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docs » hs.geometry

Utility object to represent points, sizes and rects in a bidimensional plane

An hs.geometry object can be:

  • a point, or vector2, with x and y fields for its coordinates
  • a size with w and h fields for width and height respectively
  • a rect, which has both a point component for one of its corners, and a size component - so it has all 4 fields
  • a unit rect, which is a rect with all fields between 0 and 1; it represents a "relative" rect within another (absolute) rect (e.g. a unit rect x=0,y=0 , w=0.5,h=0.5 is the quarter portion closest to the origin); please note that hs.geometry makes no distinction internally between regular rects and unit rects; you can convert to and from as needed via the appropriate methods

You can create these objects in many different ways, via or simply my_obj=hs.geometry(...) by passing any of the following:

  • 4 parameters X,Y,W,H for the respective fields - W and H, or X and Y, can be nil:
    • hs.geometry(X,Y) creates a point
    • hs.geometry(nil,nil,W,H) creates a size
    • hs.geometry(X,Y,W,H) creates a rect given its width and height from a corner
  • a table {X,Y} creates a point
  • a table {X,Y,W,H} creates a rect
  • a table {x=X,y=Y,w=W,h=H} creates a rect, or if you omit X and Y, or W and H, creates a size or a point respectively
  • a table {x1=X1,y1=Y1,x2=X2,y2=Y2} creates a rect, where X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 are the coordinates of opposite corners
  • a string:
    • "X Y" or "X,Y" creates a point
    • "WxH" or "W*H" creates a size
    • "X Y/WxH" or "X,Y W*H" (or variations thereof) creates a rect given its width and height from a corner
    • "X1,Y1>X2,Y2" or "X1 Y1 X2 Y2" (or variations thereof) creates a rect given two opposite corners
    • "[X,Y WxH]" or "[X1,Y1 X2,Y2]" or variations (note the square brackets) creates a unit rect where x=X/100, y=Y/100, w=W/100, h=H/100
  • a point and a size "X Y","WxH" or {x=X,y=Y},{w=W,h=H} create a rect

You can use any of these anywhere an hs.geometry object is expected in Hammerspoon; the constructor will be called for you.

API Overview

API Documentation


Signature hs.geometry.copy(geom) -> hs.geometry object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a copy of an hs.geometry object
  • geom - an hs.geometry object to copy
  • a newly created copy of the hs.geometry object
Signature -> hs.geometry object
Type Constructor
Description Creates a new hs.geometry object
  • ... - see the module description at the top
  • a newly created hs.geometry object
Signature hs.geometry.point(x, y) -> hs.geometry point
Type Constructor
Description Convenience function for creating a point object
  • x - A number containing the horizontal co-ordinate of the point
  • y - A number containing the vertical co-ordinate of the point
  • An hs.geometry point object
Signature hs.geometry.rect(x, y, w, h) -> hs.geometry rect
Type Constructor
Description Convenience function for creating a rect-table
  • x - A number containing the horizontal co-ordinate of the top-left point of the rect
  • y - A number containing the vertical co-ordinate of the top-left point of the rect
  • w - A number containing the width of the rect
  • h - A number containing the height of the rect
  • An hs.geometry rect object
Signature hs.geometry.size(w, h) -> hs.geometry size
Type Constructor
Description Convenience function for creating a size object
  • w - A number containing a width
  • h - A number containing a height
  • An hs.geometry size object


Signature hs.geometry.area
Type Field
Description A number representing the area of this rect or size; changing it will scale the rect/size - see hs.geometry:scale()
Signature hs.geometry.aspect
Type Field
Description A number representing the aspect ratio of this rect or size; changing it will reshape the rect/size, keeping its area and center constant
Signature hs.geometry.bottomright
Type Field
Description Alias for x2y2
Type Field
Description A point representing the geometric center of this rect or the midpoint of this vector2; changing it will move the rect/vector accordingly
Signature hs.geometry.h
Type Field
Description The height of this rect or size; changing it will keep the rect's x,y corner constant
Signature hs.geometry.length
Type Field
Description A number representing the length of the diagonal of this rect, or the length of this vector2; changing it will scale the rect/vector - see hs.geometry:scale()
Signature hs.geometry.string
Type Field
Description The "X,Y/WxH" string for this hs.geometry object (reduced precision); useful e.g. for logging
Signature hs.geometry.table
Type Field
Description The {x=X,y=Y,w=W,h=H} table for this hs.geometry object; useful e.g. for serialization/deserialization
Signature hs.geometry.topleft
Type Field
Description Alias for xy
Signature hs.geometry.w
Type Field
Description The width of this rect or size; changing it will keep the rect's x,y corner constant
Signature hs.geometry.wh
Type Field
Description The size component for this hs.geometry object; setting this to a new size will keep the rect's x,y corner constant
Signature hs.geometry.x
Type Field
Description The x coordinate for this point or rect's corner; changing it will move the rect but keep the same width and height
Signature hs.geometry.x1
Type Field
Description Alias for x
Signature hs.geometry.x2
Type Field
Description The x coordinate for the second corner of this rect; changing it will affect the rect's width
Signature hs.geometry.x2y2
Type Field
Description The point denoting the other corner of this hs.geometry object; setting this to a new point will change the rect's width and height
Signature hs.geometry.xy
Type Field
Description The point component for this hs.geometry object; setting this to a new point will move the rect but keep the same width and height
Signature hs.geometry.y
Type Field
Description The y coordinate for this point or rect's corner; changing it will move the rect but keep the same width and height
Signature hs.geometry.y1
Type Field
Description Alias for y
Signature hs.geometry.y2
Type Field
Description The y coordinate for the second corner of this rect; changing it will affect the rect's height


