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Create, start, stop VM using Compute Connector

In this sample, you will see how to use Workflows Connectors.

More specifically, you will use Compute Engine Connector's insert to create and start a VM and stop to stop the running VM.

Create a VM - Compute Engine API

Before trying Workflows, let's take a look at how to create a VM with Compute Engine insert API directly for project workflows-atamel in zone europe-west1-b:


Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "my-vm1",
  "machineType": "projects/workflows-atamel/zones/europe-west1-b/machineTypes/e2-small",
  "disks": [
      "initializeParams": {
        "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-10-buster-v20210316"
      "boot": true,
      "autoDelete": true
  "networkInterfaces": [
      "network": "global/networks/default"

Create a VM - Workflows without connector

First, let's try creating the same VM with Workflows but without the compute connector.

You can see the create-vm.yaml for the workflow definition that makes the call with OAuth2 authentication. You will also realize that there's an assert_running step that needs to check whether the VM has started and if not, the workflow sleeps and checks again in 3 seconds.

Deploy workflow:

gcloud workflows deploy create-vm --source=create-vm.yaml

Execute workflow:

gcloud workflows execute create-vm --data='{"instanceName":"my-vm"}'

Stop a VM - Workflows without connector

Next, stop the VM with Workflows but without the compute connector.

You can see the stop-vm.yaml for the workflow definition that makes the call with OAuth2 authentication.

The workflow uses the default retry policy for HTTP calls: retry requests on status codes 429 Too Many Requests, 502 Bad Gateway, and 503 Service Unavailable.

The instances.stop API is a long running operation. This workflow polls the operation status periodically until either the operation is successfully completed or an error occurs.

Deploy workflow:

gcloud workflows deploy stop-vm --source=stop-vm.yaml

Execute workflow:

gcloud workflows execute stop-vm --data='{"instanceName":"my-vm"}'

Create a VM - Workflows with compute connector

Next, let's try creating the same VM with Workflows and the compute connector.

You can see the create-vm-connector.yaml for the workflow definition. You'll realize that assert_running step does not need to sleep anymore because the connector does the job of waiting for the VM to be created.

Deploy workflow:

gcloud workflows deploy create-vm-connector --source=create-vm-connector.yaml

Execute workflow:

gcloud workflows execute create-vm-connector --data='{"instanceName":"my-vm"}'

Create and stop a VM - Workflows with compute connector

Finally, let's try to stop the created & running VM with the connector.

You can see the create-stop-vm-connector.yaml for the workflow definition.

Deploy workflow:

gcloud workflows deploy create-stop-vm-connector --source=create-stop-vm-connector.yaml

Execute workflow:

gcloud workflows execute create-stop-vm-connector --data='{"instanceName":"my-vm"}'