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HTML: the language of the Web

👉 Overview of all Lecture 2 materials

Table of Content

Learning goals

  • Apply web design principles during the design stage of a web app.
  • Explain the ideas behind usability testing and employ it.
  • Employ HTML to create web pages.

Web sites vs. web applications vs. the web as a platform

The W3C has many working groups, among them (until 2016) the Web Applications (WebApps) Working Group whose goal was as follows:

As web browsers and the web engine components that power them become ubiquitous across a range
of operating systems and devices, developers are increasingly using web technologies to build
applications and are relying on web engines as application runtime environments. Examples of
applications now commonly built using web technologies include reservation systems, online
shopping / auction sites, games, multimedia applications, maps, enterprise-specific applications,
interactive design applications, and PIM (email, calendar, etc) systems.

In 2017 this group was superseded by the Web Platform Working Group which has a similar goal (but not written up as nicely). The working group is responsible for a number of web technologies that move us closer towards the vision of the browser as the operating system, including:

  • client-side database and offline applications;
  • file and filesystem APIs;
  • WebSockets;
  • Web Workers (enables web applications to spawn background processes);
  • DOM & HTML;
  • Canvas (for drawing);
  • Web components (a component model for the web).


Do web technologies also help you to create desktop apps? Indeed, they do! Electron is an open-source project that enables you to build cross-platform desktop apps (for Windows, Mac and Linux) with HTML, JavaScript and CSS - the very technologies you learn about in this course.

Electron itself uses Node.js, the server-side JavaScript runtime we cover in a later lecture together with Chromium, an open-source web runtime (i.e. browser).

The major benefit of Electron should be clear: instead of writing three separate desktop variants (one for each operating system) you only have to write and maintain one. New features are integrated in one application instead of three, which reduces feature delivery time. For these reasons, many well-known applications today are built on Electron, including Visual Studio Code (the IDE we recommend you use), the Slack app, Atom and many, many more.

If you ever wanted to know how Windows 95 looks like, there is an Electron app for that as well. It looks like this:

Windows 95

On the downside, such a cross-platform approach usually brings with it considerable overhead - each application for instance bundles Chromium, which means that even if your app is not doing anything else besides Hello World it will be at least 30MB large. More concretely, the unzipped Windows95 Electron app is more than 454 MB in size, while the original Windows 95 operating system required about 40 MB of disk space.

Web design basics

Web design is not trivial. However, a few basic rules go a long way. Most of these principles seem obvious, but in practice are often ignored. This lecture is based on the book Don't Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug. It is very much worth a read. In the following sections we go over a number of Krug's rules.

Rule: Don't make me think

The way a web site or web application (I tend to use the terms interchangeably here; the rules apply to both apps and sites) works should be self-evident; the user should not have to expend cognitive effort to understand what she can do.

Consider this example of

ebay web site

Screenshot taken on September 10, 2018

Here, it is very clear for the user what she can do: search for products, browse through the available items via product categories and shop for the upcoming fall season.

Contrast ebay with the following older example from koopplein:

koopplein web site

Screenshot taken February 8, 2014

Here, it is not self-evident for the user how to act to achieve her goals and major questions are raised:

  • How do I get to the offers?
  • What if I want to look at offers from Delft and Rijswijk instead of one or the other?
  • What is all this text about?

Good to know: In case you wonder how it is possible to go back in time and look at older versions of a web site (as today's presence looks considerably better), head over to the Wayback Machine, maintained by the Internet Archive whose mission is to archive the web. The Wayback Machine of course does not archive the entire web (this would be impossible), but it does take regular snapshots of more than 330 billion web pages, including those of koopplein - take a look.

When naming and formatting links, buttons, section headers, etc. adhere to established standards and be clear instead of clever. For instance, a company's web site that has a link to its current job offers should use as link text Jobs or Vacancies (clear to the user what this link is about) instead of Interested? or Join us! (less clear).

Similarly, there are established style standards of how to format a link: in the early years of the web, blue underlined text was synonymous with a link and thus we are now stuck with the saying 10 blue links as a synonym for web search results.

Users should also not get lost within a web site. A site should provide users with information on where they are and on how they arrived at that point. Ebay for instance leaves so-called breadcrumbs:

ebay web site

Lastly, it should be easy for the user to distinguish different parts of a site such as advertisement vs. content. Here is an example from Google that does a poor job in this respect: it is not obvious on first sight that the first search result is indeed a paid advertisement instead of a so-called "organic" search result:

google web site

A few years ago (August 15, 2013 to be precise) Google was a lot more forthcoming when it came to notifying its users about advertisements:

google web site

It should be mentioned though that Google is not the only offender here, take this example from Twitter which is similarly poorly designed in terms of content distinction between organic tweets and promoted (i.e. paid) ones:

google web site

Rule: Minimize noise and clutter

The rule does not have to be explained, here are two examples that should make things clear:

ZDNet crawled on March 31, 2001:

ZDNet web site

vs. ZDNet crawled on August 31, 2014:

ZDNet web site

While it is not hard to go back to very old web designs and find faults in them, it should also be pointed out that in those times, every single HTTP request/response pair was time-consuming (the Internet was slow) and expensive (). It made sense to push as much content as possible into a single web page which could then be sent to the client in a single HTTP response.

