Code contributions are always welcome!
- Open an issue in the repo with defect/enhancements
- We can also be reached @
- Fork, make the changes, build and test it locally
- Issue a PR - watch the PR build in travis-ci
- Once merged to master, travis-ci will build and release the artifact with the current snapshot version
- Make sure you have Java 1.8
For a full build, including unit tests you can run the following
./mvnw clean package
Latest releases of this library are available in Maven central
- Get All your changes reviewed and merged into master
- Test the latest snapshot build in SonaType Snapshots Repository to ensure the artifact contains all your changes and they work as expected
- Once merged to master, one can use github or manual tagging to the next semantic version
- This will cause the build to run for the new tagged version. This will cause the jar files to be released to the SonaType Release Repository.
- Now, update the POM version to next snapshot version for development
- Create another pull request with the change from step 5 and get it merged.