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483 lines (322 loc) · 51.7 KB


command line interface to products using the public API

Date: 2019-04-03
Copyright: GPL-3
Version: 1.6
Manual section:1


gandi [-v] [--version] gandi api|config|datacenters|deploy|domain|oper|paas|setup|vm ...


gandi is a command line client to manage, create and delete product for a specific account on platform.


Run gandi setup or create $HOME/.config/gandi/config.yaml file.


-v Enable or disable verbose mode, can be used multiple times to increase verbose level.
--version Display version.


  • account info Display information about hosting account.
  • api Display information about API used.
  • certificate change-dcv Change the DCV for a pending certificate.
  • certificate create Create a new certificate.
  • certificate delete Revoke the certificate.
  • certificate follow Follow the certificate operation run.
  • certificate export Write the certificate to <output> or <fqdn>.
  • certificate info Display information about a certificate.
  • certificate list List certificates.
  • certificate packages List certificate packages (deprecated).
  • certificate plans List certificate plans (replace packages).
  • certificate resend-dcv Resend the DCV mail for a pending certificate.
  • certificate update Update a certificate CSR.
  • certstore create Create an hosted certificate.
  • certstore delete Delete an hosted certificate.
  • certstore info Display information about an hosted certificate.
  • certstore list List hosted certificates.
  • config delete Delete a key/value pair from loaded configuration and save.
  • config edit Open configuration file in preferred editor.
  • config get Get value of a given key from loaded configuration.
  • config list List content of loaded configuration.
  • config set Set a key/value pair in loaded configuration and save.
  • contact create Create a new contact in interactive mode.
  • datacenters List available datacenters.
  • deploy Deploy code on a remote vhost.
  • disk attach Attach a disk to a vm.
  • disk create Create a new disk.
  • disk delete Delete a disk.
  • disk detach Detach a disk from a vm.
  • disk info Display information about a disk.
  • disk list List disks.
  • disk migrate Migrate a disk to another datacenter.
  • disk rollback Rollback a disk from a snapshot.
  • disk update Update a disk.
  • dns create Create new record entry for a domain.
  • dns delete Delete record entry for a domain.
  • dns domain.list List domains manageable by REST API.
  • dns keys create Create key for a domain.
  • dns keys delete Delete a key for a domain.
  • dns keys info Display information about a domain key.
  • dns keys list List domain keys.
  • dns keys recover Recover deleted key for a domain.
  • dns list Display records for a domain.
  • dns update Update record entry for a domain.
  • dnssec create Create DNSSEC key.
  • dnssec delete Delete DNSSEC key.
  • dnssec list List DNSSEC keys.
  • docker Manage docker instances.
  • domain create Buy a domain.
  • domain renew Renew a domain.
  • domain info Display information about a domain.
  • domain list List domains.
  • forward create Create a domain mail forward.
  • forward delete Delete a domain mail forward.
  • forward list List mail forwards for a domain.
  • forward update Update a domain mail forward.
  • help Display help for a command.
  • ip list List all ips.
  • ip info Display information about an ip.
  • ip create Create a new ip.
  • ip attach Attach an ip to a vm.
  • ip detach Detach an ip from a vm.
  • ip delete Delete an ip.
  • ip update Update an ip.
  • mail create Create a mailbox.
  • mail delete Delete a mailbox.
  • mail info Display information about a mailbox.
  • mail list List mailboxes created on a domain.
  • mail purge Purge a mailbox.
  • mail update Update a mailbox.
  • oper info Display information about an operation.
  • oper list List operations.
  • paas attach Add an instance vhost's git remote to local git repository.
  • paas clone Clone a remote vhost in a local git repository.
  • paas console Open a console on a PaaS.
  • paas create Create a new PaaS instance and initialize associated git repository.
  • paas delete Delete a PaaS instance.
  • paas info Display information about a PaaS instance.
  • paas list List PaaS instances.
  • paas restart Restart a PaaS instance.
  • paas types List types PaaS instances.
  • paas update Update a PaaS instance.
  • record create Create new DNS zone record entry for a domain.
  • record delete Delete a record entry for a domain.
  • record list List DNS zone records for a domain.
  • record update Update records entries for a domain.
  • setup Initialize Gandi CLI configuration.
  • snapshotprofile info Display information about a snapshot profile.
  • snapshotprofile list List possible snapshot profiles.
  • sshkey create Create a new SSH key.
  • sshkey delete Delete SSH keys.
  • sshkey info Display information about an SSH key.
  • sshkey list List SSH keys.
  • status Display current status from
  • vhost create Create a new vhost.
  • vhost delete Delete a vhost.
  • vhost info Display information about a vhost.
  • vhost list List vhosts.
  • vhost update Update a vhost.
  • vlan create Create a new vlan
  • vlan delete Delete a vlan.
  • vlan info Display information about a vlan.
  • vlan list List vlans.
  • vlan update Update a vlan
  • vm console Open a console to virtual machine.
  • vm create Create a new virtual machine.
  • vm delete Delete a virtual machine.
  • vm images List available system images for virtual machines.
  • vm info Display information about a virtual machine.
  • vm kernels List available kernels for virtual machines.
  • vm list List virtual machines.
  • vm migrate Migrate a virtual machine to another datacenter.
  • vm reboot Reboot a virtual machine.
  • vm ssh Spawn an SSH session to virtual machine.
  • vm start Start a virtual machine.
  • vm stop Stop a virtual machine.
  • vm update Update a virtual machine.
  • webacc add Add a backend or a vhost on a webaccelerator
  • webacc create Create a webaccelerator
  • webacc delete Delete a webaccelerator, a vhost or a backend
  • webacc disable Disable a backend or a probe on a webaccelerator
  • webacc enable Enable a backend or a prove on a webaccelerator
  • webacc info Display information about a webaccelerator
  • webacc list List webaccelerators
  • webacc probe Manage a probe for a webaccelerator
  • webacc update Update a webaccelerator