Signature hs.geometry:angle() -> number
Type Method
Description Returns the angle between the positive x axis and this vector2
  • None
  • a number represeting the angle in radians
Signature hs.geometry:angleTo(point) -> number
Type Method
Description Returns the angle between the positive x axis and the vector connecting this point or rect's center to another point or rect's center
  • point - an hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one; if a rect, uses the rect's center
  • a number represeting the angle in radians
Signature hs.geometry:distance(point) -> number
Type Method
Description Finds the distance between this point or rect's center and another point or rect's center
  • point - an hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one; if a rect, uses the rect's center
  • a number indicating the distance
Signature hs.geometry:equals(other) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Checks if two geometry objects are equal
  • other - another hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one
  • true if this hs.geometry object perfectly overlaps other, false otherwise
Signature hs.geometry:fit(bounds) -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Ensure this rect is fully inside bounds, by scaling it down if it's larger (preserving its aspect ratio) and moving it if necessary
  • bounds - an hs.geometry rect object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one, indicating the rect that must fully contain this rect
  • this hs.geometry object for method chaining
Signature hs.geometry:floor() -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Truncates all coordinates in this object to integers
  • None
  • this hs.geometry point for method chaining
Signature hs.geometry:fromUnitRect(frame) -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Converts a unit rect within a given frame into a rect
  • frame - an hs.geometry rect (with w and h >0)
  • An hs.geometry rect object
Signature hs.geometry:inside(rect) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Checks if this hs.geometry object lies fully inside a given rect
  • rect - an hs.geometry rect, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one
  • true if this point/rect lies fully inside the given rect, false otherwise
Signature hs.geometry:intersect(rect) -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Returns the intersection rect between this rect and another rect
  • rect - an hs.geometry rect, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one
  • a new hs.geometry rect
  • If the two rects don't intersect, the result rect will be a "projection" of the second rect onto this rect's closest edge or corner along the x or y axis; the w and/or h fields in the result rect will be 0.
Signature hs.geometry:move(point) -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Moves this point/rect
  • point - an hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one, indicating the x and y displacement to apply
  • this hs.geometry object for method chaining
Signature hs.geometry:normalize() -> point
Type Method
Description Normalizes this vector2
  • None
  • this hs.geometry point for method chaining
Signature hs.geometry:rotateCCW(aroundpoint, ntimes) -> hs.geometry point
Type Method
Description Rotates a point around another point N times
  • aroundpoint - an hs.geometry point to rotate this point around
  • ntimes - the number of times to rotate, defaults to 1
  • A new hs.geometry point containing the location of the rotated point
Signature hs.geometry:scale(size) -> hs.geometry object
Type Method
Description Scales this vector2/size, or this rect keeping its center constant
  • size - an hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one, indicating the factors for scaling this rect's width and height; if a number, the rect will be scaled by the same factor in both axes
  • this hs.geometry object for method chaining
Signature hs.geometry:toUnitRect(frame) -> hs.geometry unit rect
Type Method
Description Converts a rect into its unit rect within a given frame
  • frame - an hs.geometry rect (with w and h >0)
  • An hs.geometry unit rect object
  • The resulting unit rect is always clipped within frame's bounds (via hs.geometry:intersect()); if frame does not encompass this rect no error will be thrown, but the resulting unit rect won't be a direct match with this rect (i.e. calling :fromUnitRect(frame) on it will return a different rect)
Signature hs.geometry:type() -> string
Type Method
Description Returns the type of an hs.geometry object
  • None
  • a string describing the type of this hs.geometry object, i.e. 'point', 'size', 'rect' or 'unitrect'; nil if not a valid object
Signature hs.geometry:union(rect) -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Returns the smallest rect that encloses both this rect and another rect
  • rect - an hs.geometry rect, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one
  • a new hs.geometry rect
Signature hs.geometry:vector(point) -> point
Type Method
Description Returns the vector2 from this point or rect's center to another point or rect's center
  • point - an hs.geometry object, or a table or string or parameter list to construct one; if a rect, uses the rect's center
  • an hs.geometry point