The docker-compose
in this directory will start everything needed for the image processing pipeline at once.
It is intended to be used as a testing environment but should not be used in a production system that would require
HBase and Kafka/Kinesis to be properly set up on a cluster.
The docker compose files in this folder will start multiple docker containers on the host machine, including an HBase and Kafka/Kinesis instance. The image processing pipeline is divided into an images pusher, an images processor and an images search container.
A single environment file is used to set all the parameters of the processing pipeline. Four examples enviromnent file are provided:
: this pipeline will download and index the dataset Caltech101 using the Sentibank features relying on eitherkafka
for ingestion..env.lfwlocal.kafka
: this pipeline will download and index the LFW dataset using the DLib face detection and features relying on eitherkafka
for ingestion.
Copy (and edit) one of the example environment file to .env
in this folder.
The menaning of the environment file parameters are detailed in each component readme file.
Docker compose files docker-compose_kafka.yml and docker-compose_kinesis.yml for each ingestion method are provided.
Additionally, docker compose files with additional monitoring tools docker-compose_kafka_monitor.yml and docker-compose_kinesis_monitor.yml are also provided.
You can use the tool by choosing the appropriate docker compose file and running the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose_(kafka/kinesis)[_monitor].yml up
Or just copy the appropriate docker compose file as and just run:
docker-compose up
The monitoring docker compose files will additionally start a docker container for:
- Hue: so you can check the tables and data stored in HBase. You should be able to check the HBase tables at http://localhost:9999/hue/hbase/#hbase
- Kafka-manager: so you can check the Kafka topics and consumers, it should be accessible at http://localhost:9997/kafka_manager/. However, by default no Kafka clusters will be available. You need to add your cluster based on the settings of the environment file you use.
If the API port is already used you would get an error like:
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
You can run the following command to check which process are causing the issue:
sudo lsof -i:80 -P -n | grep LISTEN
. You can either kill the running process, e.g. apache, or change the port_host
in the environment file.
You can check all docker logs to monitor the processing status.
The API is ready to be used when you see a message like Starting Search API on port 5000
You can check the API status by querying the route status
of the endpoint
you defined,
e.g. http://localhost/cufacesearch/status.
Details about the API are provided in the file of the www
You can also open your browser at http://localhost/[endpoint]/view_similar_byURL?data=[an_image_URL] to visualize some results.
Once you are done running things, you can clean up the docker containers and volumes with the following commands:
docker -f docker-compose_(kafka/kinesis)[_monitor].yml down
docker volume prune
If you were using kinesis, you should also remove the kinesis_*.json
files at the root
of the repository.