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SEEC (Synthesizing Evidence of Emergent Computation) is a framework for modeling software designs to identify whether a design is vulnerable to composable or programmable exploits. The framework uses symbolic execution to synthesize program fragments or gadgets that are evidence of composable vulnerabilities.


SEEC is written in Rosette, a dialogue of Racket. To install locally, navigate to the seec directory and invoke raco pkg install. SEEC has been tested to work with Racket 7.5 and 7.7.

SEEC has been tested with Racket 7.5 and 7.7.

Additional documentation regarding how to use the framework is located in the doc/ directory, and examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

Case studies

Five main case studies in this report are in the following directories:

  • examples/list
  • examples/set
  • examples/printf
  • examples/tinyC
  • examples/heap

See the READMEs in those subdirectories for more information about the case study code.

Directory structure

└── doc - documentation on how to use the SEEC framework
├── examples - Case studies illustrating use of SEEC framework

│   ├── bitvector-tests.rkt
│   ├── exp.rkt

│   ├── heap - heap allocator case study
│   │   ├── lib.rkt 
│   │   ├── heap-lang.rkt
│   │   ├── gadget-synthesis.rkt
│   │   ├── abstract-lang.rkt
│   │   ├── abstract-to-heap-compiler
│   │   ├── upper-demo.rkt
│   │   ├── freelist-lang.rkt
│   │   ├── heap-to-freelist-compiler.rkt
│   │   └── lower-demo.rkt

│   ├── list - linked list API case study
│   │   ├── alist-lang.rkt
│   │   ├── linked-alist-compiler.rkt
│   │   ├── linked-list-lang.rkt
│   │   ├── list-lang.rkt
│   │   └── query.rkt

│   ├── list-example.rkt
│   ├── match-expander.rkt

│   ├── nat - toy n-to-z compiler example
│   │   ├── int-exp.rkt
│   │   ├── nat-checked.rkt
│   │   ├── nat-compile.rkt
│   │   ├── nat-exp.rkt
│   │   └── nat-lang.rkt
│   ├── n-to-z.rkt

│   ├── printf - printf format string case study
│   │   ├── check.rkt
│   │   ├── framework.rkt
│   │   ├── printf-compiler.rkt
│   │   ├── printf-impl.rkt
│   │   ├── printf-spec.rkt
│   │   ├── syntax.rkt
│   │   ├── synthesis.rkt
│   │   ├── unit-tests.rkt

│   ├── set - set API case study
│   │   ├── query.rkt
│   │   ├── set-pred.rkt
│   │   └── set.rkt
│   ├── set-context.rkt

│   ├── string-example.rkt
│   ├── test-matchlet.rkt

│   ├── tests.rkt - unit tests for synthesis queries

│   ├── tinyC - Small C-to-assembly compiler
│   │   ├── dispatch-query.rkt
│   │   ├── dispatch.rkt
│   │   ├── password-demo.rkt
│   │   ├── secret-demo.rkt
│   │   ├── server.rkt
│   │   ├── synthesis.rkt
│   │   ├── tinyAssembly.rkt
│   │   ├── tinyA-test.rkt
│   │   ├── tinyC.rkt
│   │   ├── tinyC-test.rkt
│   │   └── tinyC-tinyAssembly-compiler.rkt

│   └── unit
│       ├── languages.rkt
│       ├── lib.rkt
│       ├── simp+integer.rkt
│       ├── simp+natural.rkt
│       └── simp.rkt

├── info.rkt
├── - this file

└── seec - source repository for SEEC framework

    ├── info.rkt
    ├── lang
    │   └── reader.rkt
    ├── main.rkt - interface for SEEC framework
    └── private - backend for SEEC framework
        ├── bonsai3.rkt - representation of Bonsai data structures
        ├── framework.rkt - synthesis queries
        ├── language.rkt - parsing and macros for SEEC grammars and languages
        ├── match.rkt - custom match expander
        ├── monad.rkt - syntax for error monad
        ├── solver-aided.rkt - debugging infrastructure for useful error messages
        ├── string.rkt - custom symbolic strings
        ├── util.rkt - debugging infrastructure and contracts


This material is based upon work supported by DARPA Contract No. HR00112090030. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA. Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to the restrictions as stated in Agreement HR00012090030 between the Government and the Performer.