List of dome Delphi projects repositories (samples, demos and learning resources):
Apprendre la programmation avec Delphi (french training, 2020)
Events (code from in person events)
try looking at "delphi-sample" topic on GitHub to find more samples on VCL, FireMonkey, Pascal Language...
try looking at "delphi-tutorials" topic on GitHub to find more samples and explanations on how to use Delphi features and libraries available on Internet
try looking at "delphi-game" topic on GitHub to find games developped in Delphi
If you are looking for more than just samples but also libraries, components, full applications, game engines, ... you can go to the project Fr0sT-Brutal/awesome-pascal or the catalog Torry Delphi Developers Library.
You know other samples repositories ? Please add them to this list (submit an issue or a PULL REQUEST).