  • gandi account info display information about the hosting account currently in use.

  • gandi api display information about the API.

  • gandi certificate change-dcv resource: Change the domain validation process for a specific certificate request. Mandatory option is --dcv-method TEXT where the method could be email, dns, file or auto.

  • gandi certificate create: Request the creation of a certificate. If a private key is present as --private-key and not a CSR, the CSR will be generated. If no CSR or private key are present in the parameters, both are generated. Possible options are --csr TEXT and --private-key TEXT which could be the content of a certificate request and a private key or path to the files, --country TEXT, --state TEXT, --city TEXT, -organisation TEXT, --branch TEXT to specify new administrative information, --duration INTEGER how many years of validity (up to 5 years), --package TEXT is the type of certificate as listed by gandi certificate package, --package is now deprecated and should be replaced by --type, --max-altname and --warranty, --type is the certificate type in std (standard), bus (business) and pro, --max-altname is the maximum number of altnames that this multi domain certificate will be able to have (by default it's calculated on the number of --altnames param you have, but you can override it with a bigger value), --warranty is the value of the financial transaction under warranty (only appliable with Pro certificates), --altnames LIST is a list of all alternative names and --dcv-method TEXT where the method could be email, dns, file or auto.

  • gandi certificate delete resource delete a certificate. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). Note that a resource can be a cn entry or an integer id.

  • gandi certificate follow resource display the current status of a certificate operation. Resource is an operation id.

  • gandi certificate export resource write the selected certificate to a file. Possible option is --output TEXT for the path of the output file, --force overwrite any existing file, --intermediate will retrieve the needed intermediate certificates. Note that a resource can be a cn entry or an integer id.

  • gandi certificate info resource show detailed view of a specific certificate. Possible options are --id, --altnames, --csr, --cert which show the integer id, the alternative names, the certificate request and the full certificate, --all-status show the certificate without regard for its status. Note that a resource can be a cn entry or an integer id.

  • gandi certificate list Possible options are --id, --altnames, --csr, --cert which show the integer id, the alternative names, the certificate request and the full certificate for each element of the list, --all-status show certificates without regards to their status, --status, --dates show the status of the certificate and the creation and expiration dates, --limit INTEGER show a subset of the list.

  • gandi certificate packages show a full list of all available certificate types, this is deprecated, replace it by certificate plans.

  • gandi certificate plans show a full list of all available certificate plans.

  • gandi certificate resend-dcv resource send the validation email again (only for the 'email' DCV method). Note that a resource can be a cn entry or an integer id.

  • gandi certificate update resource modify the options of a certificate. Possible options are --csr TEXT, --private-key TEXT could be either the content of a certificate request and a private key or a path to the files, --country TEXT, --state TEXT, --city TEXT, --organisation TEXT, --branch TEXT to specify new administrative information, --altnames LIST to change all the alternative names (comma separated text without space), --dcv-method TEXT with domain validation process method in email, dns, file, auto. Note that a resource can be a CN entry or an integer id.

  • gandi certstore create create a new hosted certificate that will be associated to paas vhost or webaccs. Possible options are --private-key PK (or --pk) to give the private key and --certificate CERT (or --crt) to give the certificate (the certificate can also be given by its id with --certificate-id ID.

