A bot to track Mesa Court's Duty Schedule.
Every day at 3:45pm, it loads the Mesa Court Duty schedule from Roompact and posts it in Slack.
Slack : pip3 install slackclient
Schedule : pip3 install schedule
To create a deployable zip file, run the following script in the project's root directory: ./build_deployment.sh
- Navigate to https://api.slack.com/apps
- Click "Create New App"
- Select "From an app manifest"
- Pick the workspace you want to install Duty Bot to.
- Copy and paste the content from manifest.yml into the "Enter app manifest below" textbox
- Click create!
- Finally, click "Install to Workspace" and allow all permissions.
Once the app is installed, you need to update the OAuth token in the config.py
To get the OAuth token, click on the "Add features and functionality" dropdown, then click the "Permissions" link.
Copy the Bot User OAuth Token
and paste it config.py
- Navigate to https://api.slack.com/apps
- Select "Duty Bot"
- Scroll down to "Display Information" at the bottom
- Add the Duty Bot Logo as the App Icon