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File metadata and controls

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MainLine: Designment,Development,Management

  1. Conception:
  • DataBase(数据库): A collection of data
  • DataBase Management System & DBMS(数据库管理系统): A software
    • Massive
    • Persistent
    • Safe
    • Multi-user
    • Convenient
    • Efficient
    • Reliable
  • Data Model:
    • Data design
    • 关键的entities和attributes
    • Stage: Conceptual system modeling
    • e.g. Entity Relation Diagram or UML Class Diagram
  • Database Schema:
    • Database implementation
    • 每一个定义的data和relation
    • Stage: System implementation
    • e.g. Structures in DBMS: tables, colums, foreign keys etc.
  • Data Dictionary:
    • 每一个定义的table和attribute
    • Define each data attribute
    • e.g. Tables of metadata
  • ER Diagram
  • People:
    • DBMS implementer
    • Database designer
    • Database application developer
    • Database administrator
  1. Relational Model:
  • 是一种基于表的数据模型
  • Schema: structural decription of relation
    • Student(sno,sname,age,gender,dept) - Instance: actual contents
    • Student(95001,"Amy",21,"M","SE") - Some Facts:
    • Database = set of named relations(tables)
    • Each relation has a set of named attributes(columns)
    • Each tuple(row) has a value for each attribute
    • Each attribute has a type(domain) - Key:(独特不重复的一个属性或者属性集)
    • Super Key: 所有的Key都是
    • Candidate Key: 最小不可分割的Super Key,允许为null
    • Primary Key: 人为选定的Candidate Key
    • Foreign Key: 用于外间索引的别人的Key
  1. Relational Algebra
    • basic operations:
      • select $\sigma$
      • project $\Pi$
      • union $\cup$
      • set difference $-$
      • Cartesian product x
      • rename $\rho$
    • additional operations:
      • Set intersection $\cap$
      • Natural join $\Join$
      • Outer join $=\Join=$
      • Assignment $\leftarrow$
    • Aggregate Functions
      • avg
      • min
      • max
      • sum
      • count
    • Aggregate Operations
      • ${G_1,...,G_n}G{F_1(A_1),...,F_n(A_n)}(E)$
      • Null不参与聚集运算操作
        • $sum(a) - sum(b) \ne sum(a-b)$
        • $count(*) \ne count(a) \ne count(b)$
        • $count(name) \ne count(distinct\ name)$
  2. SQL(Structured Query Language)
  • DDL(Data Definition Language): For Schema
    • data type:
      • char(n)
      • varchar(n)
      • numeric(p,d)
      • float(n)
      • Date/Time/Timestamp
      • Interval
  • DML(Data Manipulation Language): For Data
    • Modification: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
    • Query: SELECT
    • data type:
      • Blob(binary large object):返回的是指针,而不是Blob
      • Clob(character large object):同上
  • DCL(Data Control Language)
    • Authorization: GRANT, REVOKE
  • Integrity Constraints
    • not null
    • primary key:not null + unique
    • unique
    • check(P)
    • foreign key: Referential Integrity
      • on delete/update cascade/set null/set default
    • Complex Check Clauses Like:
      • subquery in check clause
      • create assertion <assertion-name> check <predicate> not supported by anyone.
  • Trigger:
    • Create Trigger name Before|After|Instead Of events [referencing-variables] [For Each Row] When (condition) action
  • Procedure: 无返回值
  • Function: 有返回值
  • Cursor: 更新时需要显式声明for update
  • API & Application
    • ODBC(Open Database Connectivity): works with C, C++, C#, and Visual Basic
    • JDBC(Java Database Connectivity): works with Java
    • Basic steps:
      1. open a connection with a database
      2. send queries and updates
      3. get back results
  1. Entity_Relationship Model
  2. Relational Database Design
    • Functional Dependency(FD)
      • 1NF: 属性是原子的
      • 2NF: 所有的非主属性,不能部分依赖于码
      • 3NF: 所有的非主属性,不能传递依赖于码
      • BCNF: 所有的非平凡函数依赖,应依赖于码
    • Multivalued Dependency(MVD)
      • 4NF: 对所有的非平凡多值依赖,其决定因子均来自超码
  3. Transaction
    • ACID:

