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265 lines (160 loc) · 8.87 KB

File metadata and controls

265 lines (160 loc) · 8.87 KB


v3.5.4 [2015-08-24]

  • [fix] Update all references to github account new username

v3.5.3 [2015-07-23]

  • [fix] Fix #156 Remove trailing comma in object literal
  • [fix] Fix #161 domainDynamicDimension not working with x_week subdomain

v3.5.2 [2015-02-05]

  • [fix] Fix #74: Let empty target cells with no data

v3.5.1 [2015-01-19]

  • [fix] Fix #97 Make "class" of all elements more dedicated
  • [fix] Fix #93 Tooltip position due to legendOffset and domainLabel
  • [fix] Fix #89 Add a .future class to future subdomain cells
  • [fix] Fix false error output when no callback passed to destroy()

v3.5.0 [2014-11-12]

  • [fix] Fix #84 Fixing highlighting for week subdomain (Dominic Barnes)
  • [new] Fix #85 Adding some CommonJS as well as Component support (Dominic Barnes)
  • [fix] Fix #107 Fix connectors for week/month/year (Andreas Jaggi)
  • [change] Use NPM to install jquery and qunit dev dependencies

v3.4.0 [2014-02-02]

  • [fix] Fix #57 display data values in subdomain

v3.3.12 [2014-01-31]

  • [fix] Fix #69 the 'now' and 'highlight' classes are not applied to subdomain text

v3.3.11 [2014-01-26]

  • [new] Only consider entries less than now (in the subdomain) as zero, when considering null as zero (Peter Schwarz)
  • [change] Remove sourcemaps comment in js

v3.3.10 [2013-12-03]

  • [fix] Fix #58 Legend colors are shifted
  • [fix] Fix #62 Bug when calendar container already have a style attribute

v3.3.9 [2013-11-24]

  • [new] Fix hidden day cells for leap year in some domain/subDomainc configuration
  • [fix] Allow other data type to be passed to data
  • [fix] Fix DST for time change occuring other than midnight

v3.3.8 [2013-10-31]

  • [new] Add rewind() method to navigate the calendar back to the starting date
  • [change] Code improvement and cleaning

v3.3.7 [2013-10-29]

  • [fix] Fix getSVG() not returning all needed classes

v3.3.6 [2013-10-28]

  • [new] Add destroy() method

v3.3.5 [2013-10-16]

  • [new] Add highlight() method to change highlighted date after calendar initialization
  • [new] CSV files works out-of-the-box, as long as the first 2 columns are the timestamp and value.
  • [change] Fatal errors throws errors intead of a simply console.log()
  • [fix] Fix bug when trying to load plain text file as datasource
  • More test and code improvement

v3.3.4 [2013-10-10]

  • [fix] Fix #47: Increase d3 version dependency

v3.3.3 [2013-10-09]

  • [new] Add tooltip on date hover

v3.3.2 [2013-10-08]

  • [Fix] Fix #45: Fix loss of htmlClass (e.g. highlight) for graph rects with zero scale

v3.3.1 [2013-10-07]

  • [fix] Fix broken afterLoadPreviousDomain callback

v3.3.0 [2013-10-07]

  • [new] Add jumpTo() method to scroll the calendar to the specified date
  • [new] setLegend() will redraw the legend if some of its settings (cellSize/padding, position, etc ...) were changed
  • [new] Add legendColors setting, to dynamically control the heatmap colors
  • [new] Add showLegend() and removeLegend() methods
  • [new] next() and previous() now takes an argument, to scroll multiple domains at once
  • [new] Add legendOrientation setting
  • [new] Add rowLimit and colLimit setting to control the number of columns and rows in a domain
  • [fix] Fix #37: two days get summed
  • [change] All invalid data (not a number) will be ignored
  • [change] setLegend() now takes a legend threshold array as first argument, and a color array as second argument

v3.2.1 [2013-09-17]

  • [fix] Fix #35: Can't load new domain with next() when the new domain's timestamp contains more character

v3.2.0 [2013-09-12]

  • [fix] Fix #33: domain browsing is incrementing the calendar's value when data is a json object
  • [fix] Fix #34: Only the newly appended domain can be manipulated by update() after calling next() or previous()
  • [new] Add setLegend() method to redefine legend threshold

v3.1.0 [2013-08-08]

  • [new] Add update() method, to update calendar data.
  • [improvement] Use d3.js internal methods to bind data to subDomains

v3.0.9 [2013-08-01]

  • [new] Fix #26: add considerMissingDataAsZero option to consider missing value as zero

v3.0.8 [2013-08-01]

