- Set an environment variable with your Google Cloud Project ID:
- Set environment variable for your Artifact Registry (example, 'containers' in us-central1):
export AR_REPO_NAME=us-central1-pkg.dev/${PROJECT_ID}/containers
- Use Cloud Build to build the container:
gcloud builds submit -t "${AR_REPO_NAME}/jobs-shell"
docker run --rm ${AR_REPO_NAME}/jobs-shell
# Add a 1 second delay and fail the job with 90% chance.
docker run --rm -e FAIL_RATE=0.9 -e SLEEP_MS=1000 ${AR_REPO_NAME}/jobs-shell
gcloud run jobs create jobs-shell \
--set-env-vars FAIL_RATE=0.4,SLEEP_MS=5000 \
--max-retries 10 \
--tasks 5 \
--image "${AR_REPO_NAME}/jobs-shell"
gcloud run jobs execute jobs-shell --wait