Rule: If you cannot make it self-evident, make it self-explanatory

Self-explanatory sites require users to expend a small amount of cognitive effort. When a site is not self-explanatory, a small amount of explanatory text can go a long way. In today's mobile world where a lot of content is accessed mobile first, it is also vital to keep the mobile user in mind as well who has to deal with a small screen, a touch-based interface and possibly many distractions while surfing the web.

A positive example of this rule is the following Surveymonkey (December 1, 2013) splash screen:


Lastly, avoid happy talk, that is text without any content for the sake of adding some text (e.g. a welcome message).

Expectations vs. reality: usability testing

Our expectations of web users are often not grounded in reality. We may expect users to be rational, attentive and having a clear goal in mind.

Instead, the average user:

  • quickly scans a web page (not even reading it);
  • decides within seconds whether or not a site is worth their attention (research on so-called dwell time has shown this again and again);
  • clicks on the first link they find;
  • depends a lot on the browser's back button (and not all web applications can deal with it);
  • does not read instructions.

A web application should be designed based on user reality. Usability testing is an important step to create a well-designed web application. The development cycle consists of designing-testing-reviewing:

Web app development cycle

In a usability test, a user is given a typical task, such as:

  • Create a user account.
  • Retrieve a lost password.
  • Change the current credit card information.
  • Delete a user account.
  • Find an article in the archive;.
  • Edit a posting made in a forum.
  • Start a game with three players.

While the user is busy with the task, her actions towards completing the task are being recorded. These actions are then translated into performance metrics. Performance metrics depend on the task, it could be the number of clicks required to complete the task, the time taken or the number of wrongly clicked elements.

Usability testers should be a mix of target audience and average web users; 2-3 testers per iteration tend to be sufficient.

A typical usability setup has the following roles:

  • The participant (our tester) sits in front of the device (laptop, mobile phone, tablet).
  • The facilitator sits next to her and guides her through the test.
  • The observers (developers of the app, managers, etc.) watch the usability test and discuss the tester's performance (and how to improve it) afterwards.

This blog post provides a good practical overview of usability testing with mobile devices, and includes imagery of the participant and facilitator setup and the observer setup.

The result of a usability test are a set of issues. Each of those issues should be assigned a priority (low, medium, high) and the next iteration of the development should focus on the high priority problems. No new issues should be added to the list until the most severe issues are fixed.

Site navigation: the trunk test

In order to determine whether a web site's navigation scheme is useful, Krug developed the so-called trunk test. Given a web site, pick a random page in it, print it and give it to a user who has never seen the site.

As quickly as possible, the user should find:

  • the name of the web site;
  • the name of the page she currently views;
  • major sections of the page;
  • possible navigation options at this point; and
  • You are here indicators.

If the user is not able to find those elements, the site navigation scheme is considered sub-optimal.

Entry page checklist

The home page (or entry page) of a web application should answer a number of essential questions:

  • What is this?
  • What can I do here?
  • Why should I be here?
  • What do they have here?

Surprisingly many home pages are not able to answer these questions. Take for example the home page of


Screenshot taken October 18, 2018

It is not obvious that the core business here is a chain of small cafes in the Netherlands.

Another serial offender of the entry page checklist are university home pages as immortalized in this xkcd comic.


HTML5 is a set of related technologies (core HTML5, CSS, JavaScript) that together enable rich web content:

  • Core HTML5: mark up content;
  • CSS: control the appearance of marked-up content;
  • client-side JavaScript: manipulate the contents of HTML documents and respond to user interactions.

Modern web application development requires knowledge of all three technologies. In practice, it also requires a whole set of additional frameworks and tools to go from prototype code to production code, such as build tools, transpilers, code coverage tools and so on. Even for frontend coding alone. We will introduce a few of those tools throughout the practical assignments.

Before HTML5 we had XHTML and HTML 4.01. XHTML is a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application and stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language. It looks as follows (taken straight from the W3C XHTML recommendation):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>Virtual Library</title>
    <p>Moved to <a href=""></a>.</p>

XHTML was designed to make processing of web pages easier for machines by having a very strict set of rules. The problem though was that (X)HTML is written by developers, not machines and it turned out to be too much hassle to write valid XHTML. Moreover, browsers were and are able to render invalid XHTML pages properly (so why even try to write valid XHTML?) and thus XHTML was eventually abandoned in favor of HTML5, which is not only less strict but also added a host of new features to the language.