  • gandi certstore delete resource delete all hosted certificate corresponding to the resource (/!if you give an FQDN, it will delete all hosted certificate that correspond). Possible option is --force (or -f) to continue deleting without asking.

  • gandi certstore info resource show detailed view of hosted certificates corresponding to the resource.

  • gandi certstore list list all the hosted certificates for this account. Possible options are --id to show the id, --vhosts to show the associated vhosts, --fqdns to show the fqdns contained in that certificate, --dates to show the create and expire dates and --limit to limit the number of elements in the list.

  • gandi config key value configure value in the configuration file. With no option, configuration setting is stored in the local directory, which makes it suitable for code repositories. Using the -g flag, the change is stored in the global configuration file.

  • gandi contact create create a new contact in interactive mode.

  • gandi datacenters list all the datacenters of the platform. Possible option is --id to obtain the id of the datacenter. Most of the time you will be able to use the dc_code as parameter to the methods.

  • gandi deploy deploy the remote git repository to the virtualhost setup on a Gandi Simple Hosting instance. Available options are --remote to specify the git remote to extract deploy url from, and --branch to specify the branch to deploy. By default, the command uses the gandi remote to extract deploy url, and deploys the master branch. In case the supplied remote is not a valid Simple Hosting git remote, the command will fallback to guessing the Simple Hosting remote from git configuration of the branch to deploy. Requires a Simple Hosting git remote attached to the current directory.

  • gandi disk create create a new virtual disk. Possible options are --name TEXT for the label of the virtual disk (if not present, will be autogenerated), --size SIZE[M|G|T] for the new size of the disk, --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters, --vm TEXT to attach the newly create virtual disk to an existing virtual machine instance, --snapshotprofile 1|2|3|7 to select a profile of snapshot to apply to the disk for keeping multiple version of data in a timeline. --source TEXT to create a disk from another existing source e.g a disk, snapshot or from a public image as listed by gandi vm images. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk delete resource delete a virtual disk identified as resource. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk info resource show a detailed view of a specific virtual disk identified as resource.

    gandi disk list show a list of virtual disk. Possible options to filter the list are : --only-data and --only-snapshot which limit the list to regular disk and to snapshots, --attached which limit the list to only attached disks, --detached which limit the list to only detached disks,``--type`` add the type of the virtual disk, --id add the integer id of each virtual disk, --vm show the virtual machines by which the disk are used, --snapshotprofile show the profile of data retention associated, --datacenter which filter the output according to disk datacenter location and --limit INTEGER show only a limit amount of disks.

  • gandi disk update resource modify the options of a virtual disk. Possible options are --kernel KERNEL to setup or update disk kernel, --cmdline TEXT to change kernel cmdline, --name TEXT for the label of the virtual disk, --size [+]SIZE[M|G|T] for the new size of the disk, if optional + prefix is provided, size value will be added to current disk size, a size suffix (M for megabytes up to T for terabytes) is optional, megabytes is the default if no suffix is present, --snapshotprofile TEXT to select a profile of snapshot to apply to the disk for keeping multiple version of data in a timeline, --delete-snapshotprofile to remove snapshot profile associated to this virtual disk. All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk attach disk vm attach the given disk to the given vm, if the disk is currently attached, it will start by detaching it. Possible options: --force to skip all questions about detaching and attaching; --position INTEGER (or -p) to specify the position at which the disk should be attached (0 for system disk); --read-only (or -r) to attach the disk in read-only mode. All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk detach disk detach the disk from the vm it is currently attached. Possible option is --force to skip all questions about detaching. All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk rollback resource will rollback a disk from a snapshot. This modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi disk migrate resource will migrate a disk from current disk datacenter to a new one. If multiple datacenters are available, the user will be prompted to select one. This modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi disk snapshot resource will create a snapshot on the fly from a disk. Possible option is --name TEXT for the name of the snapshot (if not present, will be autogenerated). The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi dnssec create will create a DNSSEC key for the domain domain.tld. It taks 4 parameters, fqdn which is the domain for which we want to create the key and flag which is the flag to use for creation (ZSK or KSK) and algorithm for the choice of the algorithm for the key and the public_key in a base64 encoded form.

  • gandi dnssec delete resource will remove a DNSSEC key identified by a resource identificator.

  • gandi dnssec list domain.tld will list DNSSEC keys for domain domain.tld.

  • gandi docker will setup ssh forwarding towards a gandi VM, remotely feeding a docker unix socket. This, for example, can be used for zeroconf access to scripted temporary build VMs. The --vm option alters the dockervm configuration parameter and can be used to set the VM used for future docker connections. dockervm can also be set locally for per-project vms (See gandi config). NOTE: passing option parameters to docker require the usage of the POSIX argument parsing -- separator. NOTE: a local docker client is required for this command to operate.

