonus points to the team that had the second-most eggs

Should two teams tie for first, they'd both get 200 points, and same for second place. As it turns out, RNNF, an observer team, ended up winning with a score of 12 easter eggs! Then, three teams tied for the second place in the easter egg contest with a score of 8 easter eggs. It happened to be the same three teams (µ's, not good at compute box, and CatsInBags) that got perfect scores in the main contest.

Here's the final scoreboard (disregarding time):

RNNF                    12 egg(s)
not good at compute box 8 egg(s)
CatsInBags              8 egg(s)
µ's                     8 egg(s)
Avidya                  7 egg(s)
CCSF_HACKERS            5 egg(s)
breastmilk              5 egg(s)
BCCHack                 4 egg(s)


Easter Egg Page

Similar to Wastebin 2, the Easter Egg rules and submissions page could be found in robots.txt of the main site, which contained the following:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /95125f09551360c5294d180b013d047d.html

Navigating to 95125f09551360c5294d180b013d047d.html would give you the flag, egg{gotta_catch_'em_all}.


For this one, you would need to port-scan

failedxyz@backtick:~$ nmap -p-

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2015-11-11 22:34 PST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.085s latency).
Not shown: 65524 closed ports
22/tcp    open  ssh
1337/tcp  open  waste
8001/tcp  open  vcom-tunnel
10200/tcp open  unknown
10201/tcp open  unknown
10202/tcp open  unknown
10204/tcp open  unknown
10206/tcp open  unknown
10207/tcp open  unknown
10210/tcp open  unknown
10300/tcp open  unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 24.00 seconds

Navigating to reveals: Easter Egg Hunt: egg{9_much_h4kking}


The 404 page says:

Ok, ok, here's your flag. 6567677b6567675f6e6f745f666f756e647d Just kidding. Click here to go back home.

If you .decode("hex") the "flag", you'll find that it's actually an easter egg.

>>> "6567677b6567675f6e6f745f666f756e647d".decode("hex")

Dank Memes has the egg egg{i_like_my_memes_nice_and_fresh}

Rules Page

Go to and look at the source

	Most of the flags that you will find will be have the format <code>easyctf{example_flag}</code>.
	<!-- and all easter eggs will have the format egg{lol_why_are_you_checkig_the_source_on_the_rules_page} -->


Many of the EasyCTF organizers are on the CTF team Anomalous Materials. The egg can be found in the page source of the team website.

/* egg{lel_st4lk3r_much} */

"Helpful" Eggs

There were 3 possible easter eggs that could be earned by reporting bugs, or catching holes.