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docs » hs.window

Inspect/manipulate windows


  • See hs.screen and hs.geometry for more information on how Hammerspoon uses window/screen frames and coordinates


API Overview

API Documentation


Signature hs.window.animationDuration (number)
Type Variable
Description The default duration for animations, in seconds. Initial value is 0.2; set to 0 to disable animations.
Signature hs.window.setFrameCorrectness
Type Variable
Description Using hs.window:setFrame() in some cases does not work as expected: namely, the bottom (or Dock) edge, and edges between screens, might


Signature hs.window.allWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Returns all windows
  • None
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all open windows
  • visibleWindows(), orderedWindows(), get(), find(), and several more functions and methods in this and other modules make use of this function, so it is important to understand its limitations
  • This function queries all applications for their windows every time it is invoked; if you need to call it a lot and performance is not acceptable consider using the hs.window.filter module
  • This function can only return windows in the current Mission Control Space; if you need to address windows across different Spaces you can use the hs.window.filter module
  • if Displays have separate Spaces is on (in System Preferences>Mission Control) the current Space is defined as the union of all currently visible Spaces
  • minimized windows and hidden windows (i.e. belonging to hidden apps, e.g. via cmd-h) are always considered to be in the current Space
  • This function filters out the desktop "window"; use hs.window.desktop() to address it. (Note however that hs.application.get'Finder':allWindows() will include the desktop in the returned list)
  • Beside the limitations discussed above, this function will return all windows as reported by OSX, including some "windows" that one wouldn't expect: for example, every Google Chrome (actual) window has a companion window for its status bar; therefore you might get unexpected results - in the Chrome example, calling hs.window.focusWindowSouth() from a Chrome window would end up "focusing" its status bar, and therefore the proper window itself, seemingly resulting in a no-op. In order to avoid such surprises you can use the hs.window.filter module, and more specifically the default windowfilter (hs.window.filter.default) which filters out known cases of not-actual-windows
  • Some windows will not be reported by OSX - e.g. things that are on different Spaces, or things that are Full Screen
Signature hs.window.desktop() -> hs.window object
Type Function
Description Returns the desktop "window"
  • None
  • An hs.window object representing the desktop, or nil if Finder is not running
  • The desktop belongs to when Finder is the active application, you can focus the desktop by cycling through windows via cmd-`
  • The desktop window has no id, a role of AXScrollArea and no subrole
  • The desktop is filtered out from hs.window.allWindows() (and downstream uses)
Signature hs.window.invisibleWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all invisible windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are not visible as per hs.window:isVisible()
Signature hs.window.list(allWindows) -> table
Type Function
Description Gets a table containing all the window data retrieved from CGWindowListCreate.
  • allWindows - Get all the windows, even those "below" the Dock window.
  • true is succesful otherwise false if an error occured.
  • This allows you to get window information without Accessibility Permissions.
Signature hs.window.minimizedWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all minimized windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are minimized as per hs.window:isMinimized()
Signature hs.window.orderedWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Returns all visible windows, ordered from front to back
  • None
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all visible windows, ordered from front to back
Signature hs.window.setShadows(shadows)
Type Function
Description Enables/Disables window shadows
  • shadows - A boolean, true to show window shadows, false to hide window shadows
  • None
  • This function uses a private, undocumented OS X API call, so it is not guaranteed to work in any future OS X release
Signature hs.window.snapshotForID(ID [, keepTransparency]) -> hs.image-object
Type Function
Description Returns a snapshot of the window specified by the ID as an hs.image object
  • ID - Window ID of the window to take a snapshot of.
  • keepTransparency - optional boolean value indicating if the windows alpha value (transparency) should be maintained in the resulting image or if it should be fully opaque (default).
  • hs.image object of the window snapshot or nil if unable to create a snapshot
  • See also method hs.window:snapshot()
  • Because the window ID cannot always be dynamically determined, this function will allow you to provide the ID of a window that was cached earlier.
Signature hs.window.timeout(value) -> boolean
Type Function
Description Sets the timeout value used in the accessibility API.
  • value - The number of seconds for the new timeout value.
  • true is succesful otherwise false if an error occured.
Signature hs.window.visibleWindows() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Function
Description Gets all visible windows
  • None
  • A list containing hs.window objects representing all windows that are visible as per hs.window:isVisible()


Signature hs.window.find(hint) -> hs.window object(s)
Type Constructor
Description Finds windows
  • hint - search criterion for the desired window(s); it can be:
  • an id number as per hs.window:id()
  • a string pattern that matches (via string.find) the window title as per hs.window:title() (for convenience, the matching will be done on lowercased strings)
  • one or more hs.window objects that match the supplied search criterion, or nil if none found
  • for convenience you can call this as hs.window(hint)
  • see also hs.window.get
  • for more sophisticated use cases and/or for better performance if you call this a lot, consider using hs.window.filter
Signature hs.window.focusedWindow() -> window
Type Constructor
Description Returns the window that has keyboard/mouse focus
  • None
  • An hs.window object representing the currently focused window
Signature hs.window.frontmostWindow() -> hs.window object
Type Constructor
Description Returns the focused window or, if no window has focus, the frontmost one
  • None
  • An hs.window object representing the frontmost window, or nil if there are no visible windows
Signature hs.window.get(hint) -> hs.window object
Type Constructor
Description Gets a specific window
  • hint - search criterion for the desired window; it can be:
  • an id number as per hs.window:id()
  • a window title string as per hs.window:title()
  • the first hs.window object that matches the supplied search criterion, or nil if not found
  • see also hs.window.find and hs.application:getWindow()


