Although, boostnote is good for taking notes,it lacks wiki-like and search functionality, especically for large amounts of markdown files, in order to view the notes, you must first install boostnote, so it lacks portable.
Since both boostnote and vuepress are built on top of markdown-it, transferring the exported markdown content bewteen formats is simplifer than expected. Interesting, boostnote also uses stylus files, which are available in vuepress as well.
- Clone or fork the repo
- Create Boostnote storage in root
- Modify
, replace base with github directory, repo information with your username, etc .../
and if you aren't serving the app from root, config the relative urls in override.styl like so,
@font-face {
font-family: 'Material Icons';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: url(/markdown-notes-template/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.eot); /* For IE6-8 */
src: local('Material Icons'),
url(/markdown-notes-template/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2) format('woff2'),
url(/markdown-notes-template/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff) format('woff'),
url(/markdown-notes-template/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf) format('truetype');
Obviously, one must have boostnote installed, with the storage pointed to the root directory.
Additionally, vuepress must be installed globally.
npm install --global vuepress
Or one can install the dependencies like so
Install the dependencies
pip -r requirements.txt
yarn install
Running the python script
transfers notes from boostnote into a selected directory
python -s notes -o docs
Then extract all the notes and run vuepress
yarn docs:dev
- They both use Markdown-it
- Plugins are similar
- Publishing a folder of boostnote notes is difficult
Currently, if you have images in your boostnote notes, export the entire directory (images will be stored as attachments).
Automatic builds via gitlab, using a two stage pipeline, one can convert boostnote notes to vuepress documentation deployed to either gitlab pages or github pages or netlify.
VuePress currently uses the following markdown-it plugins:
- markdown-it-anchor
- markdown-it-container
- markdown-it-emoji
- markdown-it-table-of-contents Its style files (apparently in Stylus format) are probably worth looking at, too.
The boostnote plugins that are different are most likely
- markdown-it-task-lists
- markdown-it-katex
- markdown-it-plantuml
- markdown-it-admonitions
- markdown-it-footnotes
- markdown-it-kbd (don't know official name)
Some things are hard to replicate precisely using Vuepress for example the chart.js support in boostnote.
A good approximatation is markdown-it-charts
and cdning the dependencies.
The markdown-it katex plugin is a few versions behind the latest katex version.
Transfering images from boostnote to vuepress may be challenging, but we will see how it goes, and katex may be outdated.
Some plugins are missing such as markdown-it-footnote and markdown-it-kbd
Boostnote snippets are not transferred, simplish to fix.
A list of tasks and links, research completed in BoostNote
Can also write about how I tried out a lot of documentation formats, but boostnote + vuepress is a good combo.
If one is using gitlab to build the project, custom variables must be set.
Could improving automatic sidebar and navbar generation (detect if no note is present etc ../)
- Add chartjs support, based on boostnote support?
- Sample project configure for IOT, and other things.
- improve python script to read boostnote snippters
- continuous deployment with gitlab
- Think about latex integration, probably best to export to html and then convert to latex, or remove the !!! through scripting. (replace !!! note) with a environment, etc .. (using pandoc-admonition plugin which works as long as a yaml header is included, but fails to read !!!, could try using ::: format instead.
Add latex conversion, hard to get solidity code in there.
pandoc --from markdown+definition_lists+table_captions+multiline_tables+grid_tables+pipe_tables+pandoc_title_block --filter=pandoc-latex-admonition --to latex -o testing56.tex
Missing components
Use the package at
To match the boostnote style, I should be able to use both.
Same idea as
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.