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154 lines (137 loc) · 4.49 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (137 loc) · 4.49 KB


GLFW.NET Version Changes

  • Added ClientWidth and ClientHeight properties to NativeWindow class

GLFW.NET Version 3.3.1 Changes

  • Changed default library name from glfw3 to glfw (See Issue#8)
  • Merged Pull Request#7 to implement storing managed references to delegates used for native callbacks, as this caused errors with .NET Framework when the reference got lost.
  • Merged Pull Request#11 to fix critical error when using static Glfw.Monitors property
  • Default NativeWindow resolution is now 800x600 from 640x480 if not specified
  • Minor code improvements, refactorings, and typo fixes
  • Implemented IEquatable for NativeWindow class
  • Added various platform/backend specific native functions
    • Native.GetGLXContext
    • Native.GetCocoaMonitor
    • Native.GetNSGLContext
    • Native.GetX11Display
    • Native.GetX11Adapter
    • Native.GetX11Monitor
    • Native.GetX11Window
    • Native.SetX11SelectionString
    • Native.GetX11SelectionString
    • Native.GetGLXWindow
    • Native.GetWaylandDisplay
    • Native.GetWaylandMonitor
    • Native.GetWaylandWindow
    • Native.GetOSMesaColorBuffer
    • Native.GetOSMesaDepthBuffer
    • Native.GetOSMesaContext
  • Example project utilizing SkiaSharp added

GLFW.NET Version 3.3 Changes

  • Added support for GLFW 3.3 (Released April 15, 2019)
  • Implemented new versioning system to keep with the supported native GLFW version
    • Major and minor parts will match the supported native library
    • Revision major and revision minor parts will indicate changes to the bindings


  • Added GamePadState struct
  • Added WindowContentsScaleCallback delegate
  • Added WindowMaximizedCallback delegate
  • Added MaximizeEventArgs class
  • Added ContentScaleEventArgs class


  • Added ErrorCode.None
  • Deprecated ErrorCode.Unknown
  • Added Hint.JoystickHatButtons
  • Added Hint.CocoaChDirResources
  • Added Hint.CocoaMenuBar
  • Added Hint.CenterCursor
  • Added Hint.TransparentFramebuffer
  • Added Hint.FocusOnShow
  • Added Hint.ScaleToMonitor
  • Added Hint.CocoaRetinaFrameBuffer
  • Added Hint.CocoaFrameName
  • Added Hint.CocoaGraphicsSwitching
  • Added Hint.X11InstanceName
  • Added Hint.X11ClassName
  • Added ContextApi.Mesa
  • Added Hat enum
    • Centered
    • Up
    • Right
    • Down
    • Left
    • RightUp
    • RightDown
    • LeftUp
    • LeftDown
  • Added ModiferKeys.CapsLock
  • Added ModiferKeys.NumLock
  • Added GamePadButtons enum
    • A
    • B
    • X
    • Y
    • LeftBumper
    • RightBumper
    • Back
    • Start
    • Guide
    • LeftThumb
    • RightThumb
    • DpadUp
    • DpadRight
    • DpadDown
    • DpadLeft
    • Cross
    • Circle
    • Square
    • Triangle
  • Added GamePadAxis enum
    • LeftX
    • LeftY
    • RightX
    • RightY
    • LeftTrigger
    • RightTrigger
  • Added WindowAttribute.MouseHover
  • Added InputMode.LockKeyMods
  • Added InputMode.RawMouseMotion


Static Glfw Class

  • Added Glfw.InitHint
  • Added Glfw.GetError
  • Added Glfw.GetMonitorWorkArea
  • Added Glfw.GetMonitorContentScale
  • Added Glfw.GetMonitorUserPointer
  • Added Glfw.SetMonitorUserPointer
  • Added Glfw.GetWindowOpacity
  • Added Glfw.SetWindowOpacity
  • Added Glfw.WindowHintString
  • Added Glfw.GetWindowContentScale
  • Added Glfw.RequestWindowAttention
  • Added Glfw.RawMouseMotionSupported
  • Added Glfw.SetWindowMaximizeCallback
  • Added Glfw.SetWindowContentScaleCallback
  • Added Glfw.GetKeyScanCode
  • Added Glfw.SetWindowAttribute
  • Added Glfw.GetJoyStickHats
  • Added Glfw.GetJoystickGuid
  • Added Glfw.GetJoystickUserPointer
  • Added Glfw.SetJoystickUserPointer
  • Added Glfw.JoystickIsGamepad
  • Added Glfw.UpdateGamepadMappings
  • Added Glfw.GetGamepadName
  • Added Glfw.wGetGamepadState


  • Added Monitor.WorkArea
  • Added Monitor.ContentScale
  • Added Monitor.UserPointer
  • Added GameWindow.Opacity
  • Added GameWindow.ContentScale
  • Added GameWindow.RequestAttention
  • Added GameWindow.MaximizeChanged
  • Added GameWindow.OnMaximize
  • Added GameWindow.ContentScaleChanged
  • Added `GameWindow.OnContentScaleChanged


  • Fixed some typos and grammatical errors in XML comments
  • Added this version history`