  • gandi dns create will creating a new DNS record entry for specific domain domain.tld. It takes 4 parameters, FQDN which is the domain on which to add the record, NAME which is the record relative name, TYPE which is the record type, VALUE which is the record value. Multiple values can be provided for VALUE parameter. Possible options are --ttl INTEGER to set record time to live value in seconds.

  • gandi dns delete will delete a DNS record entry. It takes 3 parameters, FQDN which is the domain on which to delete the record, NAME which is the record relative name to delete, TYPE which is the record type to delete. NAME and TYPE parameters are both optional to allow deletion of multiple record entries at once, you can either delete all NAME records or all records for a FQDN. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi dns domain.list will list all domains registered in LiveDNS, and manageable by the gandi dns commands through Gandi REST API.

  • gandi dns list domain.tld will display all records for domain domain.tld. Possible parameters are NAME to filter records by name, RRSET_TYPE to filter records by type. Possible options are --sort [name|ttl|type|values] to sort results (does not work with --text option), --type [A|AAAA|CAA|CDS|CNAME|DNAME|DS|LOC|MX|NS|PTR|SPF|SRV|SSHFP|TLSA|TXT|WKS] to filter results by type (does not work with --text option), --text to output result in text format.

  • gandi dns update domain.tld will update record entry for domain domain.tld. It takes 4 parameters, FQDN which is the domain on which to add the record, NAME which is the record relative name, TYPE which is the record type, VALUE which is the record value. Multiple values can be provided for VALUE parameter. Possible options are --ttl INTEGER to set record time to live value in seconds and --file which will ignore other parameters and overwrite current zone content with provided file content.

  • gandi dns keys create will create a new DNSKEY for a domain and have LiveDNS sign the zone for you. It takes 2 parameters, FQDN which is the domain for which we want to create the key and FLAG which is the flag value to use for creation.

  • gandi dns keys delete will delete a DNSKEY of a domain. It takes 2 parameters, FQDN which is the domain using the key, KEY which the key uuid, retrieved by using gandi dns key list command. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi dns keys info will display information about a DNSKEY, including DS value for the key. It takes 2 parameters, FQDN which is the domain using the key, KEY which the key uuid, retrieved by using gandi dns keys list command.

  • gandi dns keys list domain.tld will list all DNSKEY for domain domain.tld.

  • gandi dns keys recover will recover a deleted key for a domain. If you mistakenly delete a key and the DS if present at the registry, or still present in the caches, you can recover it. It takes 2 parameters, FQDN which is the domain using the key, KEY which the key uuid, retrieved by using gandi dns keys list command.

  • gandi domain create domain.tld helps register a domain. Options are --domain domain.tld for the domain you want to get (/!this option is deprecated and will be removed upon next release), --duration INTEGER RANGE for the registration period, --owner TEXT, --admin TEXT, --tech TEXT, --bill TEXT for the four contacts to pass to the creation process, --nameserver TEXT for adding custom nameservers, --extra_parameter XTRANAME XTRAVALUE for adding extra parameters (see All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi domain renew domain.tld will renew a domain. Available option is --duration INTEGER RANGE for the registration period. All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi domain info domain.tld show information about the specific domain domain.tld : owner, admin, billing and technical contacts, fully qualified domain name, nameservers, associated zone, associated tags and more.

  • gandi domain list show all the domains in the Gandi account. Possible option is --limit INTEGER which will show a subset of the list.

  • gandi forward create address@domain.tld create a new mail forward. Mandatory option is -d, --destination TEXT to define a forward destination for this domain mail, this option can be used multiple times.

  • gandi forward delete address@domain.tld delete mail forward address@domain.tld. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi forward list domain.tld show all existing mail forwards for specific domain domain.tld. Possible option to filter the list: --limit INTEGER show only a limited amount of mail forwards.

  • gandi forward update address@domain.tld update mail forward address@domain.tld. Possible options are -a, --dest-add TEXT to add a forward destination for this mail forward, can be used multiple times, -d, --dest-del TEXT to delete a forward destination for this mail forward, can be used multiple times.

  • gandi help command display help for command, if command is a namespace it will display list of available commands for this namespace.

  • gandi ip list show all the ip created in Gandi hosting for the account. Possible options to filter the list are : --attached to only show attached ips, --detached to only show detached ips, --vlan to filter by vlan name, and --type (being in public or private) to only show public or private ips. Possible options to get more details are : --version to get the ip version, --reverse to get the ip reverse, and --vm to get the attached vm if any, --id to add the integer id of each ip.

  • gandi ip info show information about specific ip.

