- Exclusive Dutch Order Encoder
- Reactor Execute Encoder
- Get Orders from UniswapX API
- Integration Tests
- Documentation
- Exclusive Dutch Order Decoder
- Order Resolver
This library is a Python SDK that can be used to easily interact with UniswapX ecosystem: Reactors, Quoter, API. It's partially inspired by https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswapx-sdk
⚠ This library has not been audited, so use at your own risk !
⚠ The API currently exposed is very likely to change with the following versions: consider forcing the version.
⚠ This project is a work in progress so not all features have already been implemented.
A good practice is to use Python virtual environments, here is a tutorial.
The library can be pip installed from pypi.org as usual:
# update pip to latest version if needed
pip install -U pip
# install the decoder from pypi.org
pip install uniswapx-sdk
First, you need to import the classes that will help you to structure the encoding, along with a function that will compute the order nonce:
from uniswapx_sdk.encoder import (
Then you instantiate them:
order_info = ExclusiveDutchOrderInfo(
swapper="0x...", # your account address
deadline=deadline, # Unix timestamp after which the order won't be valid any more.
decay_time = DecayTime(start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
dutch_input = ExclusiveDutchOrderInput(in_token_address, start_amount_in_wei, end_amount_in_wei)
dutch_outputs = (
token=out_token_address, # or '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' for native coin
recipient=recipient_address, # who is going to receive the output
exclusive_filler = ExclusiveFiller(filler_address, bps) # the exclusive filler if any with the override bps
# or exclusive_filler = ExclusiveFiller() if no exclusive filler
And now you're ready to encode the order and sign it:
import ExclusiveDutchOrderEncoder
encoder = ExclusiveDutchOrderEncoder(chain_id)
encoded_order, signable_message = encoder.encode_order(
signed_message = your_account.sign_message(signable_message)
Let's say you have en encoded order
along with its signature sig
. Resolving it is as simple as:
from uniswapx_sdk.resolver import OrderResolver
resolver = await OrderResolver.create(rpc_endpoint="https://...")
resolved_order = asyncio.run(resolver.resolve(order, sig))
Let's say you have en encoded order. Decoding it is as simple as:
from uniswapx_sdk.decoder import ExclusiveDutchOrderDecoder
decoder = ExclusiveDutchOrderDecoder()
decoded_order = decoder.decode(encoded_order)
from uniswapx_sdk.api import UniswapXAPI
api = UniswapXAPI(chain_id)
orders = await api.get_orders(order_status) # with order_status in open, expired, error, cancelled, filled, insufficient-funds
Let's say you want to fill (execute) a dutch order. First you encode it as follows:
from uniswapx_sdk.encoder import ExclusiveDutchOrderEncoder
encoded_input = ExclusiveDutchOrderEncoder.encode_execute(order, sig) # where sig is the signature corresponding to the order
Then you include the encoded_input
in the transaction you sign and send to the Exclusive Dutch Order Reactor.