: Heavy Collapsible preconditioner for linear systems with weighted Hodge Laplacians on simplicial complexes
This repository provides the code for Heavy Collapsible preconditioner for linear systems with weighted Hodge Laplacians on simplicial complexes from "Cholesky-like Preconditioner for Hodge Laplacians via Heavy Collapsible Subcomplex" by Anton Savostianov, Nicola Guglielmi and Francesco Tudisco.
We advise to consult the companion paper:
"Cholesky-like Preconditioner for Hodge Laplacians via Heavy Collapsible Subcomplex"
by Anton Savostianov, Nicola Guglielmi and Francesco Tudisco
generateDelaunay( N = 4 )
– function samplesN
random points on the unit square and return lists of points (including corners), edges and triangles in Delaunay triangulation; provided ingenerateDelaunay.jl
module; -
sparseDelaunay( ; N = 10, ν = 0.4 )
– callsgenerateDelaunay
function and enriches it randomly to the sparsity patternν
by functionsgetIndx2Kill
; provided ingenerateDelaunay.jl
module; -
(requires precomputed edge->triangle structures) perform complete and online greedy collapse algorithm on the simplicial complex (see algorithm below); provided incollapse.jl
cgls( A, b; tol = 1e-3, maxit = 500000 )
– naivejulia
implementation of CGLS method; provided incgls.jl
; -
generate edge-triangle related structures from lists of edges and triangles with the corresponding boundary operatorB2
; provided insimplicialComplex.jl
N = 21 # number of sampled points
# generate Delaunay with `add` number of new edges
points, edges, trigs = generateDelauney( N )
edges2, trigs2 = deepcopy(edges), deepcopy(trigs)
n = N + 4
ν_Δ = size(edges, 1) / binomial( n, 2 )
add = 6 # how many edges do we need to add
allEdges = getAllEdges(n)
for i in axes(edges2, 1)
indx = findall(all(allEdges .== edges2[i, :]', dims=2))[1][1]
allEdges = allEdges[ 1:size(allEdges, 1) .!= indx, : ]
for i in 1 : add
ind, allEdges = getNewEdge2(n, edges2, allEdges);
edges2, trigs2 = addEdge(ind, n, edges2, trigs2)
edg2Trig = getEdges2Trig( edges2, trigs2 )
trig2Edge = getTrig2Edg( edges2, trigs2, edg2Trig )
w = zeros( size(trigs2, 1), 1 )
m = size( edges2, 1 )
Δ = size( trigs2, 1 )
w_e = abs.( randn( size(edges2, 1) ) )
for i in 1 : Δ
w[i] = minimum( w_e[ collect( trig2Edge[i] ) ] )
W = diagm(vec(sqrt.(w)))
B2 = B2fromTrig( edges2, trigs2 )
Lu = B2 * W * W * B2'
perm = sortperm( w, dims =1, rev = true ) # remember the order of weights
sub = [ ]
ind = 1
subEdg2Trigs = [ Set([ ]) for i in 1 : m ]
subTrig2Edg = [ ]
while ind <= Δ
global subEdg2Trigs, subTrig2Edg, trig2Edg, sub, ind, edges2
# form a new subcomplex
tmpSubEdg2Trigs = deepcopy( subEdg2Trigs )
tmpSubTrig2Edg = deepcopy( subTrig2Edg )
tmpSub = deepcopy( sub )
tmpSub = [ tmpSub; perm[ind] ]
tmpSubTrig2Edg = [ tmpSubTrig2Edg; trig2Edge[ perm[ind] ] ]
for e in trig2Edge[ perm[ind] ]
tmpSubEdg2Trigs[e] = union( tmpSubEdg2Trigs[e], perm[ind] )
# check if it is collapsible
fl, Σ, Τ, edge2Trig, trig2Edg, Ls, Free = greedyCollapseShort( tmpSubEdg2Trigs, tmpSubTrig2Edg, tmpSub, edges2 )
# if collapsible, extend subcomplex by the new triangle
if fl
sub = [ sub; perm[ind] ]
subTrig2Edg = [ subTrig2Edg; trig2Edge[ perm[ind] ] ]
for e in trig2Edge[ perm[ind] ]
subEdg2Trigs[e] = union( subEdg2Trigs[e], perm[ind] )
ind = ind + 1
# form subsampling matrices
filter = sub
Π = indicator( sort(filter), Δ )
trigs3 = trigs2[ sort(filter), :]
fl, Σ, Τ, edge2Trig2, trig2Edg2, Ls, Free = greedyCollapse( edges2, trigs3 )
# form collapsing sequences
Σ_full = [ Σ; sort(collect(setdiff( Set(1:m), Set(Σ)))) ]
Τ_full = [ filter[Τ]; sort(collect(setdiff( Set(1:Δ), Set(filter[Τ])))) ]
P1 = Perm( Σ_full )
P2 = Perm( Τ_full )
# Cholesky multiplier
C = P1 * B2 * W * Π * P2
# preconditioned operator
Lu2 = pinv(C) * P1 * Lu * P1' * pinv(C')
Lu2 = Lu2[1:size(sub,1), 1:size(sub,1)]
# print condition numbers
print( condPlus(Lu), condPlus(Lu2) )
# print number of CGLS iterations
_, it_original = cgls(Lu, Lu*ones( size(Lu, 1) ))
_, it_precon = cgls(Lu2, Lu2*ones( size(Lu2, 1) ))
print( it_original, it_precon )
More comprehensive testing loop is provided in loop.jl
using GR: delaunay # Delaunay triangulation
using StatsBase, Distributions # sampling
using LinearAlgebra, Arpack, Random, SparseArrays # LA
using ArnoldiMethod, Krylov, LinearMaps # eig in LA
using BenchmarkTools, Printf, TimerOutputs # timings and staff
# and plotting
using Plots, ColorSchemes, Plots.PlotMeasures, LaTeXStrings