- Write a campus sub-reducer to manage campuses in your Redux store
- Write a student sub-reducer to manage students in your Redux store
- Write a component to display a list of all campuses (just their names and images)
- Write a component to display a list of all students (just their names)
- Display the all-campuses component when the url matches
- Display the all-students component when the url matches
- Add links to the navbar that can be used to navigate to the all-campuses view and the all-students view
- Write a component to display a single campus with the following information:
- The campus name, image, address and description
- A list of the names of all students in that campus (or a helpful message if it doesn't have any students)
- Display the appropriate campus info when the url matches
- Clicking on a campus from the all-campuses view should navigate to show that campus in the single-campus view
- Write a component to display a single student with the following information:
- The student's full name, email, image, and gpa
- The name of their campus (or a helpful message if they don't have one)
- Display the appropriate student when the url matches
- Clicking on a student from the all-students view should navigate to show that student in the single-student view
- Clicking on the name of a student in the single-campus view should navigate to show that student in the single-student view
- Clicking on the name of a campus in the single-student view should navigate to show that campus in the single-campus view
- Write a component to display a form for adding a new campus that contains inputs for at least the name and address
- Display this component EITHER as part of the all-campuses view, or as its own view
- Submitting the form with a valid name/address should:
- Make an AJAX request that causes the new campus to be persisted in the database
- Add the new campus to the list of campuses without needing to refresh the page
- Write a component to display a form for adding a new student that contains inputs for at least the first name, last name and email
- Display this component EITHER as part of the all-students view, or as its own view
- Submitting the form with a valid first name/last name/email should:
- Make an AJAX request that causes the new student to be persisted in the database
- Add the new student to the list of students without needing to refresh the page
- In the all-campuses view, include an 'X' button next to each campus
- Clicking the 'X' button should:
- Make an AJAX request that causes that campus to be removed from the database
- Remove the campus from the list of campuses without needing to refresh the page
- In the all-students view, include an 'X' button next to each student
- Clicking the 'X' button should:
- Make an AJAX request that causes that student to be removed from database
- Remove the student from the list of students without needing to refresh the page