There are three screens in the WonderWitch UI. The first one is where you start the games/applications. The second is where you can copy files to/from program-area(ROM)/work-area(RAM) The third is where you can transfer files & execute commands via serial.
When you first startup WonderWitch there is a flash/sram test, then there is a small intro animation. Press any button to get to the first screen. Now press WS Y4 (NDS L+Left) to get to the third screen. Now open the menu on the DS, go to Options->WonderWitch. Here you can send files/commands to the WonderWitch. The first thing you want to do is upload a file.
Press the "Upload File" button and exit the emulator menu to let the WonderWitch work, then choose the file to upload. Exiting the menu after every command is still needed, I will try to fix this later.
Many games require several files to run, "" is one such file used by some. Many games also require a WSColor, so make sure you run the emulator in color mode. If you want to do any actions on a specific file you have to do "Dir" first to select the file and then run the command (delete, execute). After you have deleted a file you have to run defreg to get back the space. Sometimes things start to get really slow (almost allways if you run execute), then try a reboot command or reset the console.
If you want to keep what you have uploaded to the WonderWitch make sure you use the Save NVRAM in the emulator.
- WonderWitch: Tools for interacting with a WonderWitch.
- Storage: Select storage, apps need to be located in ROM.
- Upload File: Used for uploading files to WonderWitch.
- Dir: Show contents of a directory, to select a file.
- Execute: Execute an app. (use the WW start screen instead).
- Delete: Delete a file.
- Defrag: Reclaim storage from deleted files.
- Download File: Download a file from WW to the DS.
- NewFS (Formatt): Wipe everything in the selected storage.
- XMODEM Transmit: Used for uploading files to WonderWitch.
- XMODEM Receive: Used for downloading files from WonderWitch.
- Reboot WW: Reboot the WonderWitch software.
- CD: Change directory.
- Interact: Set terminal to interactive mode.
- Stty: Set/Show interactive mode.
- Hello: Show info about WW software.
- Speed: Show communication speed.
Huge thanks to asie for info and inspiration.
Fredrik Ahlström
X/Twitter @TheRealFluBBa