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Track and Trace Project

Hosted front end

Hosted front end link


This project contains a complete implementation of a track and trace solution with CIS-3 compliant sponsored transactions.

It has five primary components.

Explanations for each component reside in files inside their respective folder.

You can run the services and servers manually as explained in the READMEs or use the docker files in ./dockerfiles.

However, the easiest option is to use docker-compose with the configuration file ./docker-compose.yml.

For this to work, you should do the following:

  1. Deploy and initialize your version of the Track and Trace smart contract.
  2. Export your account keys from the Browser Wallet and generate a ./private-keys folder to save the key file into it.
  3. Set the following environment variables:
    • Set the TRACK_AND_TRACE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS variable to the contract address of your contract instance.
    • Set the TRACK_AND_TRACE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE variable to the path of your keys from step 2.
    • (Optional) Set the TRACK_AND_TRACE_NETWORK variable to the correct net (testnet/mainnet). Defaults to testnet.
    • (Optional) Set the TRACK_AND_TRACE_NODE to the gRPC endpoint of the node you want to use. Make sure it runs on the right net, i.e., testnet or mainnet. Defaults to
  4. Run docker-compose up to build and start all the services.


TRACK_AND_TRACE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="<8901,0>" TRACK_AND_TRACE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE="./private-keys/4SizPU2ipqQQza9Xa6fUkQBCDjyd1vTNUNDGbBeiRGpaJQc6qX.export" docker-compose up

You might need to run the above command twice, if the postgres database container is too slow to be set up for the first time and as a result the indexer or server throw an error because they are already trying to connect. Stopping the command and re-running the command will load the already setup postgres database container.

  1. Access the frontend at http://localhost:8080
    • The sponsored transaction service runs on port 8000 by default, and the postgres database runs on 5432. Both are configurable in the ./docker-compose.yml file.

Switching to a different contract address

The indexer service saves the contract address used into the underlying PostgreSQL database. If you want to use a different contract address than initially set up, you therefore need to delete the PostgreSQL database before running the docker-compose up command again.

To do so, run the following command:

   docker volume rm trackandtrace_postgres_data