diff --git a/OLD_README.md b/OLD_README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacaf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD_README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Fofa-hack
+### 简介
+非付费会员,fofa数据无限抓取版 , 配置FoFa普通用户账号密码即可使用
+截止至 `2023-2-25` 日 ,亲测可用,如果项目不行了欢迎联系我
+> python fofa.py --username fofa_hack_test --password Test123456 -k app="ThinkPHP" -t 5
+### 安装
+git clone https://github.com/Cl0udG0d/Fofa-hack
+安装运行所需的库文件,国内请加源 https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### 配置
+#### 1.运行传值
+传入`--username` 和 `--password` 参数
+> Fofa-hack>python fofa.py --username fofa_hack_test --password Test123
+#### 2.配置config.py
+ {
+ "fofa_username" : "test@email.com",
+ "fofa_password" : "12345678"
+ },
+ {
+ "fofa_username" : "test1@email.com",
+ "fofa_password" : "12345678"
+ }
+#### 3.配置fofa_cookie.txt文件
+ ![](https://github.com/Cl0udG0d/Fofa-script/blob/master/images/2.png)
+### 运行
+运行`fofa.py` , `-k`或`--keyword` 参数传入搜索关键字
+更多参数查看 `--help`
+> python3 fofa.py --help
+Fofa-hack>python fofa.py --help
+ ____ ____ ____ ____
+ | ===|/ () \| ===|/ () \
+ |__| \____/|__| /__/\__\
+ _ _ ____ ____ __ __
+ | |_| | / () \ / (__`| |/ /
+ |_| |_|/__/\__\\____)|__|\__\ V1.3.0
+usage: fofa.py [-h] [--timesleep TIMESLEEP] --keyword KEYWORD
+ [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--endpage ENDPAGE]
+ [--level LEVEL]
+Fofa-hack v1.3.0 使用说明
+optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --timesleep TIMESLEEP, -t TIMESLEEP
+ 爬取每一页等待秒数,防止IP被Ban,默认为3
+ --keyword KEYWORD, -k KEYWORD
+ fofa搜索关键字,默认为test
+ --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
+ fofa用户名
+ --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
+ fofa密码
+ --endpage ENDPAGE, -e ENDPAGE
+ 爬取结束页码
+ --level LEVEL, -l LEVEL
+ 爬取等级: 1-3 ,数字越大内容越详细,默认为 1
+### 测试
+输入 搜索关键字 `app="ThinkPHP"`,等待秒数为5的情况下,下载1-50页数据经过测试无问题,经过自动去重之后剩余497条
+### 赞赏列表
+### 使用问题集合
++ [ERROR: Could not build wheels for opencv-python-headless, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects](docs/QUESTIONS.md#opencv-python错误)
++ [ddddocr错误解决](docs/QUESTIONS.md#ddddocr错误解决)
++ [FOFA综合语法使用](docs/QUESTIONS.md#FOFA综合语法使用)
+### 更新日志
+### TODO List
+ 名称 |
+ 简介 |
+ 支持代理池 |
+ 使用代理池的方式防止FOFA断开连接 |
+ 支持多种导出格式 |
+ 支持json、txt、excel等方式导出结果 |
+ 编写图形化界面 |
+ 生成可执行文件运行 |
+ 增加程序稳定性 |
+ 防止程序因为各种情况运行失败或者被ban的情况 |
+ 内容去重 |
+ 去除重复的url信息 |
+### 贡献者
+### END
+建了一个微信的安全交流群,欢迎添加我微信备注`进群`,一起来聊天吹水哇,以及一个会发布安全相关内容的公众号,欢迎关注 :)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 33d5f1e..01e9696 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,101 +2,15 @@
### 简介
-非付费会员,fofa数据无限抓取版 , 配置FoFa普通用户账号密码即可使用
-截止至 `2023-2-25` 日 ,亲测可用,如果项目不行了欢迎联系我
+结论是 `FOFA-Hack` 对于普通用户每个月最多能获取到3000条数据,在这个数据量内该项目是有效的
-> python fofa.py --username fofa_hack_test --password Test123456 -k app="ThinkPHP" -t 5
-### 安装
+不过对我来说这样 `FOFA-Hack` 的存在就没有意义了,所以在没有找到更好的方式之前,该项目不会再进行更新
-git clone https://github.com/Cl0udG0d/Fofa-hack
-安装运行所需的库文件,国内请加源 https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-pip install -r requirements.txt
-### 配置
-#### 1.运行传值
-传入`--username` 和 `--password` 参数
-> Fofa-hack>python fofa.py --username fofa_hack_test --password Test123
-#### 2.配置config.py