  • gandi ip create create new ip. Possible options are --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters if --attach is specified this option is useless, --ip-version 4|6 for version of created IP, --bandwidth INTEGER to set network bandwidth in bits/s on first network interface created, --vlan to specify which private vlan should be used, --ip to specify an ip in the vlan, --attach to attach this new ip to a vm, and --background (or --bg) to process in background.

  • gandi ip attach attach an ip to a vm. It takes two parameters, ip the wanted ip, and vm the vm to attach, ip the ip to attach. If the ip is already attached, it will be detached from the previous vm before being attached to the given one. Possible options are --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting, and --background (or --bg) to process in background.

  • gandi ip detach detach an ip from a vm. It only takes one parameter, the ip. Possible options are --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting, and --background (or --bg) to process in background.

  • gandi ip delete delete one or more ips. If the ip is still attached, it will detach it before deleting it. Possible options are --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting, and --background (or --bg) to process in background.

  • gandi ip update update an ip. The only available parameter is now --reverse, to specify a reverse (PTR record) name for this ip address.

  • gandi mail create login@domain.tld create a new mailbox. Possible options are -q, --quota INTEGER to define a quota for this mailbox, -f, --fallback TEXT to define a fallback addresse, -a, --alias TEXT to add an alias for this mailbox, this option can be used multiple times, -p, --password TEXT to provide a password for this mailbox.

  • gandi mail delete login@domain.tld delete mailbox login@domain.tld. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi mail info login@domain.tld show information about mailbox login@domain.tld.

  • gandi mail list domain.tld show all existing mailboxes for specific domain domain.tld.

  • gandi mail purge login@domain.tld purge mailbox login@domain.tld. Possible options are -a, --alias to purge all aliases on this mailbox, --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi mail update login@domain.tld update mailbox login@domain.tld. Possible options are -p, --password will prompt for a new password for this mailbox, -q, --quota INTEGER to define a quota for this mailbox, -f, --fallback TEXT to define a fallback addresse, -a, --alias-add TEXT to add an alias for this mailbox, can be used multiple times, -d, --alias-del TEXT to delete an alias for this mailbox, can be used multiple times.

  • gandi oper info id show information about the operation id.

  • gandi oper list show all the running operation on your product at Gandi (for example Simple Hosting, domain, hosting). Possible option is --limit INTEGER which list only a subset of the full list of running operations (default is 100), --step to filter on specific step possible values are: BILL, WAIT, RUN, ERROR (default to BILL, WAIT, RUN).

  • gandi paas attach instance Add the Simple Hosting instance's vhost git remote to a local git repository. By default, the git remote's name is gandi; it can be overridden by using the --remote TEXT option.

  • gandi paas clone instance clone all files of a remote virtual host, for a given Simple Hosting instance, to a local git repository. Override the default vhost by passing --vhost TEXT. The destination directory to clone to can be overridden by using the --directory option. By default the origin name is set to gandi, it can be overridden with the --origin TEXT option.

  • gandi paas console resource open a console to the SimpleHosting. Note that resource could be a full qualified domain name or an integer id.

  • gandi paas create: Create a Simple Hosting instance. Mandatory option is --password TEXT for the password of the instance. Possible option are --name TEXT for the name of the instance (if not present, will be autogenerated), --size s|s+|m|x|xl|xxl for the size (amount of RAM and processes), --type TYPE for the type as listed by the gandi paas types command, --quantity INTEGER for the additional disk space, --duration TEXT for the number of month suffixed with 'm', --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters, --vhosts TEXT for a list of virtual hosts to link to this instance, --ssl to activate SSL on all vhosts, --pk to give the private key used to generate the certificate if it's linked to the same account in certificate section, and --poll-cert to wait for certificate generation in case you want to get one with Gandi (certificate create can take some time to achieve), --snapshotprofile INTEGER for the snapshot profile for the disk of the instance, --delete-snapshotprofile to remove the snapshotprofile on the instance , --sshkey TEXT to specify a name of a SSH key. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi paas delete resource delete a Simple Hosting instance. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi paas info resource show details about a specific Simple Hosting instance. Possible option is --stat in order to get statistic of the cached pages (it's based on the last 24 hours).

  • gandi paas list show all the Simple Hosting instances. Possible options are --state TEXT for filtering the output by a specific state, --id which display the integer identificator, --vhosts which show all the virtual hosts associated with each instances, --type which display the type of Simple Hosting and --limit INTEGER which show only a subset of the full Simple Hosting list (default is 100).

  • gandi paas restart resource: Restart a Simple Hosting instance. Possible option is --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi paas types show all the Simple Hosting type available. For example: phpmysql which provides PHP and MySQL or pythonmongodb which provides Python and MongoDB.

