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NotSomeBot edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 6 revisions


Copies items from the player inventory to be loaded again at a later time. Similar to saved hotbars, but with the entire player inventory.


/ckit (create|delete|edit|preview) <name>
/ckit list
/ckit load <name> [--override]


  • create <name>: Creates a new kit from the items in the player's inventory.
  • delete <name>: Deletes an existing kit.
  • edit <name>: Edits a kit, replacing items in the kit with the items in the player's inventory.
  • list: Displays a list of previously created kits.
  • load <name>: Replaces items in the player's inventory with the items from the kit
  • preview <name>: Displays an inventory screen with the items contained in the kit.
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