- {
- "fofa_username" : "test@email.com",
- "fofa_password" : "12345678"
- },
- {
- "fofa_username" : "test1@email.com",
- "fofa_password" : "12345678"
- }
-#### 3.配置fofa_cookie.txt文件
- ![](https://github.com/Cl0udG0d/Fofa-script/blob/master/images/2.png)
-### 运行
-运行`fofa.py` , `-k`或`--keyword` 参数传入搜索关键字
-更多参数查看 `--help`
-> python3 fofa.py --help
-Fofa-hack>python fofa.py --help
- ____ ____ ____ ____
- | ===|/ () \| ===|/ () \
- |__| \____/|__| /__/\__\
- _ _ ____ ____ __ __
- | |_| | / () \ / (__`| |/ /
- |_| |_|/__/\__\\____)|__|\__\ V1.3.0
-usage: fofa.py [-h] [--timesleep TIMESLEEP] --keyword KEYWORD
- [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--endpage ENDPAGE]
- [--level LEVEL]
-Fofa-hack v1.3.0 使用说明
-optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- --timesleep TIMESLEEP, -t TIMESLEEP
- 爬取每一页等待秒数,防止IP被Ban,默认为3
- --keyword KEYWORD, -k KEYWORD
- fofa搜索关键字,默认为test
- --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
- fofa用户名
- --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
- fofa密码
- --endpage ENDPAGE, -e ENDPAGE
- 爬取结束页码
- --level LEVEL, -l LEVEL
- 爬取等级: 1-3 ,数字越大内容越详细,默认为 1
-### 测试
-输入 搜索关键字 `app="ThinkPHP"`,等待秒数为5的情况下,下载1-50页数据经过测试无问题,经过自动去重之后剩余497条
### 赞赏列表
@@ -130,10 +44,6 @@ optional arguments:
支持多种导出格式 |
支持json、txt、excel等方式导出结果 |
- 支持多种爬取内容 |
- 添加支持title、status、headers等内容 |
编写图形化界面 |
生成可执行文件运行 |
@@ -142,6 +52,10 @@ optional arguments:
增加程序稳定性 |
防止程序因为各种情况运行失败或者被ban的情况 |
+ 内容去重 |
+ 去除重复的url信息 |
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
index f4d19b9..fec4429 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# CHANGELOG 代码变更记录
+### 1.3.1
++ 支持多种导出方式 txt,json,csv
++ 因FOFA对普通用户的限制停止该项目的更新
### 1.3.0
+ `README`添加示例运行参考
diff --git a/fofa.py b/fofa.py
index 0b77133..01f52cd 100644
--- a/fofa.py
+++ b/fofa.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import argparse
from tookit.levelData import LevelData
+from tookit.outputData import OutputData
host_list = []
timestamp_list = []
@@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ def init(self):
parser.add_argument('--password', '-p', help='fofa密码')
parser.add_argument('--endpage', '-e', help='爬取结束页码')
parser.add_argument('--level', '-l', help='爬取等级: 1-3 ,数字越大内容越详细,默认为 1')
+ parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='输出格式:txt、json、csv,默认为txt')
args = parser.parse_args()
config.TimeSleep = int(args.timesleep)
print("[*] 爬取延时: {}s".format(config.TimeSleep))
@@ -179,9 +181,16 @@ def init(self):
print("[*] 爬取页码数: {}".format(self.want_page))
self.level=args.level if args.level else "1"
+ self.output = args.output if args.output else "txt"
+ print("[*] 输出格式为: {}".format(self.output))
global filename
- filename = "{}_{}.txt".format(unit.md5(config.SearchKEY), int(time.time()))
+ filename = "{}_{}.{}".format(unit.md5(config.SearchKEY), int(time.time()),self.output)
print("[*] 存储文件名: {}".format(filename))
+ self.outputData = OutputData(filename, pattern=self.output)
def get_page_num(self, search_key,cookie):
diff --git a/fofa_cookie.txt b/fofa_cookie.txt
index 8cce6c4..e69de29 100644
--- a/fofa_cookie.txt
+++ b/fofa_cookie.txt
