English | 简体中文
Bagpipe is an offline timing series data mining platform based on pure front end. After loading, the whole process (include data prepocessing, data visualization, and deep learning) runs completely locally, without interaction with a third party. Benefiting from the low dependence on network transmission (only page code, not specific data, needs to be transmitted), the security of users' private data can be greatly protected.
data prepocessing
- time series column detect
- missing data filling
- correlation analysis
- features choose
- anomaly data remove
data visualization
- line diagram
- bar diagram
- parallel coordinate diagram
- 2D-histogram diagram
- sunburst diagram
deep learning model training
- customized hyperparamters
- mutiple times training
- model download
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Safari |
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yarn start
The name of the platform is from a character, Bagpipe, in the mobile game 「Arknights」.
Because a new model of the game start was created by the character.
Hope the platform can create new style of deep learning.