  • gandi paas updates resource modify the options of a Simple Hosting. Possible options are --name TEXT which renames a instance, --size s|s+|m|x|xl|xxl to change the size of the instance, --quantity INTEGER to add disk space, --password to change the password of the instance, --sshkey TEXT to specify a name of a SSH key, --upgrade flag to upgrade the instance to the latest system image, --console TEXT to enable or disable the console, --snapshotprofile TEXT to set the snapshot profile for the disk of the instance, --reset-mysql-password TEXT to reset the root password of MySQLd running on the instance. All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi record create domain.tld will create new DNS zone record entry for specific domain domain.tld in a new zone version and activate it. Mandatory options are --zone-id INTEGER to specify a zone id to use, if not provided default zone will be used, --name TEXT to set record relative name, may contains leading wildcard, use @ for empty name, --type A|AAAA|CNAME|MX|NS|TXT|WKS|SRV|LOC|SPF to set record type, --value TEXT to set record value, may contains up to 1024 ascii characters. Possible options are --ttl INTEGER to set record time to live value.

  • gandi record delete domain.tld will delete DNS zone record entries for a specific domain domain.tld from a zone, and use a new zone version which will be activated after deletion. Mandatory options are --zone-id INTEGER to specify a zone id to use, if not provided default zone will be used, --name TEXT to specify relative name of record to delete, may contains leading wildcard, use @ for empty name, --type A|AAAA|CNAME|MX|NS|TXT|WKS|SRV|LOC|SPF to specify record type, --value TEXT for record to delete value, may contains up to 1024 ascii characters.

  • gandi record list domain.tld show the list of DNS zone records for specific domain domain.tld. Possible options are --zone-id INTEGER to specify a zone id to use, if not provided default zone will be used, --limit INTEGER show a subset of the list.

  • gandi record update domain.tld will update DNS zone record entries for a specific domain domain.tld. Mandatory options are --zone-id INTEGER to specify a zone id to use, if not provided default zone will be used. You can update an individual record using --record and --new-record parameters which both use the same format 'name TTL IN TYPE [A, AAAA, MX, TXT, SPF] value'. Or you can use a plaintext file using --file FILENAME parameter to update all records of a DNS zone. Note that if you want to update an individual record and fail to provide all fields for --record parameter, it will try to retrieve the record entry using only the name, but if there are several records entries with the same name, only the first one will be updated.

  • gandi setup initialize the configuration for the tool.

  • gandi snapshotprofile info resource detail the information about a profile : frequency of snapshot and retention period.

  • gandi snapshotprofile list show the list of all profile for virtual disk snapshot. Possible options are --only-paas and --only-vm to filter the output and show only the subset of profile for the Simple Hosting or the Gandi Hosting.

  • gandi sshkey create --name label add a SSH key identified by label which could be used for authentication. Possible option are --value TEXT with the content of the SSH public key or --filename FILENAME with the path to a file containing the SSH public key.

  • gandi sshkey delete resource remove a SSH key. Resource can be a name or the specific id.

  • gandi sshkey info resource show details of an SSH key: name and fingeprint in MD5 hash. Possible option are --id which also show the id of theSSH key and --value which show the content of the SSH key.

  • gandi sshkey list show all the SSH keys registered. Possible option are --id which add numeric identificator and --limit INTEGER which show only a subset of the SSH keys.

  • gandi status shows the current status for all services as seen on Possible option is to provide a service name to the command to retrieve only the status of this service.

  • gandi vhost create virtualhost.domain.tld adds a virtual host. Use the mandatory option --paas TEXT to specify the Simple Hosting instance on which it will create the virtual host, --alter-zone will update the domain zone, --ssl to activate SSL on that host, --pk to give the private key used to generate the certificate if it's linked to the same account in certificate section, and --poll-cert to wait for certificate generation in case you want to get one with Gandi (certificate create can take some time to achieve). Creation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg) it will have no effet on the certificate creation process.

  • gandi vhost delete host.domain.tld delete a virtual host after asking for user validation. Possible option is --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. Deletion can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi vhost info host.domain.tld show details about a specific virtual host. Possible option is --ids which show the integer identificator.

  • gandi vhost list show all the virtual host defined in Simple Hosting. Possible option are --names which add the name of the Simple Hosting instance on which the virtual host is setup, --ids which show the integer identificator and --limit INTEGER which show a subset of the full list of virtual host.

  • gandi vhost update host.domain.tld: Activate SSL on this host. Possible options are --ssl to activate SSL on that host, --pk to give the private key used to generate the certificate if it's linked to the same account in certificate section, and --poll-cert to wait for certificate generation in case you want to get one with Gandi (certificate create can take some time to achieve).

