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Universal Sensor data transporter over MQTT. Sensor like water flow sensor (=pulse-counter), DS18B20 , INA219,...

For each sensor, an update can be choosen between: 10 (sec.) ,30,60, 300 (5min) , 900 (15min), 3600 (1h) , 10800 (3h), 21600 (6h) , 43200 (12h)

Supported sensors:

  • Maximintegrated_DS18B20 temperature sensor
  • Generic_PulseCounter
    • as a water-flow sensor
    • as gas meter counter
    • fully configurable for your application / sensor
  • TexasInstruments_INA219_4_20mA
    • as citern water height sensor. With a 'Submersible Water Level Transducer Sensor' 0-5m H2O
    • fully configurable for your application
    • full range = 320mV, any current can be measured when the shunt resistor changes (not limited to 4-20mA)
  • TexasInstruments_INA226_4_20mA
    • as citern water height sensor. With a 'Submersible Water Level Transducer Sensor' 0-5m H2O
    • fully configurable for your application
    • full range = 80mV, any current can be measured when the shunt resistor changes (not limited to 4-20mA)
  • Generic_SystemInfo This sensor will send the following host system information:
    • Platform information (static)
    • CPU usage (dynamic)
    • Memory usage (dynamic)
    • Disk usage (dynamic)
  • Generic_Ultrasonic
    • This is generic PING-MODE ultrasonic sensor. This uses a 'Trigger' and 'Echo'-signal
    • Supports averaging
    • Example Devices: JSN-SR04T, JSN-SR04T-2.0, JSN-SR04T-3.0, HC-SR04, HY-SRF05, US-100, ...
  • Plantower_PMS5003 This is a Digital universal particle concentration sensor Measures:
    • PM1.0, PM2.5 & PM10 value for CF=1,standard particle & under atmospheric environment
    • The number of particles with diameter
      • beyond 0.3 um in 0.1 L of air.
      • beyond 0.5 um in 0.1 L of air.
      • beyond 1.0 um in 0.1 L of air.
      • beyond 2.5 um in 0.1 L of air.
      • beyond 5.0 um in 0.1 L of air.
      • beyond 10 um in 0.1 L of air.

How to add more sensors?

  • copy and rename an existing sensor
  • change the directory to [manufacturer]_[partnumber]
  • change the file name & the class name
    • [platform]_[manufacturer]_[partnumber]
    • or [platform]_Generic_[function]
  • change the content for your function
  • The filename & class name must be exact (case sensitive) equal
  • use the class name in 'sensors_settings.yaml' to activate the new module (dynamic loaded)
  • [platform]
    • 'LINUX' - should work on all linux platforms
    • 'RPI' - should work on all Raspberry PI platforms
    • 'ESP32' - should work on all ESP32 platforms
    • ...
  • The 'platform' must be a YAML parameter for your sensor

Config your sensors & MQTT broker info

  • in directory ~/sensors2mqtt/sensors2mqtt
  • copy sensors_settings.yaml to the same directory with a differend name: example: settings.yaml
  • Add or remove sensors in the new file. Only sensors define here will be loaded at runtime
  • Start with argument: -c option: ./ -c settings.yaml
  • Start with argument: -l option: ./ -c settings.yaml -l debug to get debug loggings
  • To simplify starting: go to ~/sensors2mqtt
    • and run: start_normal to have normal CLI output
    • and run: start_debug to have extra info in the CLI output


on a Raspberry pi

Configure your rapsberry pi where the sensors are attachted:

  • download the latest version of 'Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite' here:

  • enable SSH by adding a file named 'SSH' into the boot location

  • if 1-wire is required (for DS18B20)

    • enable one-wire in config.txt (on your SD-Card) => with the correct pin number (or in linux: sudo nano /boot/config.txt)
    • dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=22
  • If I2C is needed:

    • enable I2C in config.txt (on your SD-Card)
    • dtparam=i2c_arm=on
  • Start the Raspberry Pi with the prepared SD-Card

  • connect over SSH | login

    • username: pi
    • password: raspberry
    • change your password with: 'passwd'

Download & Run: ./single_file_setup
or execute the commands manually:

=> sudo apt update
=> sudo apt upgrade
=> sudo apt install git
=> sudo apt-get install i2c-tools    => for I2C only (like INA219)
=> sudo apt-get install python-smbus => for I2C only (like INA219)
=> sudo adduser pi i2c               => for I2C only (like INA219)
=> sudo reboot                       => for I2C only (like INA219)
=> sudo apt install python3-rpi.gpio
=> sudo apt-get install python3 
=> sudo apt-get install python3-pip
=> git clone
=> cd sensors2mqtt
=> chmod +x ./start_normal
=> chmod +x ./start_normal
=> sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
=> chmod +x ./sensors2mqtt/
=> ./start_normal

Use with home-assistant

Update your sensors section in configuration.yml with the new mqtt topics, for example:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "Garage/Outside/Temperature"
  name: "Garage Temperature"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "Garage/Cistern/Temperature "
  name: "Cistern Temperature"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Hardware setup:


some hardware comments:

  • DS18B20: needs a pull up resistor of 4k7
  • my water flow puls counter works at 5VDC. RPI needs 3V3 GPIO: so a resistor divider is used to lower the voltages
  • INA219: change the shunt resistor to 10 ohm to have a good measurement
  • Boost converter will convert the 5VDC to 12.5VDC needed for the 'Submersible Water Level Transducer Sensor'

Example cli output: if level=logging.DEBUG

pi@regenputten:~/sensors2mqtt $ ./ -c sensors_test.yaml
Start Sensors to MQTT V0.0.1             2020-08-15 Dries Claerbout
Start MQTT: Broker: Username: ha

Sensors found
 -> DS18B20      Maximintegrated         Temperature     1-Wire
    -> Sensor 1:
        -> path = /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-011939f0e24a/w1_slave
        -> mqtt_sub_dir = cistern
 -> PulseCounter         Generic         PulseCounter    GPIO
    -> Sensor 1:
        -> pin_number = 23
        -> mqtt_sub_dir = garden
        -> function = water-flow
    -> Sensor 2:
        -> pin_number = 24
        -> mqtt_sub_dir = home
        -> function = water-flow
 -> INA219 4-20mA        TexasInstruments        Current         I2C
    -> Sensor 1:
        -> address = 64
        -> mqtt_sub_dir = citern
        -> channel = 1
        -> calibration_low_mA = 3.96
        -> calibration_high_mA = 18.5
        -> full_range_value = 5000
        -> unit = mm
        -> mqtt_function_name = height

2020-08-30 17:01:06,583 - DEBUG -
Starting main loop...
2020-08-30 17:01:06,585 - DEBUG - 10 seconds event 1598803266.5848727
2020-08-30 17:01:07,446 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/cistern/Temperature  20.937
2020-08-30 17:01:07,448 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:07,450 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/total  89
2020-08-30 17:01:07,453 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:07,454 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/total  15
2020-08-30 17:01:07,760 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/height  19.567
2020-08-30 17:01:07,764 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/bus-voltage  12.517
2020-08-30 17:01:10,002 - DEBUG - 10 seconds event 1598803270.0023887
2020-08-30 17:01:10,886 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/cistern/Temperature  21.0
2020-08-30 17:01:10,888 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:10,890 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/total  89
2020-08-30 17:01:10,891 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:10,893 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/total  15
2020-08-30 17:01:11,199 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/height  19.567
2020-08-30 17:01:11,202 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/bus-voltage  12.517
2020-08-30 17:01:20,009 - DEBUG - 10 seconds event 1598803280.0089643
2020-08-30 17:01:20,886 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/cistern/Temperature  20.937
2020-08-30 17:01:20,888 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:20,890 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/garden/water-flow/total  89
2020-08-30 17:01:20,892 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/delta  0
2020-08-30 17:01:20,893 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/home/water-flow/total  15
2020-08-30 17:01:21,199 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/height  19.567
2020-08-30 17:01:21,202 - INFO -     MQTT: garage/citern/bus-voltage  12.517

Start at boot-time (tested on raspberry-pi-os)

  1. create a configuration file
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/sensors2mqtt.service
  1. set the content to:
Description=Sensors to MQTT Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/sensors2mqtt/sensors2mqtt/ -c settings.yaml


  1. set ter permission to 644:
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/sensors2mqtt.service
  1. enable the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable sensors2mqtt.service
  1. reboot
sudo reboot
  1. check the status for the service
sudo systemctl status sensors2mqtt.service


ps aux | grep sensor

Change RPI fixed IP-address

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

look for the following section and change it:

interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

Special thanks to