      • Atomicity
      • Consistency
      • Isolation
      • Durability
    • State:

      • Active: 正常运行状态
      • Partially committed: 所有语句已正常执行后
      • Failed: 异常状态
      • Aborted: 事务回滚并且数据库恢复到原始状态之后
      • Committed: 成功执行后
    • Lock

      • Shared(共享锁): 任意数量事务可同时持有
      • Exclusive(排他锁): 有一个排他锁,则任何事务不可持有任何锁
      • DeadLock(死锁): 必须有一个事务先释放锁
    • Isolation Level

      Isolation Level 写锁 读锁 Dirty read non-repeatable read phantom Consistency Concurrency
      1. Read uncommitted 行级排他锁,事务结束释放 不用锁 Y Y Y Very Low Very High
      2. Read committed 行级排他锁,事务结束释放 行级共享锁 N Y Y Low High
      3. Repeatable read 行级排他锁,事务结束释放 行级共享锁,事务结束释放 N N Y High Low
      4. Serializable 表级排他锁,事务结束释放 表级共享锁,事务结束释放 N N N Very High Very Low
      Problem 解释
      Dirty Read 读到了别人未提交的数据
      Non-repeatable Read 同一事务多次读取数据值不一致,是update引发的问题
      Phantom 同一事务多次读取数据数量不一致,是insert和delete引发的问题
  4. Recovery System
    • Failure:
      • Transaction failure
        • Logical errors: 事务因逻辑错误无法完成
        • System errors: 由于死锁等被迫中断
      • System crash: 电源断了或者其他硬件软件故障
      • Disk failure: 磁盘损毁
    • log-based recovery
      • Deferred database modification: 直到日志commit输出后,数据库才开始执行,只需要记录新值;恢复时只redo已经commit的log
      • Immediate database modification: 在日志commit前部分完成时数据库执行,需要记录旧值和新值;恢复时遇到commit时redo,没遇到时undo
      • checkpoint优化了日志读取的效率
  5. Index(优化访问速度的主要机制)
    • Ordered indices
      • search keys are stored in sorted order
      • Balanced trees
      • Primary index(cluster index)
      • Secondary index(non-clustering index)
      • Dense Index Files:index包含每个search-key
      • Sparse Index Files:仅仅包含一些search-key,要求search-key是顺序排列的
      • Multilevel Index
    • Hash indices: 当索引无法适应内存时,可增加多级索引提高效率
      • search keys are distributed in "buckets" using "hash function"
      • Hash tables
    • Covering indices: 模糊查找
  6. Query Processing
    • Parsing and translation
    • Optimization
      • Equivalence Rules: 尽可能先select再join
    • Evaluation
      • Query Cost
        • disk accesses
          • Number of seeks($t_S$)
          • Number of blocks read($t_T$)
          • Number of blocks written($t_T$)
        • CPU(ignore)
      • File scan
        • Algorithm A1(linear search) $$cost=b_r block transfers+1 seek$$
        • A1(linear search, equality on key) $$cost=(b_r/2)*t_T+t_S$$
      • Selections Using Indices
        • A2(primary index, equality on key) $$cost = (h_i+1)*(t_T+t_S)$$
        • A3(primary index, equality on nonkey) $$cost=h_i*(t_T+t_S)+t_S+t_T*b$$
        • A4(secondary index, equality on key) $$cost=(h_i+1)*(t_T+t_S)$$
        • A4(secondary index, equality on nonkey) $$cost=(h_i+n)*(t_T+t_S)$$
      • Selections Involving Comparisons
        • A5(primary index, comparison)
        • A6(secondary index, comparison)
      • Implementation of Complex Selections
        • A7(conjunctive selection using one index)
        • A8(conjunctive selection using composite index)
        • A9(conjunctive selection by intersection of identifiers)
        • A10(disjunctive selection by union of identifiers)