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Unsupported. As bitstreams are used for more than just storing the files of items (thumbnails, scripts & processes file output, ...) a general endpoint to loop over these has little added value.
Provide detailed information about a specific bitstream. The JSON response document is as follow
"uuid": "8d33bdfb-e7ba-43e6-a93a-f445b7e8a1e2",
"name": null,
"handle": null,
"metadata": {},
"sizeBytes": 8528,
"checkSum": {
"checkSumAlgorithm": "MD5",
"value": "9d8f0f9e369cf12159d47c146c499cf4"
"sequenceId": null,
"type": "bitstream"
Exposed links:
- format: link to the bitstream format resource associated with the bitstream (Adobe PDF, MS Word, etc.)
- content: link to access the actual content of the bitstream
- bundle: link to the bundle, not embedded
- thumbnail: the thumbnail of the bitstream
Bitstream metadata can be modified as described in Modifying metadata via Patch.
GET /api/core/bitstreams/<:uuid>/format
It returns the format of the bitstream
PUT /api/core/bitstreams/<:uuid>/format
Update the bitstream format of the bitstream
Sample CURL command:
curl -i -X PUT '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO…' -H "Content-Type:text/uri-list" --data ''
The uri-list should always contain exactly 1 bitstream format. This bitstream format will be assigned to the bitstream
Error codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeeded
- 400 Bad Request - if the bitstream format doesn't exist, or if the amount of bitstream formats is not 1
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the bitstream doesn't exist
Keep in mind that there's a change to dc.format in the API related to bitstream formats:
- setting the bitstream format to a known type removes dc.format in the bitstream metadata
- setting the bitstream format to unknown also removes dc.format in the bitstream metadata
- setting dc.format in the metadata will never implicitly change the bitstream format to unknown
- setting dc.format in the metadata will require a separate REST call, it's not part of the /format request
- setting dc.format will currently not be denied when the format is known, but it's not recommended to set it as such
GET /api/core/bitstreams/<:uuid>/bundle
It returns the bundle of the bitstream
PUT /api/core/bitstreams/<:uuid>/bundle
Move the bitstream to another bundle
Sample CURL command:
curl -i -X PUT '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO…' -H "Content-Type:text/uri-list" --data ''
The uri-list should always contain exactly 1 bitstream format. This bitstream format will be assigned to the bitstream
Error codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeeded
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the bitstream doesn't exist
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the bundle doesn't exist, or if the amount of bundles is not 1
It returns the actual content (bits) described by the bitstream
Supported Request Parameter:
- authentication-token: optional parameter that allows downloads for restricted files, a token needs to be requested from the following endpoint
Response Headers:
- ETag: contains the md5 checksum as recorded in the bitstream record
- Content-Type: the mimetype as recorded in the bitstream format registry
- Content-Length: the size in bytes of the content as recorded in the bitstream record
The supported Request Headers are:
- If-Modified-Since: not implemented yet. Support for cache control
- Range: not implemented yet. Provide support to partial content download
- If-None-Match: not implemented yet. Support for cache control
It returns the bitstream which represents the thumbnail of the specified bitstream.
At this time, thumbnails are only supported for bitstreams in the ORIGINAL
Status codes:
- 200 OK - returning the thumbnail
- 204 No Content - if there is no thumbnail for the specified bitstream
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated and don't have permissions on the bitstream or the thumbnail's metadata
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the bitstream doesn't exist
It returns the bitstream matching the given parameters, or an empty response
The supported parameters are:
: mandatory, the item's handlesequence
: optional, the bitstream's sequence IDfilename
: optional, the bitstream's file name- either
should be present
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed. This will contain the bitstream
- 204 No Content - if there is no bitstream matching the given parameters
- 400 Bad Request - if neither
is present - 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated and the bitstream metadata is not public
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions to see the bitstream metadata
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the provided uuid cannot be resolved to an item regardless to the item status
Delete a bitstream. Works for normal bitstreams in an Item (bundle), and a community or collection logo
- 204 No content - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not loggedin with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the bitstream doesn't exist (or was already deleted)
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - if the bitstream is a community or collection logo
Delete a list of Bitstreams in one request. This will work for any list of Bitstreams that are attached to an item, will mostly be used in the item admin edit
- 204 No content - if the operation succeeded
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if any of the bitstreams in the list haven't been found or are already deleted
- 422 Unprocessable Entity - If one or more of the given Bitstreams aren't attached to an Item.
A sample CURL command would be:
curl -i -X PATCH ' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO…' -H "content-type: application/json" --data '[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/bitstreams/12623672-25a9-4df2-ab36-699c4c240c7e"}, { "op": "remove", "path": "/bitstreams/5a3f7c7a-d3df-419c-8a2-f00ede62c60a"}]'
The Patch contents is:
"op": "remove",
"path": "/bitstreams/12623672-25a9-4df2-ab36-699c4c240c7e"
"op": "remove",
"path": "/bitstreams/5a3f7c7a-d3df-419c-8a2-f00ede62c60a"