This guide assumes that you already have Python 3.x installed on your system.
Use Git to get the RITHM files from this site to your system. If you don’t have already have it (most Linux distros should have it already but Windows machines generally do not), use the link below to get Git.
Note: There is no PIP installation for RITHM yet, but it is on our to-do list. We will update this guide when that's ready.
To install the RITHM source files (1.) open the command line, (2.) navigate to the directory that you want the RITHM folder to be in, and (3.) use the command line below:
git clone
Note: The data that you download will default to a
subfolder, so you may need to pick a location where you can store lots of data, or plan to change that setting (more on that later).
For the streamer to run, the Twython package must be installed in the Python instance that you are running. Follow the instructions provided in the link below to donwload and install Twython:
- You must have a Twitter account to procees to step 2. If you don't already have an account, use the link below to create one. We strongly recommend using an account that is dedicated to this project (i.e., don't use your personal account).
The next step is to obtain access to Twitter as a developer. Use your Twitter credentials and follow the steps provided in the link below to obtain access.
The next step is to create an app on Twitter. After creating an app, you will receive authentication credentials (i.e., digital keys) to connect to the Twitter streaming API.
After creating an app, open the "keys and access tokens " tab. There you will find your:
Consumer Key (API Key), Consumer Secret (API Secret), Access Token, and Access Token Secret
Using a text editor, open the ./RITHM/streamer/auth.ini
file and paste in your Consumer Key (API Key),
Consumer Secret (API Secret), Access Token, and Access Token Secret into their respective places.
From here on out, use the streamer documentation.