JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
- awesome Node.js
- Grunt
- Gulp
- Express
- Mongoose
- Socket.io
- Apache Cordova
- Async
- Chalk
- J5
- GraphicsMagick
- Marked
- Node-restify
- Webpack
- Morgan
- Nodemailer
- Passportjs
- Cheerio
- X-ray
- Bower
- PM2
- Electron
- Yeoman
- Babel
- Helmet
- Faker
- Protractor
- Nightwatch.js
- Cypress.io
- How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript
- A discussion about the breaking of the Internet
- I’ve Just Liberated My Modules
- Left-pad en GitHub
- Is left-pad Indicative of a Fragile JavaScript Ecosystem?
- Overcoming JavaScript Fatigue
- One developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript
- How 17 Lines of Code Took Down Silicon Valley’s Hottest Startups
- Npm package author revokes his packages, breaking tons of builds
- ¿Y si el software Open Source desapareciera?
- El programador que borró 11 líneas de código y se cargó Internet
- EventStream | NPM
- dominictarr/event-stream | issue:I don't know what to say
- Synk | Malicious code found in npm package event-stream downloaded 8 million times in the past 2.5 months
- Reddit | "I don't know what to say."– Backdoor in popular event-stream NPM repo (github.com)
- Widely used open source software contained bitcoin-stealing backdoor
- Malicious code in npm ‘event-stream’ package targets a bitcoin wallet and causes 8 million downloads in two months
- event-stream vulnerability explained
- Check your repos... Crypto-coin-stealing code sneaks into fairly popular NPM lib (2m downloads per week)
- Grandes Cambios