  • gandi vlan create add a new vlan. Mandatory options are --name TEXT for the label of the vlan, --datacenter FR-SD2|US-BA1|LU-SD1 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters. Possible options are --subnet to set a subnet and --gateway to set the gateway. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi vlan delete resource delete a vlan after asking for user validation. Possible option is --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting. Deletion can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi vlan info resource show details of a specific vlan.

  • gandi vlan list show all the vlan created in Gandi hosting for the account. Possible options are --id to obtain the id of each vlan, --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 which filter by geograhical datacenter.

  • gandi vlan update update a vlan. Mandatory options are --name TEXT for the label of the vlan.

  • gandi vm console resource open a console on the virtual machine and give you a shell access.

  • gandi vm create create a new virtual machine. Possible options are --hostname TEXT for the hostname of the machine (if not present, will be autogenerated), --datacenter FR-SD2|US-BA1|LU-SD1 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters, --memory INTEGER for quantity of memory, --cores INTEGER for number of virtual CPU, --ip-version 4|6 for version of created IP, it can be omitted if --vlan is given, --vlan to set the vm on the specified vlan and --ip to set the ip in that vlan, --bandwidth INTEGER to set network bandwidth in bits/s on first network interface created, --login TEXT to define login to created on virtual machine, --image TEXT for the disk image to be used to boot the virtual machine as listed by gandi vm images, --sshkey TEXT to specify name of a SSH key, --password will prompt for a password to set for the created login, --run TEXT to specify shell command that will run at the first boot of virtual machine. The operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). You can specify the virtual machine system disk size with the --size parameter (unit MiB). If not run in background, this command will spawn an ssh session to the created virtual machine. You can use the --script option to upload, then run a script on the VM after creation. Be sure to provide an executable file as an argument to the --script option. The --script-args TEXT optional argument allows you to complete script invocation with arguments. You can open a ssh session to the virtual machine after creation by using --ssh parameter. The --gen-password optional argument will generate a random password to be set for the root account, and the created login if needed, the password will be displayed during the creation.

  • gandi vm delete resource destroy a virtual machine, its main disk and its first virtual network interface. This operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). Another possible parameter is --force to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi vm images pattern list all the available images of system whose name contains the pattern. Possible option is --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 which filter by geograhical datacenter.

  • gandi vm kernel pattern list all the available kernels whos name contains the pattern. Possible options are --flavor TEXT to filter given kernel flavors, --vm TEXT to only show kernels available for a given vm, --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 to specify a given datacenter.

  • gandi vm list show all the virtual machine created in Gandi hosting for the account. Possible options are --state which filter the output according to define virtual machine state, --datacenter which filter the output according to virtual machine datacenter, --id to obtain the id of each virtual machine, --limit INTEGER which list only a subset of the full list of virtual machines.

  • gandi vm migrate resource will migrate a virtual machine from current datacenter to a new one. This modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). Possible option is --finalize to finalize migration when migration process requires this action, --force (or -f) to bypass the validation question; useful in non-interactive mode when scripting.

  • gandi vm info resource show details of a specific operation. Use --stat in order to get general statistics of the VM's resources.

  • gandi vm ssh resource [args] open a ssh connection on the virtual machine and give you a shell access. The -i TEXT option (or --identity TEXT) refers to a local ssh key, as used in the ssh command. The -l TEXT, --login TEXT or user@host form specifies remote username in the same way. Using --wipe-key, previous entry for that host is discarded from the known_hosts file first. Using --wait parameter, the command will wait for sshd to spin up on virtual machine before trying to open a ssh connection. You can add arguments (be sure to prefix options with the POSIX argument parsing -- separator) and commands to ssh, as used in the ssh command.

  • gandi vm start resource: Start a virtual machine (a resource can either be a hostname as defined in the creation process or the id of the virtual machine). This operation can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg).

  • gandi vm stop resource, same parameter as start but instead stops the virtual machine. Obviously.

  • gandi vm reboot resource, same parameter as start but instead reboots a virtual machine.

  • gandi vm update resource: Change the quantity of memory (using --memory INTEGER), the number of virtual CPU (using --cores INTEGER), enable the virtual console which gets a shell to the virtual machine even without network interfaces on the virtual machine (using --console) or change the root password (using --password). All these modification can be done as background process using the option --background (or --bg). NOTE: Because of the cost of page table setup, a maximum memory limit has to be given for some kernels, limiting dynamic updates. You cannot online resize a VM memory crossing this value, and the --reboot option allows you to acknowledge the required reboot.

