All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- This changelog will not be updated anymore, each package has its own changelog from now on.
- Do not use GUIDs for assembly references to make it clearer if an assembly is not found
- Popups: Debug messages are enabled only when UNITY_EDITOR and DEBUG are defined
- Singleton: removed the server tag in package.json to comply with unity package manifest standard
- Singleton: Debug messages are enabled only when UNITY_EDITOR and DEBUG are defined
- ScreenTransitions: Debug messages are enabled only when UNITY_EDITOR and DEBUG are defined
- links to images for Transition sub package on README
- NEW: supporting two and three arguments for event handling
- NEW: ability to use either a global GameEventHandler or multiple ones
- MOD: Transition namespace has been renamed to ScreenTransitions to prevent namespace conflicting with Transition class
- MOD: EventHandler class has been renamed to GameEventHandler to prevent issues when you want to import System Breaking change: use only GameEvent (Raise, Listen, Delete) methods instead of EventHandler (Trigger, Add, Remove), that was always meant to be that way.
- MOD: to make it fully understandable, the bucket demo displays the full list of randomized numbers
- FIX: Editor platform only for editor assemblies on asset bundle tool, event management and object pool
- FIX: transition animations for 16/9 ratio
- NEW: Generic, Float and Int reference value (scriptableobject)
- NEW: Installation guidelines for both package and submodule.
- MOD: popup handler supports both legacy and new input system
- MOD: transition supports both legacy and new input system
- MOD: make package manager compatible
- MOD: transition is no more a singleton to allow multiple instances. Get the right one from its name.
- FIX: changelog meta files
- FIX: warning log when using incorrect delegate on event handler
- FIX: Int Float game event inspector did not allow to change value
- FIX: correct MIT license for every package
- FIX: readme file with updated Documentation folder
- NEW: demo scene for bucket usage
- NEW: Popup Management !
- MOD: asset bundle editor window made smaller and with a description
- MOD: english tips instead of french ones
- MOD: updated readme files for each plugin
- MOD: updated readme file for full instructions
- FIX: transition animator call when exiting play mode caused a null ref exception
- FIX: find prefab by using exact id instead of prefix
- FIX: set default parent at instantiating to prevent bad Canvas or UI behavior
- FIX: object pool id editable from inspector
- NEW: typed game event with int and float parameters
- NEW: asset bundle tools (export and local load)
- NEW: tips loader (from asset bundle, and display in canvas)
- FIX: remove event listener on disable simple event listener
- FIX: object pool ID was not accessible and changeable from inspector
- FIX: object pool editor update for unity to handle correctly the setDirty
- MOD: max and buffer int fields are wider
- MOD: TipsLoader is now singleton for multi scene handling without S.O
- MOD: prepare handling of heavy awake on objectPool
- NEW: github social preview
- NEW: transition demo gif
- NEW: bucket generator
- NEW: readme for bucket
- MOD: pictures to illustrate transition and object pool
- MOD: all previous readme.txt changed to markdown format
- FIX: bucket class instead of bucket generator
- DEL: removed first package export
- first public release: a generic event handler to trigger and subscribe game events in your game in a minute.