- get all town from database
- get street in specific town
- create town, shop, street
- get shops in specific town or/and specific street, close/open shops (all params are optional)
- get detail about shop/street/town
- OpenAPI swagger
- in env.example all variables used in project, change it to .env, several variables that are common, already define as example, secret variables is empty
- in app folder create
folders - collect static
docker exec -it django python manage.py collectstatic
- createsuperuser
docker exec -it django python manage.py createsuperuser
docker compose up
OR make up
- run without building, also you can prove -d flag to run as daemon
docker compose down && docker network prune --force
OR make down
docker exec -it django python manage.py test
OR make test
docker exec -it django python manage.py makemigrations
docker exec -it django python manage.py migrate
OR make migrate
- run ufmt:
ufmt format .
- run black:
black --config=configs/.black.toml app
- run ruff:
ruff check --config=configs/.ruff.toml --fix app
- run flake8:
flake8 --config=configs/.flake8 app
- OR
in root