  • gandi webacc add resource add a backend or a vhost on a webaccelerator. Possible options are --vhost TEXT to add the fully qualified domain name (FQDN like host.domain.tld) to the webaccelerator, can be used multiple times, --backend TEXT to specify an IP address, can be used multiple times, using format ip[:port], --port INTEGER to set a default port value for backend parameters if not specified in backend format, --ssl to activate ssl for vhost, --private-key TEXT to provide the private key used to generate the ssl certificate, --zone-alter to alter and activate zone file if Gandi DNS are used for the domain, --poll-cert will wait for the certificate creation to be finished, be warned that this can take a long time.

  • gandi webacc create NAME create a new webaccelerator. Mandatory options are --datacenter FR-SD2|LU-BI1|FR-SD3 for the geographical datacenter as listed by gandi datacenters where the webaccelerator will be created. Possible options are --backend TEXT to specify an IP address, can be used multiple times, using format ip[:port], --port INTEGER to set a default port value for backend parameters if not specified in backend format, --vhost TEXT to add the fully qualified domain name (FQDN like host.domain.tld) to the webaccelerator, can be used multiple times, --ssl to activate ssl for vhost, --private-key TEXT to provide the private key used to generate the ssl certificate, --zone-alter to alter and activate zone file if Gandi DNS are used for the domain, --poll-cert will wait for the certificate creation to be finished, be warned that this can take a long time, --ssl-enable to activate SSL support on the webaccelerator, --algorithm [client-ip, round-robin] to choose the loadbalancer algorithm defaulting to client-ip.

  • gandi webacc delete delete a webaccelerator, a vhost or a backend. Possible options are --webacc TEXT to specify the webaccelerator name to be deleted, --backend TEXT to specify an IP address to be deleted, can be used multiple times, using format ip[:port], --port INTEGER to set a default port value for backend parameters if not specified in backend format, --vhost TEXT to remove the fully qualified domain name (FQDN like host.domain.tld) from the webaccelerator, can be used multiple times.

  • gandi webacc disable disable a backend or a probe on a webaccelerator. Possible options are --backend TEXT to specify an IP address to be disabled, can be used multiple times, using format ip[:port], --port INTEGER to set a default port value for backend parameters if not specified in backend format, --probe to disable probe for the webaccelerator, requires the webaccelerator name to be passed to the command.

  • gandi webacc enable enable a backend or a probe on a webaccelerator. Possible options are --backend TEXT to specify an IP address to be enabled, can be used multiple times, using format ip[:port], --port INTEGER to set a default port value for backend parameters if not specified in backend format, --probe to enable probe for the webaccelerator, requires the webaccelerator name to be passed to the command.

  • gandi webacc info resource display information about a webaccelerator. Possible options are --format [json, pretty-json] to specify output format to be used.

  • gandi webacc list show all the webaccelerators. Possible options are --limit INTEGER which shows only a subset of the webaccelerators list, --format [json, pretty-json] to specify output format to be used.

  • gandi webacc probe resource manage a probe for a webaccelerator. Possible options are --enable to enable the probe on the webaccelerator, --disable to disable the probe on the webaccelerator, --host TEXT to set the host value for testing the probe, --test to test the probe on the webaccelerator, --interval INTEGER to set interval for the probe to be checked, --url TEXT to set the probe url in the virtual host, --window INTEGER to set total number of probes to consider health decision, --threshold INTEGER to set number of probes to consider in the window, --timeout INTEGER to set the timeout in seconds, --http-method [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS] to set HTTP method used for the probe check, --http-response INTEGER to set HTTP response code expected by the probe

  • gandi webacc update resource update a webaccelerator. Possible options are --name TEXT to change the name of the webaccelerator, --algorithm [client-ip, round-robin] to change the loadbalancer algorithm, --ssl-enable to activate SSL support on the webaccelerator, --ssl-disable to deactivate SSL support on the webaccelerator.



Switch between environment: the production API and the OT&E one.


API_ENV=production gandi domain list
Specify a HTTP URL to connect and to send the API commands.
Specify an API key for the chosen environment. This option is useful when you work with multiple account.
Specify a REST API key for the chosen environment. This option is useful when you work with multiple account.
Override the global configuration file.


Configuration file, overridden by the GANDI_CONFIG environment variable as described above.


Originaly created by Dejan Filipovic for Gandi S.A.S. Copyright (c) 2014-2018 - Gandi S.A.S



This is Gandi-cli version 1.6.


See CHANGES.rst in the project directory or in the documentation directory of your system. For Debian, the CHANGES file will be in /usr/share/doc/gandicli/.


Add missing Gandi product like virtual network interface or private vlan.


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