Permanent owner status for Twentysix
During the events that led to the Cog-Creators org creation, Twentysix agreed to transfer the repository from his personal account to the organization with the expectation that he will maintain ownership in the org, along with other members.
- Decide if Twentysix should be exempt from parts of Policy 2 and have his ownership permissions maintained.
- Clarify the restriction imposed upon Twentysix should this policy be implemented.
- Twentysix will be kept as an Org owner indefinitely, in turn making him exempt from the Org privileges clause of Policy 2.
- Twentysix will be exempt from the inactivity clause of Policy 2.
- Twentysix is not exempt from the Org forced removal clause in Policy 2.
- Twentysix will not use owner permissions for any purpose without agreeing with the org first (subject to the forced removal clause if breached).
- This vote is considered a policy modification and must be voted under Policy 1.