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-befor_router=; fofa_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsImtpZCI6Ik5XWTVZakF4TVRkalltSTJNRFZsWXpRM05EWXdaakF3TURVMlkyWTNZemd3TUdRd1pUTmpZUT09IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpZCI6MjQ4MjI4LCJtaWQiOjEwMDE0MTU1OSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJmb2ZhX2hhY2tfdGVzdCIsImV4cCI6MTY3NzU3MjY3MH0.VBTqAd1imJfC9UsnlzW-n64ktBBxdY0FHI0uoB262wavOwzQaSFjdXlvL8MmqpDZ17-JNxTTdU-11NhQkJN_eg; is_flag_login=0; user=%7B%22id%22%3A248228%2C%22mid%22%3A100141559%2C%22is_admin%22%3Afalse%2C%22username%22%3A%22fofa_hack_test%22%2C%22nickname%22%3A%22fofa_hack_test%22%2C%22email%22%3A%22fofa_test%40163.com%22%2C%22avatar_medium%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fnosec.org%2Fmissing.jpg%22%2C%22avatar_thumb%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fnosec.org%2Fmissing.jpg%22%2C%22key%22%3A%2281d94208789ae707007ce80b5e637d7e%22%2C%22rank_name%22%3A%22%E6%B3%A8%E5%86%8C%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%22%2C%22rank_level%22%3A0%2C%22company_name%22%3A%22fofa_hack_test%22%2C%22coins%22%3A0%2C%22can_pay_coins%22%3A0%2C%22fofa_point%22%3A0%2C%22credits%22%3A1%2C%22expiration%22%3A%22-%22%2C%22login_at%22%3A1677313470%2C%22data_limit%22%3Anull%7D; _nosec_cas_session=c1NDeVE0WnFXK3R1VWVQMTJ6Tmtrdm5Vd3ZYUjI4ZHBYNDdTQU5lR040UFNjY3FPLzB0NHY1RUE2K2VtNDBGaGFKWGRSMDRaUFBscGpuRkE4Y3RuMXI4ZWhlTG1CNGsvS3JHc003czF6b2hldU1lY0RuY09NQUw1MWY3a1FMRUpqbjVNNEpva1g0ZURCOGJqVk5XNXZJdjdRaERRUTVOV2VldTdza2o0TXdibTkwMDZGS3AyR2M2QXRjSWxDSUdGcUdWbUZsSGNjczlIMmdmYkxCOWx1TkEvQ0g3YmtYdXhJM0pVeEVJVEJzND0tLTUrNVJvRExBTnU1VlF3Z2lydk82WHc9PQ%3D%3D--b113e6e0fc7e89b7f39834cbe7088eb21a5d496b; tgt=TGC-16773134699994-KZOHdbLgQQQUgT4AIs0qy9zkdEXyferuY4JZBPLJ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/images/fofa.jpg b/images/fofa.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41a6026
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/fofa.jpg differ
diff --git a/images/result.jpg b/images/result.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4b8881
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/result.jpg differ
diff --git a/test.py b/test.py
index 8cb4751..63bc81d 100644
--- a/test.py
+++ b/test.py
@@ -5,41 +5,28 @@
date : 2023/2/12
import datetime
+import json
import time
-import requests
-from lxml import etree
-def stripList(data):
- newData=[]
- for i in data:
- newData.append(i.strip())
- return newData
-request_url = "https://fofa.info/result?qbase64=dGhpbmtwaHA%3D"
-rep = requests.get(request_url)
-tree = etree.HTML(rep.text)
-leftList = tree.xpath('//div[@class="hsxa-meta-data-list-main-left hsxa-fl"]')
-for i in range(len(leftList)):
- title=leftList[i].xpath('p[@class="hsxa-two-line"]/text()')
- ip=leftList[i].xpath('p[2]/a/text()')
- city=leftList[i].xpath('p[3]/a/text()')
- asn = leftList[i].xpath('p[4]/a/text()')
- organization=leftList[i].xpath('p[5]/a/text()')
- server=leftList[i].xpath('p[@class="hsxa-list-span-wrap"]/a/span/text()')
- print("title: "+str(title[0].strip()))
- print("ip: "+ip[0].strip())
- print("city: " + city[0].strip())
- print("asn: " + asn[0].strip())
- print("organization: " + organization[0].strip())