  • [new] Add minDate, startDate to limit domain navigation beyond certain dates
  • [new] Add onMaxDomainReached() and onMinDomainReached() events, triggered when navigation is hitting the lower/upper domain limit
  • [change] next() and previous() will now always return true, as long as there is more domain to load

v3.0.7 [2013-07-24]

  • [fix] Fix domain month class (m_x) beginning at m_0 insted of m_1
  • [new] Add new domain class: dy_x for the day of the week

v3.0.6 [2013-07-24]

  • [fix] Bring back the dynamic domain width/height
  • [fix] Fix day subdomains displaying garbage when using domain other than month
  • [new] Add domainDynamicDimension to disable dynamic domain width/height (default: true)

v3.0.5 [2013-07-23]

  • [fix] Fix domain month when using day subDomain

v3.0.4 [2013-07-20]

  • [Fix] Fix calendar crashing in IE when using d3.js >= v3.2.4
  • [Fix] Fix overflow when adding/removing domains dynamically in IE

v3.0.3 [2013-07-19]

  • [fix] Fix subDomainTitleFormat not applying to subDomain with data

v3.0.2 [2013-07-18]

  • [fix] Fix onComplete() event not firing when loading data from a json object in data option

v3.0.1 [2013-07-18]

  • [fix] Add missing files

v3.0.0 [2013-07-18]

v3 is a major release, a lot of changes are not backward compatible with v2. See the migration guide for update process.

  • [new] Add Vertical orientation
  • [new] Add option to display a date inside subDomain cells
  • [new] Replace id with itemSelector, and accept any kind of CSS3 selector string
  • [new] subDomain highlighting can highlight more that today
  • [new] domain highlighting
  • [new] nextSelector and previousSelector to attach domain navigation to any DOM Element
  • [new] Add tsv to accepted dataType
  • [new] More control about legend position and size
  • [new] More control about domain label position and size
  • [new] Label rotation, to display text vertically
  • [new] getSVG() method to export SVG code

v2.2.1 [2013-06-19]

  • [new] Highlight today's rectangle (only available when subdomain is equal to "day")
  • [fix] Fix plurals title (Issue #14)

v2.2.0 [2013-05-05]

  • [new] Add afterLoadData callback, to apply your own conversion function when the API don't return data in the expected format
  • [new] Add dataType property to specify data source format type. Can use json (default), csv or txt.
  • [fix] Fix wrong number of minutes when using minutes subdomain with a week domain

v2.1.6 [2013-04-17]

  • [new] Add startWeekOnMonday to choose whether to start the week on Monday or Sunday

v2.1.5 [2013-04-17]

  • [new] x_day subdomain to display days horizontally, grouped by week
  • [new] cellradius property to apply rounded corner to subdomain cell

v2.1.4 [2013-04-16]

[enhancement] More faster tests

v2.1.3 [2013-04-09]

  • [fix#6] Can now pass a function to date formatter, to format the date using an external library like moment.js

v2.1.2 [2013-04-02]

  • [fix#9] null values not interpreted as "empty" when rendering the title

v2.1.1 [2013-03-28]

  • [new] onComplete callback

v2.1.0 [2013-03-28]

  • [new#5] AfterLoad callback, called when the calendar is fully drawn, but not filled with datas yet
  • [new#6] Add options to customize all text
  • [fix] Handle not valid callback

See documentation for i18n usage

v2.0.3 [2013-03-21]

  • [fix#8] Support for null values
  • [fix#7] Wrong color for the last interval values

v2.0.2 [2013-03-20]

  • [fix] Floating number does not display in tooltip
  • [enhancement] Change cursor to pointer on subdomain hover if it's associated to an onClick event

v2.0.1 [2013-03-07]

  • [fix] Fix domain positioning on Firefox

v2.0.0 [2013-03-06]

  • [new] Can know browse the calendar, by setting the new browsing property to true
  • [new] Add animation when displaying the scale
  • [change] Rename scales property to scale

v1.1.1 [2013-02-28]

  • [fix] Fix displaying week subdomain from a year domain
  • [new] Add test code coverage in grunt

v1.1.0 [2013-02-27]

  • [new] Add Bower and Jam support
  • [new] Change uri property to data. It can now accepts a file path to a JSON file, directly a JSON object, or a string template.

The string template is usually a dynamic url to an API, like, where xxx and yyy are respectively the first and last date of the calendar. You can use tokens to dynamically insert the calendar first and last date in the url. See documentation for accepted tokens. Example : api?start={{t:start}}&end={{d:end}} will fetch api?start=1362006000&end=2013-02-27T23:00:00.000Z

v1.0.1 [2013-02-26]

  • [new] Add AMD support

v1.0.0 [2013-02-25]

  • First release