Signature hs.window:application() -> app or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the hs.application object the window belongs to
  • None
  • An hs.application object representing the application that owns the window, or nil if an error occurred
Signature hs.window:becomeMain() -> window
Type Method
Description Makes the window the main window of its application
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Make a window become the main window does not transfer focus to the application. See hs.window.focus()
Signature hs.window:centerOnScreen([screen][, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) --> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Centers the window on a screen
  • screen - (optional) An hs.screen object or argument for hs.screen.find; if nil, use the screen the window is currently on
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:close() -> bool
Type Method
Description Closes the window
  • None
  • True if the operation succeeded, false if not
Signature hs.window:focus() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Focuses the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:focusTab(index) -> bool
Type Method
Description Focuses the tab in the window's tab group at index, or the last tab if
  • index - A number, a 1-based index of a tab to focus
  • true if the tab was successfully pressed, or false if there was a problem
Signature hs.window:focusWindowEast([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the east (i.e. right)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:focusWindowNorth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the north (i.e. up)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:focusWindowSouth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the south (i.e. down)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:focusWindowWest([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> boolean
Type Method
Description Focuses the nearest possible window to the west (i.e. left)
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true focuses the nearest window that isn't occluded by any other window
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • true if a window was found and focused, false otherwise; nil if the search couldn't take place
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:frame() -> hs.geometry rect
Type Method
Description Gets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates
  • None
  • An hs.geometry rect containing the co-ordinates of the top left corner of the window and its width and height
Signature hs.window:id() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the unique identifier of the window
  • None
  • A number containing the unique identifier of the window, or nil if an error occurred
Signature hs.window:isFullScreen() -> bool or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the fullscreen state of the window
  • None
  • True if the window is fullscreen, false if not. Nil if an error occurred
Signature hs.window:isMaximizable() -> bool or nil
Type Method
Description Determines if a window is maximizable
  • None
  • True if the window is maximizable, False if it isn't, or nil if an error occurred
Signature hs.window:isMinimized() -> bool
Type Method
Description Gets the minimized state of the window
  • None
  • True if the window is minimized, otherwise false
Signature hs.window:isStandard() -> bool
Type Method
Description Determines if the window is a standard window
  • None
  • True if the window is standard, otherwise false
  • "Standard window" means that this is not an unusual popup window, a modal dialog, a floating window, etc.
Signature hs.window:isVisible() -> boolean
Type Method
Description Determines if a window is visible (i.e. not hidden and not minimized)
  • None
  • true if the window is visible, otherwise false
  • This does not mean the user can see the window - it may be obscured by other windows, or it may be off the edge of the screen
Signature hs.window:maximize([duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Maximizes the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
  • The window will be resized as large as possible, without obscuring the dock/menu
Signature hs.window:minimize() -> window
Type Method
Description Minimizes the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • This method will always animate per your system settings and is not affected by hs.window.animationDuration
Signature hs.window:move(rect[, screen][, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) --> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window
  • rect - It can be:
  • an hs.geometry point, or argument to construct one; will move the screen by this delta, keeping its size constant; screen is ignored
  • an hs.geometry rect, or argument to construct one; will set the window frame to this rect, in absolute coordinates; screen is ignored
  • an hs.geometry unit rect, or argument to construct one; will set the window frame to this rect relative to the desired screen; if screen is nil, use the screen the window is currently on
  • screen - (optional) An hs.screen object or argument for hs.screen.find; only valid if rect is a unit rect
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenEast([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen east (i.e. right)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenNorth([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen north (i.e. up)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenSouth([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen south (i.e. down)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveOneScreenWest([noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window one screen west (i.e. left)
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveToScreen(screen[, noResize, ensureInScreenBounds][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves the window to a given screen, retaining its relative position and size
  • screen - An hs.screen object, or an argument for hs.screen.find(), representing the screen to move the window to
  • noResize - (optional) if true, maintain the window's absolute size
  • ensureInScreenBounds - (optional) if true, use setFrameInScreenBounds() to ensure the resulting window frame is fully contained within the window's screen
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:moveToUnit(unitrect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Moves and resizes the window to occupy a given fraction of the screen
  • unitrect - An hs.geometry unit rect, or constructor argument to create one
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
  • An example, which would make a window fill the top-left quarter of the screen: win:moveToUnit'[0,0,50,50]'
Signature hs.window:otherWindowsAllScreens() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets every window except this one
  • None
  • A table containing hs.window objects representing all visible windows other than this one
Signature hs.window:otherWindowsSameScreen() -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets other windows on the same screen
  • None
  • A table of hs.window objects representing the visible windows other than this one that are on the same screen
Signature hs.window:raise() -> window
Type Method