With this introduction of new features browser compatibility issues returned: some browser vendors are faster than others in implementing W3C standards (in addition to implementing their own non-standardized features). A good resource to check which browser versions support which HTML5 feature and to what extent is

As a concrete example, here is the browser support overview of HTML5 form features as provided by caniuse:

HTML5 form support

We can thus easily find out which browser versions do (not) support these features or only partially support them. This enables application developers to make choices - depending on their target population (and the most popular browsers among the target population), certain HTML5 features should (not) be employed.

The move towards HTML5

The initial list of HTML tags (1991/92) was static: <title> <a> <isindex> <plaintext> <listing> <p> <h1> <address> <hp1> <dl> <dt> <ul>. JavaScript was created within 10 days (which explains many JavaScript quirks) in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, a co-founder of Mozilla who today is behind the browser Brave. At the time, Eich worked at Netscape, which offered Netscape Navigator, a dominant browser in those years. It was the beginning of client-side dynamic scripting for the browser.

Plugins were created to go beyond what at the time was possible with HTML. Probably the most famous plugin remains Adobe Flash, which was introduced in 1996. HTML5 is a drive to return rich content directly into the browser, without the need for plugins or addons.

HTML5 introduced a number of semantic HTML elements including <article> <footer> <header> <main> <aside> <section> <output>. As a guideline, when creating an HTML document, it is always best to select the most specific element to represent your content (instead of only using <div>'s). Semantic elements provide meaning but do not force a particular presentation. Older HTML elements (pre-HTML5) often do force a particular presentation, e.g. <b> or <i>. At the same time, those heavily used HTML elements cannot be moved to an obsolete state - as this would inevitably break a large portion of the web. For the browser vendors, backwards compatibility is a necessity, not an option. It should be pointed out that semantic HTML is quite different from the grand vision of the Semantic Web:

The Semantic Web is a Web of data — of dates and titles and part numbers and chemical 
properties and any other data one might conceive of.

Who decides the HTML standard

HTML is widely used, which makes standardisation a slow process. Many different stakeholders are part of W3C's Web Platform Working Group (Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, Nokia, Baidu, Yandex, etc.). The standardization process of the W3C is elaborate, as a wide variety of stakeholders have to build consensus. Confusingly, a W3C recommendation is the highest level of standardization possible, before achieving it, a number of steps leading up to the recommendation are required:

  1. Working Draft: a document that W3C has published for review by the community, including W3C Members, the public, and other technical organizations.
  2. Candidate Recommendation: a document that W3C believes has been widely reviewed and satisfies the Working Group's technical requirements. W3C publishes a Candidate Recommendation to gather implementation experience.
  3. Proposed Recommendation: a mature technical report that, after wide review for technical soundness and implementability, W3C has sent to the W3C Advisory Committee for final endorsement.
  4. W3C Recommendation: a specification or set of guidelines that, after extensive consensus-building, has received the endorsement of W3C Members and the Director. W3C recommends the wide deployment of its Recommendations. Note: W3C Recommendations are similar to the standards published by other organizations.

Source: W3C Recommendation Track Process.

Informally, one could say that the W3C standardizes what the browser vendors have agreed upon and have chosen to implement or chosen to implement in the near future.

Consensus building takes time. HTML5 for instance was a candidate recommendation in Q4-2012 and became a W3C recommendation in Q4-2014. HTML5.1 was a candidate recommendation in Q1-2015 and became a recommendation in Q4-2016.

As of August 2018, HTML5.3 has a Working Draft status; if you look at the standard text you will find it to be very elaborate (this is a 1,000+ pages document!) and precise, sufficiently so that any browser vendor can take the text and implement the features described in it without ambiguity.

In rare cases, features added to a web standard can also be removed again, the AppCache is a prime example of this: it was developed as technology to enable offline web applications in a simple manner (by adding a manifest file to a site containing no more than a few lines of text), but turned out to have so many pitfalls that it was eventually abandoned in favor of another set of technologies (Service Workers). However, it is still supported by all major browsers:


Screenshot taken on August 31, 2018.

The W3C writes the following about the AppCache: This feature is in the process of being removed from the web platform. (This is a long process that takes many years.) Using the application cache feature at this time is highly discouraged. Use service workers instead.


Here are a few questions you should be able to answer after having followed the lecture and having worked through the required readings:

  1. Which of the following statements about HTML <form> methods GET and POST is true?
    • There is no difference, GET and POST can be used in exactly the same situations.
    • Through GET more data can be sent in an HTTP request than through POST.
    • Through GET, data is sent more securely than through POST.
    • Using GET, the data to be sent is visible in the URL which is not the case for POST.
  2. In the context of web design, what is the purpose of the trunk test?
  3. In a usability test, what is the task of the facilitator?
  4. What happens if the target attribute is not defined in an HTML <form>?
    • The response received after submitting the form is displayed in the current frame or browsing context.
    • The HTML form lacks a required attribute and the browser will inform the user with a 405 error when the user tries to submit the form.
    • The response received after submitting the form is displayed in a new browser window.
    • The HTML form lacks a required attribute and the browser will inform the server with a 505 error that an invalid form request was made.
  5. What does it mean for the W3C to produce a recommendation document?