- print("server: " + str(stripList(server)))
+def outputJson(data):
+ with open("test.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ dic={"1":"2"}
+ data.append(dic)
+ json.dump(data, f)
-rightList=tree.xpath('//div[@class="hsxa-meta-data-list-main-right hsxa-fr"]')
-for i in range(len(rightList)):
- rep=rightList[i].xpath('//div[@class="el-scrollbar__view"]/span/text()')
- print(rep[0].strip())
+def readAllJsonData():
+ with open("test.json", 'r',encoding="utf-8") as load_f:
+ load_dict = json.load(load_f)
+ print(type(load_dict))
+ print(load_dict)
+ return
-for i in portlist:
- print(i.strip())
\ No newline at end of file
+ {"2":"3"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tookit/levelData.py b/tookit/levelData.py
index dc03f33..c37e9b7 100644
--- a/tookit/levelData.py
+++ b/tookit/levelData.py
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ def startSpider(self, rep):
self.tree = etree.HTML(rep.text)
- return self.outputData()
def selectSpiderRule(self):
if self.level == self.PRIMARYDATA:
@@ -154,35 +153,5 @@ def spiderHighData(self):
tempDic["rep"] = rep[0].strip()
- def outputData(self):
- """
- 返回当页的爬取结果
- :return:
- """
- return
- # def formatDataFunc(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # """
- # level 1 :
- # url
- # level 2:
- # url status
- # level 3:
- # url status
- # :param args:
- # :param kwargs:
- # """
- # list1 = ["https://www.baidu.com", "https://www.sina.com"]
- # list2 = ["200", "302"]
- # list3 = ["nginx", "apache"]
- # # print(int(time.time()))
- # urllength = len(args[0])
- # length = len(args)
- #
- # for i in range(urllength):
- # tempDic = {}
- # tempDic["url"] = args[0][i]
- #
- # self.formatData.append(tempDic)
- #
- # print("[*] 当页数据:" + self.formatData)
diff --git a/tookit/outputData.py b/tookit/outputData.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e4bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tookit/outputData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import json
+class OutputData:
+ '''
+ 常量
+ '''
+ CONST_TXT = "txt"
+ CONST_JSON = "json"
+ CONST_CSV = "csv"
+ def __init__(self,filename,pattern="txt"):
+ self.filename=filename
+ self.pattern = pattern if self.checkPatternStandard(pattern) else "txt"
+ def checkPatternStandard(self, pattern):
+ """
+ 检测pattern是否合规
+ :param pattern:
+ :return:
+ """
+ return pattern in self.STANDARD_LIST
+ def output(self,data):
+ self.filename="{}.{}".format(self.filename,self.pattern)
+ if self.pattern==self.CONST_TXT:
+ self.outputTxt(data)
+ elif self.pattern==self.CONST_JSON:
+ pass
+ else:
+ pass
+ def outputTxt(self,data):
+ for i in data:
+ with open(self.filename, 'a+', encoding=self.ENCODING_TYPE) as f:
+ f.write(str(i) + "\n")
+ def readAllJsonData(self):
+ with open("../{}".format(self.filename), 'r+', encoding=self.ENCODING_TYPE) as load_f:
+ load_dict = json.load(load_f)
+ print(load_dict)
+ return
+ def outputJson(self,newdata):
+ listdata=self.readAllJsonData()
+ if type(listdata) != list:
+ listdata = []
+ for data in newdata:
+ listdata.append(data)
+ with open(self.filename, 'w', encoding=self.ENCODING_TYPE) as f:
+ json.dump(listdata, f)
+ def outputCsv(self):
+ return