Description Brings a window to the front of the screen without focussing it
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:role() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the role of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the role of the window
Signature hs.window:screen() -> hs.screen object
Type Method
Description Gets the screen which the window is on
  • None
  • An hs.screen object representing the screen which most contains the window (by area)
Signature hs.window:sendToBack() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sends the window to the back
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Due to the way this method works and OSX limitations, calling this method when you have a lot of randomly overlapping (as opposed to neatly tiled) windows might be visually jarring, and take a fair amount of time to complete. So if you don't use orderly layouts, or if you have a lot of windows in general, you're probably better off using hs.application:hide() (or simply cmd-h)
Signature hs.window:setFrame(rect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:setFrameInScreenBounds([rect][, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates, possibly adjusted to ensure it is fully inside the screen
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window; if omitted, the current window frame will be used
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:setFrameWithWorkarounds(rect[, duration]) -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Sets the frame of the window in absolute coordinates, using the additional workarounds described in hs.window.setFrameCorrectness
  • rect - An hs.geometry rect, or constructor argument, describing the frame to be applied to the window
  • duration - (optional) The number of seconds to animate the transition. Defaults to the value of hs.window.animationDuration
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:setFullScreen(fullscreen) -> window
Type Method
Description Sets the fullscreen state of the window
  • fullscreen - A boolean, true if the window should be set fullscreen, false if not
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:setSize(size) -> window
Type Method
Description Resizes the window
  • size - A size-table containing the width and height the window should be resized to
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:setTopLeft(point) -> window
Type Method
Description Moves the window to a given point
  • point - A point-table containing the absolute co-ordinates the window should be moved to
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:size() -> size
Type Method
Description Gets the size of the window
  • None
  • A size-table containing the width and height of the window
Signature hs.window:snapshot([keepTransparency]) -> hs.image-object
Type Method
Description Returns a snapshot of the window as an hs.image object
  • keepTransparency - optional boolean value indicating if the windows alpha value (transparency) should be maintained in the resulting image or if it should be fully opaque (default).
  • hs.image object of the window snapshot or nil if unable to create a snapshot
  • See also function hs.window.snapshotForID()
Signature hs.window:subrole() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the subrole of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the subrole of the window
  • This typically helps to determine if a window is a special kind of window - such as a modal window, or a floating window
Signature hs.window:tabCount() -> number or nil
Type Method
Description Gets the number of tabs in the window has, or nil if the window doesn't have tabs.
  • None
  • A number containing the number of tabs, or nil if an error occurred
Signature hs.window:title() -> string
Type Method
Description Gets the title of the window
  • None
  • A string containing the title of the window
Signature hs.window:toggleFullScreen() -> hs.window object
Type Method
Description Toggles the fullscreen state of the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
  • Not all windows support being full-screened
Signature hs.window:toggleZoom() -> window
Type Method
Description Toggles the zoom state of the window (this is effectively equivalent to clicking the green maximize/fullscreen button at the top left of a window)
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:topLeft() -> point
Type Method
Description Gets the absolute co-ordinates of the top left of the window
  • None
  • A point-table containing the absolute co-ordinates of the top left corner of the window
Signature hs.window:unminimize() -> window
Type Method
Description Un-minimizes the window
  • None
  • The hs.window object
Signature hs.window:windowsToEast([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the east of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the east are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the eastward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned east (i.e. right) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:windowsToNorth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the north of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the north are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the northward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned north (i.e. up) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:windowsToSouth([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the south of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the south are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the southward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned south (i.e. down) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:windowsToWest([candidateWindows[, frontmost[, strict]]]) -> list of hs.window objects
Type Method
Description Gets all windows to the west of this window
  • candidateWindows - (optional) a list of candidate windows to consider; if nil, all visible windows to the west are candidates.
  • frontmost - (optional) boolean, if true unoccluded windows will be placed before occluded ones in the result list
  • strict - (optional) boolean, if true only consider windows at an angle between 45° and -45° on the westward axis
  • A list of hs.window objects representing all windows positioned west (i.e. left) of the window, in ascending order of distance
  • If you don't pass candidateWindows, Hammerspoon will query for the list of all visible windows every time this method is called; this can be slow, and some undesired "windows" could be included (see the notes for hs.window.allWindows()); consider using the equivalent methods in hs.window.filter instead
Signature hs.window:zoomButtonRect() -> rect-table or nil
Type Method
Description Gets a rect-table for the location of the zoom button (the green button typically found at the top left of a window)
  • None
  • A rect-table containing the bounding frame of the zoom button, or nil if an error occured
  • The co-ordinates in the rect-table (i.e. the x and y values) are in absolute co-ordinates, not relative to the window the button is part of, or the screen the window is on
  • Although not perfect as such, this method can provide a useful way to find a region of the titlebar suitable for simulating mouse click events on, with hs.eventtap